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Development and Implementation of a Curriculum: Global AIDS

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1 Development and Implementation of a Curriculum: Global AIDS
Cristianne Wendler MPH Fieldwork August 8, 2008

2 My most heartfelt appreciation to my preceptor,
Thank you My most heartfelt appreciation to my preceptor, Narra Smith Cox. I would also like to thank my mentor, Jim Vergeront, all of the staff at Dane County Transition School and Jan Lorch, my partner in the vision for this curriculum.

3 Curriculum Background
Personal experience working with HIV/AIDS in South Africa Needs Assessment Connection to James Madison Memorial High School Positive student outcomes The need is great

4 The Curriculum 14 lessons, over 300 pages
Focuses specifically on health, poverty and HIV/AIDS

5 Curriculum Objective To develop high school students as humanitarians, active global citizens and health advocates

6 Curriculum Development Process
Research Literature review of existing programs and curriculums Educational and behavioral theories Wisconsin educational standards Pre- and post-test design Logic model development

7 Curriculum Development Process, cont.
IRB approval Definition of audience Definition of objections Skills, behaviors, attitudes and knowledge Writing each lesson Additional research – appendixes


9 The Lessons 1 – What is Health? 2 – Health, Poverty and Social Justice
3 – Major Killers in History 4 – HIV/AIDS Defined 5 and 6 – Global Pandemic Simulation 7 – AIDS Made Real

10 The Lessons 8 – AIDS By Country 9 – AIDS in South Africa
10 and 11 – ‘Yesterday’ Film Showing 12 – The Affects of AIDS in South Africa 13 – AIDS Orphans 14 – AIDS is Global, AIDS is Local

11 Implementation Dane Country Transition School (DCTS) April 28 – May 23
Class met everyday for about 1.5 hours 12 students

12 Implementation, cont. Teacher’s Role
Teacher led every lesson based on lesson plans Daily meetings before and after each class Revisions and suggestions for each lesson

13 Implementation, cont. My Role Prepared materials for each lesson
Briefed teacher before each lesson Silent observer during class

14 Results The curriculum was implemented as written Measurable outcomes
Pre/post test Student journaling Assignments Valuable insight for curriculum revisions

15 Student Journaling “I think this class is very informative. It really makes me want to get involved in helping with AIDS.” 16 year old DCTS student “I like this class because you learn more about things that are happening out of the US that you really didn’t know much about before this class.” 18 year old DCTS student

16 Student Journaling “I feel this class is a way to get involved with something that is much bigger than ourselves, an epidemic that has a majority of Africa in pandemonium. So we should become involved in the AIDS community, namely stating we should get out and make a difference.” 17 year old DCTS student

17 Questions… Khumo – 13 years old

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