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Millennium Development Goals: Measuring and Monitoring Global Progress

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1 Millennium Development Goals: Measuring and Monitoring Global Progress
Francesca Coullare United Nations Statistics Division

2 Content Global versus national monitoring and reporting of MDGs indicators Global monitoring and the Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDGs indicators: working modalities, products

3 MDGs Monitoring and Reporting
Global: National: Objective  focus national development debate on specific priorities and raise awareness of development needs Target audience  national policy makers, civil society, development partners, general public, media Objective  provide a global assessment of progress towards the achievement of MDGs Target audience  General Assembly/country delegates, international community, general public, media, policy makers

4 MDGs Monitoring and Reporting
Global: National: Under responsibility of  Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators coordinated by UN-Statistics Division Data provided by  specialized agencies Prepared by  Governments and UN Country Teams with the support of UNDP Based on  Review and adaptation of goals, targets and indicators to national priorities Supplementary indicators not suitable for global monitoring can also be used

5 International Monitoring Efforts
The Inter-Agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on MDG Indicators (2 meetings per year) Coordinated by UN Statistics Division/DESA Composed of representatives from: 25 specialized agencies, regional commissions, NSOs Thematic sub-groups of the IAEG Gender Employment Health Poverty and hunger Environment Slums

6 International Monitoring Efforts
IAEG is responsible for: compiling data and undertaking analysis to monitor progress towards the MDGs at the global and regional levels; reporting on status of annual progress through printed reports, progress charts, CD-roms and internet; reviewing and preparing guidelines on methodologies and technical issues related to the indicators; helping define priorities and strategies to support countries in data collection, analysis and reporting on MDGs.

7 Type of indicator/series
(a) Data compilation Type of indicator/series Agency MDGs Others Total FAO 2 1 3 ILO 4 9 13 IPU ITU 6 OECD 8 7 12 UNAIDS 5 UNEP-Ozone UNEP-WCMC UNESCO 16 UNFCCC (CDIAC) UN-HABITAT UNICEF 17 25 UNPD WB 11 WHO WTO 72 54 122

8 (a) Data compilation: data flow
Agency country office Agency Headquarterse.g. UNICEF Agency Headquarterse.g. UNESCO UNSD/MDGs indicators website Line Ministry in country Agency Headquarterse.g. ILO National Statistical Office in country

9 (b) Annual reports


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