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Surgery Quality and Workflow Manager

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1 Surgery Quality and Workflow Manager
Doctor Preference Cards

2 Learning Objectives After instruction, students will be able to complete the following tasks: Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on a Card Search for a Resource using a Wildcard Make Global Modifications to Doctor Preference Cards Print Doctor Preference Card Reports Thank participants for coming. Introduce training team. Ask participants to introduce themselves. Ask participants for name, where they are from, (if class participants are from various geographical areas) experience with the VA, and what they want to get out of the training. Inform participants about schedule, breaks, lunch, as well as the location of bathrooms, exits, food, etc. Set Classroom Expectations (cell phones off, starting on-time, minimize distractions). Lead participants through material on their desks. EXPLAIN: The purpose of today’s training is to provide an understanding of the Doctor Preference Card Module. The Doctor Preference Card Module facilitates the creation and maintenance of Doctor Preference Cards. It also enables a user to track the history of a card’s changes and to copy one card’s resources to another. A user can print several reports, including a variety of pick lists. After this class, you will receive additional training support at your site. During the instruction, you will be given the opportunity to practice each of the tasks listed as a learning objective. DISCUSS: The learning objectives.

3 Doctor Preference Card Icon
DEMONSTRATE: To access the Doctor Preference Card Module, click the SQWM Admin Modules folder. and then the Doctor Preference Card icon.

4 Overview and Benefits DISCUSS:
The Doctor Preference Card (DPC) Module facilitates the creation and maintenance of DPC . It also enables a user to track the history of a card’s changes and to copy one card’s resources to another. A user can print several reports, including custom reports. The main window of the Doctor Preference Card Module is also referred to as the shell. This window allows the user to add a card by entering a surgeon-site-procedure combination. The user can also query or search for an existing card. EXPLAIN: A Query is a request for the retrieval of information from a database. In simpler terms it means to find or locate, so when you query something you are asking the system to find it and show it to you.

5 Menu Bar Functionality
DPC Menu Bar Menu Bar Functionality Query Update Schedule Cases Copy First Change Site Previous Reports List Next Help Global Changed Cards Last Execute Add Abort Global Update Remove DISCUSS: Let’s take a look at Menu Bar Functionality. A user can add, update, and remove cards, as well a make global changes and review cards. EXPLAIN: Query allows the user to search for specific cards. First takes the user to the very first card in a queried list. Previous takes the user to the previous card of a queried list. Next takes the user to the next card in a queried list. Last takes the user to the very last card in a queried list. Add allows the user to add a new card. Update allows the user to update an existing card. Remove deletes an existing card and all of the history associated with it. Update Schedule Cases updates those DPC cards currently being used on schedule cases. List shows user all the cards in a queried list. Global Changed Cards returns a user to a previous list of globally changed card, so long as a new query has not been generated. Global allows user to make global changes to many cards at a time. Copy allows user to copy existing DPC in order to create a new DPC with same resource items for a different surgeon, procedure, or site. Change Site allows user to change the site they are working in without having to exit DPC module. Reports opens the reports menu. Help lists the on-line help files’s table of contents. Execute allows the user to execute the command entered. Abort cancels the current commend. NOTE: It is usually better to make outdated cards inactive rather than removing them.

6 Add a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: To add a new card, from the main window, click the Add (+) icon. This enables the shell and grays out most of the icons and display while activating the Execute and Abort icons. The system automatically defaults to Procedure. Click the proper radio button to designate that the card is a Procedure or Supply Related Procedure Group or SRPG card. This selection determines whether procedures or procedure groups display in the Procedure dropdown menu. By default, new cards display with the Card Created by User and Active radio buttons selected. NOTE: This training focuses on creating SRPG cards. The SRPG on a DPC can be associated with a specific surgeon. Creating DPCs for SRPGs for a specific surgeon reduces the number of cards that must be maintained for the surgeon. The procedure description for the DPC should be the SRPG name. NOTE: A SRPG can include any number of procedures, but a procedure can only be associated with one SRPG. Choose a Surgeon, Procedure Group, and Site from the dropdown combo boxes. Each of these fields works together with a code field. If you know the code you may enter it instead of the description. The surgeon, procedure, and description fields are red and annotated with an asterisk, signifying required fields. This screenshot does not show the asterisk.

