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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARSHIPS."— Presentation transcript:


2 CHURCHILL SCHOLARSHIP Graduate students from US Original, creative work in science, engineering or math Study at Cambridge *Initial consult with UO advisor Junior Year

3 GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP Undergraduates Science, engineering or math Up to $7,500/year 2012 UO recipients: Amy Atwater Brianna McHorse Opher Kornfeld *Initial consult with UO advisor Fresh/SophYear

4 TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP Students planning career in public policy Support for graduate school $3,000/senior yr & $27,000/ graduate studies President Harry S. Truman *Initial consult with UO advisor Sophomore Year

5 HOLLINGS SCHOLARSHIP For undergraduates Study ocean and/or atmosphere Summer internship at NOAA facility Up to $8,000 award for one academic year (if reappointed, $ for a second 9-month year) *Initial consult with UO advisor Sophomore Year

6 UDALL SCHOLARSHIP For juniors and seniors Commitment to environmental or natural resource issues Native American and Alaska native students eligible for fields related to tribal health care or tribal policy Up to $5,000 for tuition, room and board, or other expenses

7 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Many opportunities for study abroad: Gilman Scholarship Boren Scholarship Rotary Peace Fellowship DAAD DAAD-RISE Fulbright Grants

8 GILMAN SCHOLARSHIP For undergraduates receiving Pell Grant funding Study abroad Begin application one full semester before their study abroad to to begin Up to $5,000 award Sabrina Ahmed Spring 2012 Rwanda

9 BOREN SCHOLARSHIP Study abroad in areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical and underrepresented by U.S. interests Undergraduate study for summer, semester, or year All recipients must seek employment in federal agency or office involved with national security affairs *Initial consult with UO advisor Sophomore Year

10 ROTARY PEACE FELLOWSHIP Masters degree fellowships Fields related to peace and conflict resolution Institutions include: Duke, UNC at Chapel Hill, International Christian University (Japan), University of Bradford (UK), University of Queensland (Australia), Uppsala University (Sweden) Fully funded

11 DAAD Undergraduate and graduate students Study and internships in Germany All fields of study German not required but advantageous German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst - DAAD)

12 DAAD-RISE Summer research internship In Germany Fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences and engineering

13 FULBRIGHT GRANTS Undergraduate and graduate students Study at universities worldwide Must have at least a bachelors degree prior to undertaking the grant Fulbright regions

14 GATES-CAMBRIDGE For graduate students Study at Cambridge Established in 2000 by Bill and Melinda Gates Any subject available at Cambridge *Initial consult with UO advisor Junior Year

15 CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE One year fellowships Awarded to students who have graduated the past academic year Work as research assistants to endowments senior associates Notable Alumni: Senior adviser to President Bill Clinton US ambassador to United Nations Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget Senior Director for Asian affairs at National Security Council

16 RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Graduate studies at University of Oxford (any field) Oldest international fellowships (since 1904) 32 U.S. students selected each year *Initial consult with UO advisor Junior Year

17 MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP For 1-2 years of graduate studies At any British university Up to 40 scholarships awarded annually *Initial consult with UO advisor Junior Year

18 Timeline Summary Support for Undergrads Initial Mtg with Faculty Rep Support for Grads Initial Mtg with Faculty Rep UdallFall Soph YrTrumanSpring Soph Yr GoldwaterSpring Fr or Soph Yr MarshallFall Junior Yr HollingsSpring Soph YrRhodesFall Junior Yr BorenSpring Soph YrGates- Cambridge Fall Junior Yr ChurchillFall Junior Yr

19 FIRST STEP A first contact for any of these scholarships can be the Presidents Office Dave Hubin, Senior Assistant to the President CONTACT

20 Learn more at:


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