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Aim: How did World War II affect American Society?

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2 Aim: How did World War II affect American Society?
Key Terms: Home front Victory Garden Baby Boom Rosie the Riveter Bracero Program War Production Board (WPB) Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)—guaranteed equality of employment rights for people working in defense industries Essential Questions: Did World War II change America at home for better or for worse? How did the war impact minority groups such as women, African and Mexican Americans? Would you say propaganda is an effective tool to influence American’s opinions?

3 Analyzing Propaganda What is the message behind this propaganda poster? What technique is being used to influence American opinion? Is the government telling the truth, stretching the truth, or lying? Explain.

Women Positive: Negative: African- Americans Mexican-Americans Economy Youth Activity

5 Union membership grows; there were no-strike pledges by many major unions but there still were many labor walkouts during the war effort. John L. Lewis – United Mine Workers union leader called for multiple walk offs. Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act – authorized the federal government to seize and operate tied-up industries. WACs (Women’s Army Corps), WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service – navy), SPARs (U.S. Coast Guard Women’s Reserve). As the draft net was tightened after Pearl Harbor, millions of young men left their homes in “GI” (government issue) outfits. Bracero Program – the draft left the nation’s farms and factories so short of personnel that new workers had to be found, an agreement with Mexico in 1942 brought thousands of Mexican agricultural workers (braceros) across the border to harvest the fruit and grain crops of the West. This continued post war for about 20 years.

6 Women in the War

7 Conserving for the War

8 Anti Germany and Japan

9 Involvement on the Homefront

10 The Homefront During WWII
From propaganda… From primary and secondary sources…

11 Prelude To War – Created by the government and the Office of War Information (or youtube!)

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