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Hungarians, Czechs, and Slovaks

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1 Hungarians, Czechs, and Slovaks
Sec. 2 Pp

2 Hungary – Land of the Magyars
Landlocked – its land does not border a sea or ocean Danube River used for trade and transportation Hungarian plain has good soil for farming and grazing animals Carpathian Mountains and Lake Balaton (one of Europe’s largest)

3 Hungarian Economy Corn, sugar beets, wheat, and potatoes
Coal, petroleum, and natural gas Machines, chemicals, and metals Financial services and tourism

4 The Hungarians Magyars arrived from Asia about 1000 years ago
Nomads – people who move from place to place Skilled horseman 2/3 are Catholic Budapest is actually two cities divided by the Danube River Attila the Hun

5 The Czech Republic Landlocked
Spas – health resorts with hot mineral springs High standard of living Agriculture and manufacturing Prague, the capital, is a center of service industries, tourism, and high-tech companies

6 The Czechs Czechs arrived in the 400s and 500s
Became Christian and formed Bohemia Combined with Slovakia after WWI Independent in 1993 2/3 live in cities Famous for great literature

7 Slovakia Iron ore, lead, zinc, and copper Heavy industry
Vineyards and farms Popular vacation spot

8 Slovakia Difficulty changing from communism to free market economy
Privatize – factory ownership transfers from the government to individual citizens Most are Roman Catholic 60% live in cities

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