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Year 9 Extended Homework Task Autobiographies. What is an autobiography…? The story of someones life – written by them. Describes experiences and events.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 Extended Homework Task Autobiographies. What is an autobiography…? The story of someones life – written by them. Describes experiences and events."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 Extended Homework Task Autobiographies

2 What is an autobiography…? The story of someones life – written by them. Describes experiences and events of that persons life. Different to a diary because it is written some times after the events have happened. Although it is a non-fiction text, it often has elements of fiction. Stories are often exaggerated and embellished and lots of description is often included.

3 Your Task Your aim over the next few weeks is to create your own autobiography. You will be asked to read a series of extracts from famous autobiographies and then complete a series of tasks that will form chapters for your project.

4 Chapters Dont worry, we wont be asking you to write a full novel!! Each chapter will only require you to write a few paragraphs with a specific topic in mind. How much you write is down to you – if you want to write pages and pages then go for it! But, we wont expect you to write any more than a page of A4 for each section.

5 What will I talk about… Each section of your project will come under the following headings: Beginnings Early childhood A special person A special place A significant memory Hopes and ambitions for the future

6 Guidance… In the first week you will be given two tasks to complete. Extracts and tasks will be available on the VLE for you to access at school and home. There will then be four further tasks for you to complete. One task will be published each week and the final project should be handed into your English teacher on 5 th July 2013.

7 Extension… To really impress your English teacher there will be an extension task that will run alongside your written autobiography. This will require you to use media technology or your artistic skills. This will be available on the VLE from today.

8 Dates… The first 2 tasks, as well as the extension task, will be published on the VLE today – Monday 3 rd June. A new task will be published on each subsequent Monday and your teacher will run through this during Mondays English lessons. 10 th June – Task 3 17 th June – Task 4 24 th June – Task 5 1 st July – Task 6 The final project should be handed in on July 5 th 2013.

9 Extra Help… As this will be your homework for English over the next few weeks, you will receive no additional homework. If you need extra help or guidance completing this project then YOU MUST see your English teacher for extra support. Remember 5 th July will be your final deadline!


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