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Observing the Standards and Shifts in Grades 6–8
Global Neutral a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway: Observing the Standards and Shifts in Grades 6–8 75 min before lunch 45 min after lunch Materials Content Coaching Unbound handout from the earlier session 1 Video in this session: Be sure to have loaded the video prior to participants’ arrival by opening the link and letting it begin to run. This should then have the video ready to view without buffering. 5 min July 2016
Video observation for standard(s), Focus, Coherence, and Rigor
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Observing the Standards and Shifts Objectives: Participants will be able to observe and coach teachers on the standards and the shifts in mathematics. Agenda: Video observation for standard(s), Focus, Coherence, and Rigor Coaching Role Play Summary and Reflection 1 min Speaker Notes: We’ll continue our study of what the standards and shifts look like in in the classroom – and what they don’t look like. We’ll engage in a culminating video observation practice and role play.
Observing for Standards and Shifts
1 min Speaker Notes: This next video observation is intended to be a culmination observation activity. For this video, we will observe and capture evidence for the intended standards and all three shifts.
Observing for Standards and Shifts
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Observing for Standards and Shifts Standard: 7-SP.C.8.a Prepare: Look up the standard Determine Focus Determine prerequisites (Coherence) Determine aspects of Rigor. Capture Evidence: What standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standard? Where do you see evidence of students learning and of students struggling? What aspects of Rigor are emphasized? 15 min 10 min to prepare; 5 minutes to view video Speaker Notes: 10 min Let’s start by preparing – get your standards queued up for the standard, and determine whether this is a major area of Focus for 6th grade, Statistics and Probability. Next, use the standards app and/or the Coherence Map to determine the prerequisites. Last, identify the aspects of rigor that this standard demands. MAIN POINTS 7.SP.C.8.a - Understand that, just as with simple events, the probability of a compound event is the fraction of outcomes in the sample space for which the compound event occurs. Focus - Not a grade level standard for 6th grade; part of the 7th grade Supporting Cluster: Investigate Chance Processes And Develop, Use, And Evaluate Probability Models. 6th grade standards come from the SP Additional Cluster: Develop Understanding Of Statistical Variability. Coherence - prerequisites for this 7th grade standard include other 7th grade standards: 7.SP.C.7: Develop a probability model and use it to find probabilities of events. Compare probabilities from a model to observed frequencies; if the agreement is not good, explain possible sources of the discrepancy. and 7.SP.C.6: Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the chance process that produces it and observing its long-run relative frequency, and predict the approximate relative frequency given the probability. Rigor in the Standard Conceptual Understanding - “Understand that, just as with simple events, the probability of a compound event is the fraction of outcomes …” Modeling/Application - N/A Procedural Skill/Fluency - N/A
After the Observation Step One—Focus Start with the Standard.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 After the Observation Step One—Focus Start with the Standard. What standards are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standard? 12 min Speaker Notes: 8 min –Click to show first step. Say: First, you will deconstruct what you saw just in terms of the standard, and the alignment of the instruction to that standard. Turn & Talk with partner. Make your discussions evidence-based. 4 min – Whole group share discussion: ask whether Ms. Posada is teaching the full standard as intended MAIN POINTS: Standard: Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models 8a Find probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulation. It is not 6th grade work
After the Observation Step Two—Coherence Review student evidence.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 After the Observation Step Two—Coherence Review student evidence. Where do you see evidence of students learning and of students struggling? Are the students who are getting it making connections to previous learning? For students who are are not getting it, is the teacher leading students to make connections to previous learning? What prerequisite knowledge and/or skills might be missing? 15 min Speaker Notes: 8 min –Click to show step two. Say: Now, talk about where children were learning and where they were not. Did you see the teacher help make connections to prior learning? What prerequisites might be missing? Make your discussions evidence- based. 7 min – Whole group shares discussion: ask whether they saw evidence of Coherence by Ms. Posada – either across grade or within grade MAIN POINTS: No evidence of coherence (making connections), either by the teacher or by the students. Missing -
After the Observation Step Three—Rigor
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 After the Observation Step Three—Rigor What aspects of Rigor are embedded in the standards? What evidence did you capture of: Procedural skill and fluency Conceptual understanding Modeling/Application Is the instruction addressing Rigor appropriately? 18 min Speaker Notes: 8 min –Click to show step three. Say: Even though this standard is outside of the grade band, first talk about the evidence you captured of different aspects of Rigor – and whether that matches the Rigor intended in the 7-SP.C.8.a standard. 10 min – Whole group share discussion: ask whether group members saw evidence of rigor by Ms. Posada. Elicit answer to the Main Points below. When you get to the proceduralization of the application problem, you may want to replay parts of the video. MAIN POINTS: Rigor – she proceduralizes this learning: “What are the key words that are going to help you know?” “Replace” This 7th grade standard requires development of conceptual understanding, “Understand that, just as with simple events, the probability of a compound event is the fraction of outcomes …” The students’ confusion reflects the lack of conceptual understanding, and they struggle just to figure out how/when to use the procedure she’s given them to get the answer. They are supposed to decide if an event is dependent or independent based on the vocabulary (1:30 point of video) Transition: So, we’ve discussed a lot about what we have seen in ways big and small. Now that we’ve analyzed the whole lesson, let’s go back and list the priority areas of misalignment. This will also help us to check our understandings.
So, what is not aligned in this instruction?
