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Research on AI & Computer Games at Lehigh

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1 Research on AI & Computer Games at Lehigh
By: Héctor Muñoz-Avila And: Aaron Battalion Todd Fisher Hai Hoang Stephen Lee-Urban Marc Ponsen Megan Vasta Brian Auslander Matt Dilts Kit Ming Chang Frank Cremen John Gerace Ben Mautner Chris Olsisnki Jarret Raim Chad Hogg Your name…

2 The Origins Long term interest on Games
2002: Aaron Battalion & Todd Fisher wanted to do an Ind. Study on “Game stuff” 2003: First Installation of Unreal Tournament Bots at Lehigh

3 First Steps: 2003 Kit Ming Chang report on Age of Empires Rule-Based System: “CLIPS” Frank Cremen, Ben Mautner and Chris Olsisnki build Poker game Small grant from NRL on game (military simulation-related) research

4 Building Up Exploratory paper on hierarchical explanation in games Exploratory paper on using hierarchical planning for controlling a team of Unreal Tournament bots First class Game Programming at Lehigh Graduate-level course Exploratory grant from DARPA on game (military simulation-related) research

5 Expansion – Paper on using hierarchical planning for controlling a team of Unreal Tournament bots in the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (Hoang) Work on translation of gaming language to AI languages (Lee-Urban) Chapter appearing at AI Game Programming Wisdom 3 on hierarchical planning for controlling a team of Unreal Tournament bots (Hoang) Paper on Reinforcement Learning in Real Time Strategy Games (at Innovative Applications of AI conference) (Vasta) Grant from DARPA on game (military simulation-related) research Donation from Poker Academy AI Game Programming course taught for the second time Undergraduate (senior) level and graduate level

6 Today – Established Research
Grant from NSF where Games are used as testing environment Paper on using reinforcement learning to control a team of Unreal Tournament bots in the Innovations of AI Conference (Vasta & Lee-Urban) Chapter at AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 on the same topic (Vasta & Lee-Urban) AI Game Programming course taught for the third time Undergraduate level Using Call To Power 2 as a testbed (Gundevia, Hogg, & Dilts) Using Case-based reasoning to control team of Unreal Tournament bots (Auslander, Lee-Urban, & Hogg) General game Playing Competition (Dilts, Lee-Urban, & Hogg)

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