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Standard 5: Classification

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1 Standard 5: Classification
The 6 Kingdoms Standard 5: Classification

2 Aristotle Greek philosopher & scientist
Began classifying organisms more than 2,000 years ago! Classified living things into two main groups: Plants & Animals

3 Monera At first there was just one kingdom for all types of bacteria. This kingdom was called Monera. With new technology, scientists have found that there 2 different kinds of bacteria

4 Characteristics of Monera
Extremely small Unicellular Prokaryotic NO nucleus

5 1. Archaebacteria (Monera)
Archae means ancient Can live in extreme environments: hot springs, salt lakes, beneath the Earth’s crust! Ex: Halophiles

6 2. Eubacteria (Monera) Eubacteria can live in YOU!
Live in soil, water, and you Example: E. coli

7 3. Protista Some unicellular, some multicellular Has a nucleus
Some heterotrophs, some autotrophs Ex: Ameoba


9 4. Fungi Multicellular Have cell walls All heterotrophs
Ex: Mushrooms, mold

10 5. Plants Multicellular Have cell walls All autotrophs
Ex: Daisy, Aspen

11 Animal Multicellular No cell wall All heterotrophs Ex: Dog, you, fly

12 Classifying in Animal Kingdom
Vertebrates - have a backbone Invertebrates - don’t have a backbone


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