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 So, what is not aligned in this instruction? 10 min – need 4 pieces of chart paper with the headings Standards, Focus, Coherence, Rigor; markers One facilitator charts while the other elicits responses Speaker Notes: Say: Let’s start with the standard. Ask the group to name what is not in alignment. Chart their answers. Correct any misconceptions. Repeat with Focus, Coherence and Rigor, probing and correcting any misconceptions along the way. Be alert for inferences, conjecture, or premature conclusions; and ask them to stick with the evidence that they have. Any inferences can be probed through questioning in a coaching conference. Transition: We will use these as a reference after lunch. We’ll come back and get one more practice to coach and change the practices of this teacher who is not yet standards-aligned.
Lunch. Reconvene in 1 hour.
Coaching Role Play 1 min Speaker Notes:
Coaching Role Play: Purpose and Process
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Coaching Role Play: Purpose and Process The objective of this activity is to give leaders practice coaching a teacher/leader on standards- and shifts-alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. Get Ready (4 min) Pair Up (2 min) Role Play & Feedback #1 (11 min) Role Play & Feedback #2 (11 min) 2 min Speaker Notes: State the purpose of this role play: leaders have to practice talking about the changes they want to see. Leaders have to practice talking about content as well – especially if you don’t consider yourself a “math person” Provide an overview of the process: You will have 4 minutes to prepare to coach the teacher. If it would be a better fit for your role, you may prepare to coach a principal with whom you have just observed this teacher. This will be quiet, preparation time. You will pair up, choose who goes first. First role play: coach shares goals for the coaching sessions and sets the “heat” level. 5 min role play 1 min to gather your reflections and evidence for feedback 5 min reflection and feedback This will be intentionally quick – most leaders do not have a ton of time to debrief a quick observation, so we are practicing doing this quickly and efficiently. I will manage time and signal when you move to a different part of the protocol.
in the context of an authentic classroom situation.
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Coaching Role Play The objective of this activity is to give leaders a chance to practice coaching a teacher/leader in the context of an authentic classroom situation. 4 minutes—Everybody Gets Ready Identify your goals for this coaching session. What do you want the teacher/leader to know and to be able to try as a result of this interaction? Draft entry question(s), clarifying questions, and probing questions. Draft key learning and next steps you want the teacher to walk away ready to try. 2 minutes—Pair Up Choose a partner. Identify who will go first. Role Player #1 shares goals and the level of “heat” he or she would like to practice coaching. 11 min Speaker Notes: Click through each part as the time stated <Click> and give them 4 minutes to Get Ready Remind them to use their Content Coaching Unbound handout from the earlier session <Click> and give them 2 minutes to partner, choose who goes first, Next slide <Click> and give them 5 minutes for the role play
Role Play #1—5 Minutes 5 min. IMAGE CREDITS:
Role Play #1—Reflect and Feedback
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Role Play #1—Reflect and Feedback 1 minute—Each role player writes reflections about effectiveness of coaching conversation from her or his point of view. 2 minutes—Identify What Worked Coach first: Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and one to two moves you made that supported that goal. Share one to two other pluses that you can identify. Teacher/Leader: State one to two moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of standards- and shifts-alignment. 2 minutes—Identify Suggestions for Improvement State one to two things you’d like to do differently or improve. State one to two things the coach might do to strengthen practice. 5 min.
Transition to Role Play #2
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Transition to Role Play #2 Review preparation notes. Share coaching goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching. 1 min. Speaker Notes: Time to switch roles. #2, share your goals and level of heat Be ready on my signal. IMAGE CREDITS:
Role Play #2—5 Minutes 5 min. IMAGE CREDITS:
Role Play #2—Reflection and Feedback
OBSERVING THE STANDARDS AND SHIFTS IN GRADES 6–8 Role Play #2—Reflection and Feedback 1 minute—Each role player writes reflections about effectiveness of coaching conversation from her or his point of view. 2 minutes—Identify What Worked Coach first: Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and one to two moves you made that supported that goal. Share one to two other pluses that you can identify. Teacher/Leader: Share one to two moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of standards- and shifts-alignment. 2 minutes—Identify Suggestions for Improvement State one to two things you’d like to do differently or improve. State one to two things the coach might do to strengthen practice. 5 min.
Quiet Reflection Think about your ability to coach others on the standards and the shifts in mathematics. Based on your learning in this session and on your role, what do you now intend to do? For example: Your own learning and skill development Professional development for others Instructional planning Observation, feedback, and supervision practices 8 min Speaker Notes: 4 min In whatever format you are using to track your reflections and action steps, take a few minutes to individually, or in district/school teams, reflect on how focus is currently going in your context and what next steps for improvement you could take. 4 min – ask for a couple of reflections from the group. Sum up: This is really about having standards front and center for teachers, observation and planning supports around lesson planning and delivery. And this is about having a culture of intentionality around the selection of or implementation of curriculum. Transition: We’ll take a break now. When we return, we’ll dig into Adaptations for Struggling Learners
Break! 1 min Speaker Notes Transition:
In a day and a half, we have rooted our learning in the Math Content Standards, gone deep into the three math shifts: Focus, Coherence and Rigor, and done a lot of work around what standards-aligned instruction looks like (and what it does not look like). After break, we will focus on what each of us wants to conquer: how to adapt mathematics for struggling learners. IMAGE CREDIT: Break!
Source 4-7
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