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MMoM - Lesson 4.

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Presentation on theme: "MMoM - Lesson 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 MMoM - Lesson 4

2 150,000,000 KM 365 days 230,000,000 KM 687 Days

3 Command Area Canvas Program Area Sprites Sections on the screen.
X,Y coordinates on the screen. What command keep the planets turning forever?  What X, Y Coordinates did we use for Earth and Mars? Sprites

4 Things we will learn next
Buttons to control the rocket Pause Continue Speed Launching the Rocket

5 Mission Control Center

6 Pause Button Pause Button

7 Resume Button

8 Reset Button If you have the Play and Pause Buttons, create a reset button: On clicking reset Set run to no and Set launch to no Remove all orbit lines…

9 Launch Button Set launch code to true

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