7 Add a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: Select a DPC Group. Enter the Glove Size and Description for the surgeon. NOTE: A surgeons glove type and size is also stored in a location called the Employee Master Table. When creating pick lists, the system looks at the DPC first to determine glove type and size. If no entry is found on that card, the system pulls in the information from the Employee Master Table. Click the green Execute icon. The Modified By field is automatically populated by SQWM with the user information logged at the time.

8 Add a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: The system keeps a record of all modifications to DPCs, even upon initial creation. As you create and make changes to DPCs you are prompted to make changes to the modification history.

9 Modification History EXPLAIN:
When prompted to update the history of a card, select either the code of the person who requested the modification or the last name and first name, and click Add. Additionally, specific modification history entries can be updated or removed and comments can be attached. Click OK when you are finished. The Modified By field on the main card is automatically updated.

10 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, and how to add a new DPC. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: What do you see when you first open the DPC module? What are some functions that users can perform from the Menu Bar? When are icons enabled on the Menu Bar? TRANSITION: Next, we are going to practice adding a DPC. Then we will learn how to add and modify resources, search using wildcards, make global modifications to DPCs and how to print reports.

11 Practice – Add a DPC Surgeon A needs a new Doctor Preference Card to preform a scheduled surgery next week. Add a card for your specialty. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about adding a DPC? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Open DPC Module. Click Add. Select Supply Related Procedure Group radio button. Select Surgeon A from the Surgeon dropdown menu. Select Procedure Group # from the Procedure # dropdown menu. The description populates in the Description field. Enter any other information such as the Glove Size, etc. All fields in red or marked with a * must be filled out. Click Execute.

12 Adding Resources EXPLAIN: There are two tabs on the main window:
The DPC Dates tab shows when a card is created, modified or made inactive. The system automatically inserts these dates. ASK: Where does the system get the information to update the DPC Dates? The other tab is the Details tab. It contains the buttons which take you back to the windows, allowing you to add Resources, Memos, and Images to a specific card. To add resources to a card, click the Resources button on the Details tab.

13 Adding Resources EXPLAIN:
The DPC Resources window displays. This is where all charges, equipment, instruments, and inventory items (supplies) are added to the grid. All of these items are pulled from the Resource Catalog. Choose the Resource Type you want to add to the card. The VA will not be using charges, so choose from equipment (in this case), instruments, or inventory. The system defaults to Inventory upon opening. Clicking a different radio button limits the dropdown menus that display to resources of the type chosen (e.g., equipment only shows equipment). Tab (or use the mouse) until you get to the Equipment # field. If you know the equipment number, enter it here or tab to the Description field and start typing the name. This brings you to the first item in the list with the name you enter or you can click the down arrow at the end of the field and scroll the list using the mouse to find the item. Once you find the item, click it to bring it into the field. The Site field populates with the name of the site you are logged into. The Type field also populates. This is pulled from the Resource Catalog.

14 Adding Resources EXPLAIN:
Choose between C or P from the dropdown menu. C equals Case-specific. P equals Procedure-specific. This designation is important when the system is generating a pick list from multiple merged cards. NOTE: If there are several cards for a case and the item is flagged as C, the highest quantity on a card is the number to pick for the case. If there are several cards for a case and a resource is flagged as P, the quantities from all the cards are added together and the sum is the number to pick for the case. Enter the Quantity of the item you want for the card. If you have a short comment for a particular item, enter it into the Comment field. Click Add to add the resource to the grid. Once the resource displays in the grid it is then a permanent resource on the DPC. Repeat this process until all of the resources are added to the grid.

15 Adding Resources EXPLAIN:
Selecting the Instruments radio button limits the dropdown menu that displays in the description field to Instrument Resources. The procedure for adding instruments is similar to adding equipment. Additionally, there are options for location and instrument or set.

