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Deciduous Trees Page 2-5.

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1 Deciduous Trees Page 2-5

2 Acer palmatum Japanese Maple
Height: 15-25’ Spread: equal spread Leaf: Opposite, Star, Palmate, Serrate-Lobed (5-9) Light-Dark Green, Reds & Purples Fruit: Samara Part Shade

3 Acer rubrum Red Maple Height: 40-60’ Spread: equal spread
Leaf: Opposite, Star, Serrate-Lobed (3-5), Palmate Gray cast underneath leaf Flower: Red Cluster (Spring) Part shade-Sun

4 Betula nigra River Birch
Height: 40-70’ Spread: 40-60’ Leaf: Alternate, Elliptical, Serrrate, Pinnate Fruit: Nut Bark exfoliates Part Shade Moist soils

5 Cercis canadensis Eastern Red Bud or Judas Tree
Height: 20-30’ Spread: 25-35’ Leaf: Opposite, Cordate, Entire, Palmate Flower: Purple/Pink Cluster (Spring) Fruit: Pod Stems in zig-zag Shade-Sun

6 Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood
Height: 20’ Spread: equal spread Leaf: Opposite, Ovate, Entire, Pinnate Flower: White/Pink Head (Spring) Fruit: Red Drupe Part shade

7 Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle
Height: 15-25’ Spread: 10-15’ Leaf: Opposite, Elliptical, Entire, Pinnate Flower: Panicle (Red, White, Pink, Purple) Fruit: Brown Capsule Sun

8 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum
Height: ’ Spread: 40-50’ Leaf: Alternate, Star, Serrated/Lobed, Pinnate Fruit: Brown Synacarp (Can be a problem) Sun

9 Malus Flowering Crabapple
Height: Spread: Leaf: Alternate, Elliptical, Serrate, Pinnate Flower: Head (Pink or White) Fruit: Small Pome Sun

10 Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Japanese Flowering Cherry
Height: Spread: Leaf: Alternate, Elliptical, Serrated, Pinnate Flower: Pink or White Bark has horizontal lenticels Part shade - Sun

11 Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Bradford Pear
Height: Spread: Leaf: Alternate, Ovate, Crenate, Pinnate Flower: White head (smells like dog pee) Fruit: Bitter pome Sun Very popular for its symmetrical form

12 Quercus palustris Pin Oak
Height: ’ Spread: 35-40’ Leaf:Alternate, Pinnate, 5-9 lobes (sinuses like a “U”) Flower: Brown Catkin Fruit: Acorn Part shade – Sun Fast growing oak

13 Quercus phellos Willow Oak
Height: ’ Spread: 30-40’ Leaf: Linear, Entire, Alternate, Pinnate Flower: Brown Catkin Fruit: Acorn Part shade – Sun Best oak for overall texture and form

14 Deciduous Shrubs Go to Page 8

15 Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii
Height & Width: 3-5’ Environment: Sun Spines (thorns) along stem Cultivars come in varying colors Extremely adaptable and withstands dry conditions

16 Winged Euonymus Euonymus alatus
Height: 5-8’ Width: 3-5’ Environment: Sun- shade Used a lot on highway median because it is very durable Leaves turn brillant red in fall Stems have wings

17 Border Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia
Height: 8-10’ Width: 7-10’ Environment: Sun Flower: Yellow head shape (sign of spring coming) Occurs on old wood Stem is four sided and has noticeable lenticels

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