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Nationals in a Nutshell

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Presentation on theme: "Nationals in a Nutshell"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationals in a Nutshell
4&5 What do you want to know? Main purpose is to answer your questions or concerns so on a show me board…. Invite questions at any time Secondary aim is to demonstrate some teaching methods and Lastly practical ways that you can help your child succeed

2 What will they learn?

3 Geography Physical Unit Human Unit Global Issues Added Value
Give them copy of pacing documents for all topics covered. Create memory map by inking extra arms to show some of the topics (to demonstrate study skill how to summarise information)

4 How does it compare to Standard Grade?
In terms of content not very much really, the main changes are… Equivalence shown on DV powerpoint handout

5 Practical Fieldwork Std grade dealt with fieldwork theoretically in the exam, but now it must be experienced and demonstrated

6 How will they be assessed?

7 National 4 Award from SQA
Unit Assessments Internal Tests Portfolio (presentations or written pieces) Added Value Fieldwork Write Up Covered on Nutshell sheet Show example of N5 assessment, Keyword poster

8 National 5 Award from SQA
Unit Assessments Internal Tests Portfolio (presentations or written pieces) Added Value Fieldwork 1 hour Write Up (25%) Exam Externally marked 1 hour 30 (75%) Covered on Nutshell sheet

9 How will they learn? 3 key things: Acquire knowledge, understand knowledge, apply knowledge

10 Main source of information is GLOW, but also handouts and sections from textbooks

11 Thinking Skills We spend a lot of times ensuring they understand.
Example: testing them on keywords

12 Presentation Skills The most effective way to understand something is to teach someone else, so pupils present their findings to peers, who can then ask questions if they don’t understand Sample keyword poster

13 Exam Skills Relevant for N5 exam

14 Study Skills Embedded in teaching and learning and here is where you can come in…

15 How can I help?

16 Homework Ensure hw completed, test on keywords using textbook/handouts/GLOW

17 Use GLOW

18 keywords …. You will be a much more effective reader, and learn things more quickly and more efficiently, if you learn to identify key words. When you start to read a passage, you need to ask yourself: "What do I want to find out from this passage?“. Read quickly through the passage to find out generally what it is about, and then read it again more slowly to pick out the keywords. When you have identified the keywords, underline them or highlight them with a highlighter pen. Develop a system that uses different colours for different types of information.

19 You will be a much more effective reader, and learn things more quickly and more efficiently, if you learn to identify key words. When you start to read a passage, you need to ask yourself: "What do I want to find out from this passage?“. Read quickly through the passage to find out generally what it is about, and then read it again more slowly to pick out the keywords. When you have identified the keywords, underline them or highlight them with a highlighter pen. Develop a system that uses different colours for different types of information.

20 Memorise… emory eeds asy ethods f aming nformation orrectly M N E O I
How can I help? Memorise… emory eeds asy ethods f aming nformation orrectly M N E O I C Best way of listing keywords

21 My Very Easy Method Just Saves Us Naming Planets

22 Spider diagrams Physical Unit Human Unit Global Issues Added Value
Geography Physical Unit Human Unit Global Issues Added Value Best way to organise keywords

23 Post-it notes Best way to interact with keywords

24 Test them... Look at image

25 Where can they go after Nationals?

26 S6 S5 S4 Next Steps in School? N4 Pass Geography N5 Geography
Higher Geography Higher Other Subject N5 Other Subject

27 S6 S5 S4 Next Steps in School? N5 Pass Geography Higher Geography
Advanced Higher Higher Other Subject

28 Higher Education Any type of job Further Education

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