16 Adding Resources EXPLAIN:
Selecting the Inventory radio button limits the dropdown menu that displays in the description field to Inventory. The procedure for adding inventory is similar to adding equipment or instruments. Additionally, there are options for location and department.

17 Modifying Resources EXPLAIN:
To Update a resource, click the line item in the grid, change the information about the resource in the gray work area above the grid, and click Update. The changes are reflected in the line item on the grid. To Remove a resource from the grid, click the line item, then click Remove. The removal is reflected on the grid. A Memo can be added to a particular line item using the comment section. Additionally Memos can be added by clicking Memo. Click Close to return to the main DPC window.

18 Adding Memo EXPLAIN: Type your comments in the free-form comment box for particular sections by clicking the appropriate tab. To enter a memo for a particular section, click the appropriate tab. You can specify font type, size, color, and formatting such as bold, italics or underline. NOTE: Do not use color when creating memos. If a picklist or DPC prints to a black and white printer there could be difficulty reading or viewing the printout. NOTE: Memo's attached to item do not show in Memos under Memo tab on Main window Type the comments you wish to make and when done, click OK. This brings you back to the main DPC window. Click OK or the memo will not be saved on the DPC.

19 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on Card DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, and how to add a new DPC. We also learned how to add or update resources on a DPC. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: What do you need to select to add resources to a DPC? What else can you add to a DPC? What types of resources can you add to a DPC? TRANSITION: Next, we are going to practice adding resources to a DPC. Then we will learn how to search using wildcards, make global modifications to DPCs and how to print reports.

20 Practice – Adding Resources
Surgeon A has a Doctor Preference Card but it is only a “shell.” You need to add resources to it. Use 7.5 biogel for surgeon gloves. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about adding resources to a DPC? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Open a DPC shell or create a new DPC. Click Resources. Choose the radio button of the type of resource being added. Select a resource using the Item # dropdown menu or the Description dropdown menu. Select whether the resource is needed by case or procedure from the C/P dropdown menu. Enter the quantity needed in the Quantity field. Enter any other desired information. All fields in red or marked with a * must be filled out. Click Add. Repeat for each desired resource. Use the Update and/or Remove buttons as necessary. If desired, use the Memo button to add a memo to a resource. Click Close when you have added one of each type of resource. Click Memo to add any information about Drapes, Preop, Drains/Tubes/Cath, Pharmacy, Dressing, Positioning, Comments, Sutures, or Special Needs. Click OK when finished. Click Apply Updated/New DPCs to scheduled Cases. The Confirm window displays. Click Yes to apply the updated or new DPCs to appropriate scheduled cases at this site.

21 Using Wildcards EXPLAIN:
Often the resource name used by the hospital is not identical to the name listed in the resource catalog. This makes it difficult to search for resource when adding it to a card. Users can search the Resource Catalog while in the DPC Module by using a wildcard character. NOTE: A wildcard character can be used to substitute for any other character or sequence of characters. To perform a wildcard search click Search located next to the item number field. A secondary window displays.

22 Using Wildcards EXPLAIN:
SQWM uses an asterisk as its wild card character. In the item description field, enter an * (asterisk) as your wild card search key. Then enter some portion of the item description you are looking for being as broad as possible. Finish the description with another * (asterisk). In this example, by using a wild card the system searches for the letters C Y S T O preceded and followed by any character or sequence of characters. Select a site from the item site dropdown menu to limit the search to your location. NOTE: The search function can pull resources for all sites not just the site to which the user is logged in. Click Search to execute your search.

23 Using Wildcards EXPLAIN:
The results of your search is displayed in a grid. Once you have found the item you are looking for, select it in the grid to highlight it. Click OK above the grid. This pulls the resource into the resources window. Select C or P from the dropdown menu, quantity, and any other pertinent information in the gray area above the grid. Click Add. Repeat this process for all resources you are cannot find. Click Close when done.

