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Latin vocabulary you ABSOLUTELY must know:

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Presentation on theme: "Latin vocabulary you ABSOLUTELY must know:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin vocabulary you ABSOLUTELY must know:

2 Pronouns, Conjunctions, Adverbs
These are the words that show you the structure of a sentence.

3 Pronouns:

4 ego;

5 hic;

6 idem;

7 ille;

8 ipse;

9 is;

10 iste;

11 nemo;

12 nihil;

13 nos;

14 qui;

15 quidam;

16 quis;

17 quisque;

18 se;

19 tu;

20 vos

21 Conjunctions:

22 ac,

23 atque (usually ac before consonants, atque before vowels);

24 an;

25 aut;

26 autem;

27 deinde;

28 dum;

29 enim;

30 et;

31 etiam;

32 nam;

33 ne;

34 nec,

35 neque (usually nec before consonants, neque before vowels);

36 -que;

37 quia;

38 quod;

39 sed;

40 si;

41 tamen;

42 tum;

43 ut;

44 vel

45 Prepositions taking the ablative: ab (a before consonants, ab te);

46 cum;

47 de;

48 ex (e before consonants);

49 pro;

50 sine;

51 sub

52 Prepositions taking the accusative: ad;

53 ante;

54 contra;

55 inter;

56 per;

57 post;

58 trans

59 Prepositions taking either case (in different senses):

60 in

61 Adverbs:

62 haud;

63 iam;

64 inde;

65 ita;

66 modo;

67 non;

68 nondum;

69 nunc;

70 quam;

71 quidem;

72 satis;

73 tam;

74 ubi;

75 unde

76 Verbs

77 Irregular:

78 do,

79 eo,

80 fero,

81 fio,

82 inquam,

83 nolo,

84 possum,

85 sum,

86 volo

87 First conjugation (-âre): amo,

88 appello,

89 impero,

90 iuro,

91 probo,

92 puto,

93 sto,

94 voco

95 Second conjugation (-êre): debeo,

96 habeo,

97 moveo,

98 teneo,

99 video

100 vereor

101 Third conjugation (-ere):

102 ago,

103 capio,

104 credo,

105 dico,

106 duco,

107 facio,

108 gero,

109 incipio,

110 interficio,

111 mitto,

112 occîdo,

113 peto,

114 pono,

115 reddo,

116 vivo

117 loquor,

118 sequor,

119 utor

120 Fourth conjugation (-îre):

121 audio,

122 scio,

123 venio

124 Nouns and Adjectives

125 Pronominal declension:

126 alius,

127 alter,

128 neuter,

129 nullus,

130 solus,

131 totus,

132 ullus,

133 unus,

134 uter

135 First declension:

136 causa,

137 gloria,

138 terra

139 Second declension nouns, first-and-second declension adjectives:

140 aequus,

141 amicus,

142 animus,

143 annus,

144 arma,

145 bellum,

146 bonus,

147 certus,

148 dignus,

149 deus,

150 filius,

151 imperium,

152 ingenium,

153 iudicium,

154 lîber (adj),

155 locus,

156 longus,

157 magnus,

158 meus,

159 modus,

160 multus,

161 natus,

162 noster,

163 novus,

164 parvus,

165 populus,

166 primus,

167 principium,

168 publicus,

169 quantus,

170 regnum,

171 salvus,

172 suus,

173 tantus,

174 tuus,

175 verus,

176 vester,

177 Vir

178 Third declension:

179 adulescens,

180 aetas,

181 civis,

182 civitas,

183 corpus,

184 crimen,

185 dux,

186 facilis,

187 gens,

188 gravis,

189 homo,

190 hostis,

191 ius,

192 mater,

193 miles,

194 mors,

195 mulier,

196 nomen,

197 omnis,

198 opes,

199 ordo,

200 pars,

201 pater,

202 potestas,

203 qualis,

204 rex,

205 similis,

206 sol,

207 talis,

208 tempus,

209 urbs,

210 uxor,

211 virtus,

212 vis (somewhat irregular),

213 vulnus

214 Fourth declension:

215 domus

216 Fifth declension:

217 dies,

218 fides,

219 res

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