24 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on Card Search for a Resource using a Wildcard DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, how to add a new DPC, and how to add to and update resources on a card. We have also learned how to search for resources using wildcards. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: What is a wildcard? Why would you search using a wildcard? TRANSITION: Next, we are going to practice searching for resources using wildcards. Then we will learn how to make global modifications to DPCs and how to print reports.

25 Practice – Using Wildcards
A resource name used by the hospital is not identical to the name listed in the Resource Catalog. Conduct a search for the resource using wildcards. Peanut Pusher Kittner DIssector ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about using wildcards? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Open a DPC shell or create a new DPC. Click Resources. Click Search located next to the item number field. In the item description field, enter an asterisk (*) followed by some portion of the item description you are searching for. Finish the description with another asterisk (*). Select a site from the item site dropdown menu. Click Search. Select the item you searched for in the grid to highlight it. Click OK. Click Add. Click Close.

26 Query a Card EXPLAIN: There are several ways to query a card. The main way is to click the Query icon. Leave all fields blank for a general query, or enter specific information, such as surgeon or procedure for a more precise query. NOTE: Prior to running a query, it is important to specify either active or inactive cards. It is also important to specify either Procedure or Supply Related Procedure Group. If nothing is selected, it will default to Procedure. If you are executing a new query, a new query list is created and the cards are brought into the program. The number of cards returned is displayed at the bottom of the window. If you already have cards queried, and initial another query a message displays asking if you want to create a new query list or append (add to) the one already in the system. Select the appropriate choice. NOTE: You may additionally query by Resource or Date.

27 Update or Remove a Card EXPLAIN:
You can use the Arrow icons to select a card from a Queried set. Once a card is selected, to update the card, start by clicking the Update icon. You cannot update the Surgeon, Procedure or Site fields. The group and glove size fields may be updated on the main window. The information under the Resources, Memo and Images tabs may also be updated. On the main shell, or the front of the card, click in the area you wish to update and make the necessary changes. Click the Execute icon to save your changes. Unless there was an error while creating a card, you typically do not want to remove or delete a card. Removing a card deletes all history associated with the card, and the history cannot be retrieved. It is usually a better option to make the card inactive by updating it and clicking on the Inactive icon on the main window. If you still want to remove a card, query the card(s) you want to remove. Click the Remove icon to delete the card. You are prompted asking if you are sure. Click Yes.

28 Copy a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: To copy an existing card to a new card, first query the card you want to copy. Click the Copy icon. A message displays asking if you want to copy information from the current card to a new card or to all existing cards in your query list. Click the radio button “Copy current card to a new card.“ Click OK to close the model window. Click OK when asked, ‘Add and save the card you want to copy?” The next window that displays is a blank main DPC window.

29 Copy a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: Select the radio button for Procedure or SRPG. Enter the Surgeon /Procedure or Procedure Group / Site combination. Select the appropriate DPC Group and enter the glove size and description. Click the Execute icon and complete the modification history.

30 Copy a Doctor Preference Card
EXPLAIN: Select the elements to copy. You can select one or more of the data elements, including memo types and detail files. Click OK when you have made your selections. You return to the main DPC window and see a new Dr. Preference card displayed. The card also has a new DPC number. Click the Resources icon to see that the resources were pulled over. You are now ready to make any modifications to this card that are different from the card you copied. You can update this card following the same procedure used to update an existing card.

31 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on Card Search for a Resource using a Wildcard DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, how to add a new DPC, how to add to and update resources on a card and how to search for resources using wildcards. We have also learned how to copy a DPC. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: Why would you copy a DPC? TRANSITION: Next, we are going to learn how to make global modifications to DPCs and finally, how to print reports.

32 Make Global Modifications
EXPLAIN: The Global modification command can be used to Add, Update, or Delete resource information on multiple DPCs at one time. For example, if a certain instrument is no longer in production and needs to be replaced with an alternate instrument, the update only needs to be made once, not to each DPC separately. To globally update an existing resource, query a list of cards you want to modify. Click the Global icon. The Global update window displays. Click the Existing radio button located in the Status box. Select a Resource Type. The From section of the window displays fields that must be completed. Enter the appropriate resource information in the From section. Select a Mode (Increment, Decrement, Initialize, Modify Data, or Remove) from the dropdown menu. The Existing radio button must be selected to activate the Mode field options.

33 Make Global Modifications
EXPLAIN: Before selecting a Mode, understand the functions associated with each of the mode types. Increment increases the resource on all cards in the list by the quantity entered. When you choose increment only the quantity and Max fields are accessible. Decrement decreases the resource on all cards in the list by the quantity entered in the quantity field unless the number decreases the total below the number interred in the minimum field. Initialize resets the quantity on all cards in the list with a quantity entered in the quantity field. Modify data replaces an existing resource with a different resource on all the cards in list. Remove removes an existing resource on all cards in the list. If you choose Modify Data, the To section of the window displays with fields that must be completed. This is where you choose the resource that you want to replace the top resource. Click Add to add changes to the grid. Click Execute to carry out the global change command. When finished, click Close.

34 Revision History EXPLAIN:
From the Restore Revision History window you can select the exact tables and memos to restore. Check the boxes you wish to restore. Select OK when done to execute the command. You are prompted with the question, “Do you want to save the current card details to revision history before making changes?” Select Yes or No, as appropriate. The revised card displays on the main DPC window. NOTE: Selecting Yes takes the current active card in the system and puts it into the revision history while making the restored changes to the active card in the system. Selecting No leave the revision history as it is.

35 Revision History EXPLAIN:
Revision history enables the SQWM system to save a defined number of cards that have previously been modified for viewing purposes. This displays the entire contents of the previous cards. Also, this allows a user to restore a previous card, if desired. These revisions are controlled by the variables set by the system administrator. To begin, Query the card you want to preview. Next using the menu bar select Screens and then Revision History from the dropdown menu. The DPC Revision History window displays.

36 Revision History EXPLAIN:
The status bar at the bottom of the DPC Revision History window show how many previous revisions exist for a specific card. Select the Next and Previous icons to scroll through the cards one by one, if necessary. Select the individual tabs to display resources, memos, or DPC dates listed on the previous cards. Once you have found the previous revision you would like to restore, select the Gold Arrow icon. A Restore Revision History window displays.

37 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on Card Search for a Resource using a Wildcard Make Global Modifications to Doctor Preference Cards DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, how to add or copy a DPC, add and update resources, search using wildcards, and make global modifications. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: When might you want to make Global Modifications? TRANSITION: Next, we are going to practice printing a DPC report.

38 Practice – Global Modifications
The hospital has changed suppliers, and biogel gloves are no longer available. They will be substituting triflex. The 7 ½ biogels are the first to run out. Update all the Doctor Preference Cards this change will affect. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about global modifications? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Open a DPC shell or create a new DPC. Click Query. Query to locate the desired list of cards to update. Click the Global icon. Select the Existing or Non-existing radio button from the Status field. Select the type of resource from the Type dropdown menu. Select the mode from the Mode dropdown menu. Enter the appropriate information. All fields in red or marked with a * must be filled out. Click Add Click Execute. The confirm dialog box displays, click Yes to save current card details to the revision history. Click Close.

39 Reports EXPLAIN: Reports can be accessed through the Reports option on the Menu Bar, or by selecting the Report icon. Choosing Report Select Dialog takes the user to a dialog window where standard custom reports can be selected for viewing and printing. Choosing Report Tree takes the user to a report window where every standard and custom report may be viewed in a tree structure. Choosing Global Update Changes takes the user to a window where a report may be generated on all the global changes that have been made to the DPC module.

40 Reports EXPLAIN: Choosing Report Select Dialog or the Reports icon displays the Select Report Dialog. The reports that show in the dropdown menu are dictated by the package the user is currently working in. Click the appropriate radio button to select a report type. All reports for that type displays in the dropdown menu. Highlight the name of the report to run and click OK.

41 Reports EXPLAIN: Choosing Select From Report Tree displays the Report Tree Dialog window. Every standard and custom report may be viewed in the tree structure. Choosing Legend displays a graphical definition of the different resource icons in the tree. The reports are listed in a hierarchy of folders according to package type. The Report Tree folder is the root folder from which all other folders are accessed. A folder with a plus (+) sign next to it indicates that the folder has subfolders. To expand the folder and show the subfolders, click the plus sign. A folder with a minus (-) sign next to it indicates the folder has been expanded to show it’s subfolders. To hide the subfolders, click the minus sign. To expand all folders at once, click Expand at the top of the window. To hide all the subfolders at once, click Collapse. To run a report from the Report Tree, highlight the report and click Run.

42 Reports EXPLAIN: Reports can be previewed or sent to the printer.

43 Reports EXPLAIN: Reports can be previewed or sent to the printer. To preview the report click the Print Preview icon. To print the report , select the name of the printer from the dropdown menu and enter the number of copies to print. Click Print to send the report to the printer. Some reports require specific parameters prior to running. These can include choosing active, inactive, or all records; entering a particular card number; designating start and stop dates; etc. Enter any necessary or desired parameters and select OK at the bottom of the parameters window.

44 Reports EXPLAIN: Reports run in print preview are displayed in tree structure. Previewed report can be reviewed and sent to the printer.

45 Review Slide We have covered the following topics:
Log in and select module Add a New or Copy a Doctor Preference Card Add or Update Resources on Card Search for a Resource using a Wildcard Make Global Modifications to Doctor Preference Cards Print Doctor Preference Cards Reports DISCUSS: We have learned how log in to DPC, the Menu Bar Functionality, how to add or copy a DPC, add and update resources, search using wildcards, and make global modifications. We have also learned how to print reports. What questions do you have about any of these processes? ASK: What types of reports can be run? Why would you run DPC reports?

46 Practice – Print DPC Reports
Your supervisor has requested a Doctor Preference Card system report. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about running DPC reports? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Click the Report icon. Click Select From Report Tree. Expand the System Reports folder. Expand the Doctor Preference Card Menu folder. Choose the report. Click Run. Click Print Preview. Enter the Parameters Values. Click OK.

47 Roles to Train at your location
DPC Staff Nursing Staff Scrub Tech EXPLAIN: These roles normally use the DPC Module. ASK: Does this match with who does DPC at your facility? Is there anyone else at your location who handles DPCs?

48 Questions? Session Wrap-up ASK:
What are some two types of DPC? Why would you make one inactive instead of deleting it? How do you add resources to a card? What is a wildcard? Why would you make a global modification to DPCs? Ask for any questions on the exercises. Are there any steps or processes that are unclear? DISCUSS: Any outstanding questions from the parking lot?

49 DPC Real World Scenario
When you use your new Doctor Preference Card for the first time, you realize that you forgot to add light handles to the card. You want the card to be as accurate as possible so that anyone can pick the case. Add light handles to the card that you built during class. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about adding resources to a DPC? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Open the DPC you wish to modify. Click Resources. Choose the radio button of the type of resource being added. Select a resource using the Item # dropdown menu or the Description dropdown menu. Select whether the resource is needed by case or procedure from the C/P dropdown menu. Enter the quantity needed in the Quantity field. Enter any other desired information. All fields in red or marked with a * must be filled out. Click Add. Click Apply Updated/New DPCs to scheduled Cases. The Confirm window displays. Click Yes to apply the updated or new DPCs to appropriate scheduled cases at this site.

50 Help Desk and References
Two methods of entering a service request eService - low priority ticket Phone – critical, high, medium, low priorities Press 4 for Surgery Quality and Workflow Management, then Press 4 to speak to technical support SQWM Training SharePoint Site: EXPLAIN There are two methods to of entering a service request, eService and by phone. The SQWM Training SharePoint Site is

51 Course Evaluation EXPLAIN:
Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. Direct students to End of Course Evaluation location.

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