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Payment and Acceptance Updates

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1 Payment and Acceptance Updates
November 1, 2016

2 Agenda January 2017 Release Streamlined Mail Entry Status Full-Service Assessment BSC and BMEU Survey PostalOne! Roadmap

3 January 2017 Schedule

4 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
1/8: Implement pre-release 1/22: Structure Release Effective date (pending Governor approval) Proposed Postage Statement Changes Up to 3.5oz ounce free for FCM commercial letters (First-Class Mail 3600 FCM) Standard Mail Automation letters eliminate the oz. weight break. The per piece weight limit will change from 3.3 oz. to 3.5 oz. (Standard Mail 3602 R/N) Standard Mail Flats: Increase the weight for piece pound pricing of Flats from 3.3 oz. to 4.0 oz. (Standard Mail 3602 R/N) Single permit for inbound and outbound packages FSS: Revert to Previous Structure (Standard 3602 R/N, Periodicals 3541, Bound Printed Matter 3605) Rename Standard Mail to Marketing Mail Rename Alternate Postage to Share Mail Combine AADC and 3-Digit into AADC (First-Class Mail 3600 FCM, Standard 3602 R/N)

5 Streamlined Mail Entry for Letters and Flats
Full Service 91% adoption Mailer Scorecard Ready for Industry Automated Assessment in November eInduction 63% adoption Mailer Scorecard Ready for Industry Automated Assessment in March Seamless Acceptance 18% adoption January: Mailer Scorecard corrected for clerk errors in Sampling Move Update Published Proposed Rule in July, Reviewing Comments Mailer Scorecard corrected in January

6 Full-Service Assessment
Full-Service assessments for errors logged in October 2016 Assessment posted November 14th, 2016 In October, BMEU or BMS outreach to every mailer over any error threshold Mailer Scorecard walk-through Verify users set up with VAE service Assistance in correcting errors Hotline Calls: Wednesdays and Fridays - 2pm Setting up profile in Business Customer Gateway Viewing the Mail Entry Postage Assessment Report Using Pay functionality What to expect when requesting review

7 Full-Service Assessment

8 Full-Service Assessment
Mail Entry Postage Assessment Report Allows user to: Review, dispute, and make payments Monitor Status Fact sheet also shows timelines for each action

9 Full-Service Assessment
Additional Notifications Sent when a assessment status changes: Assessment Paid, Request Review, Closed Adjusted, Past Due

10 Business Solution Center
29 BMEUs Certified Cap Metro  Charlotte  Eastern Louisville Pittsburgh Cleveland Columbus Philadelphia Great Lakes Milwaukee Michigan Metro St. Louis Northeast New York Pacific Los Angeles Santa Anna Sacramento San Diego Southern Houston Dallas Tampa Tallahassee North Texas Western Denver Des Monies Kansas City Las Vegas Phoenix Portland Omaha Saint Paul Salt Lake City Seattle 62 BMEUs In Process Cap Metro  Altlanta Baltimore Dulles Greenville NoVA Norfolk Raleigh Richmond *Capital - Suburban Capital - Southern Eastern Akron Buffalo Cincinnati Dayton *Harrisburg Knoxville Memphis Mid-City Nashville *Rochester Salem Trenton Great Lakes *Cardiss Collins *Carol Stream Detroit *Lansing *Madison *Palatine *Park Fletcher Northeast *Albany *Boston *Brooklyn *Providence *Hartford *Kilmer *Manchester *Mid-Island *San Juan *South Hackensack *Westchester Pacific *Honolulu *San Francisco *San Jose *Santa Clarita Van Nuys Southern *Austin, TX *Baton Rouge, LA *Birmingham, AL Ft Lauderdale, FL *Ft Myers, FL *Ft Worth, TX *Jackson, MS *Jacksonville, FL *Little Rock, AR *Manasota, FL Miami, FL *Oklahoma City *Orlando *San Antonio *Tulsa West Palm Beach Western Albuquerque Boise Fargo Tucson Waterloo Wichita * Participating in Mystery Calls

11 BMEU Survey Results Overall Customer Satisfaction
National Customer Service Satisfaction Results from FY 2016 (May -- Sept)

12 PostalOne! Goals Enhance Architecture to Increase System Reliability
Address Current/Future Stakeholder Business needs Provide State of the Art Customer Experience and Usability Provide Complete, Accurate, Actionable and Timely data Promote Efficiencies across Business Functions 4

13 Recent Improvements Improved Architecture
Improved Database storage (VMAX3) Upgraded Oracle to Version 12C Upgraded Database servers (Superdome) Numerous software changes related to performance Improved Availability/Reliability

14 Recent Improvements Improved Industry Engagement
Informed Delivery Specs and Testing Price Change Specs and Testing Mailer Scorecard Design & Testing Improved Communications Increased Timeliness of Notification of Outage/Degradation Expanded communications to wider Audience Enhanced communication to include Initial, Updated, and Resolution s Issue, Root Cause, Estimated Uptime

15 Roadmap Update Completed: Upcoming: Publish Roadmap
Established Work Group 179 to solicit mailer participation Established Internal Stakeholder group Defined pain points Started Defining Business Capabilities Upcoming: Prioritize Business Capabilities Define Requirements Define Performance Expectations/Metrics Publish Roadmap 5

16 Appendix

17 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
First-Class Mail Single price for First-Class Mail commercial presort letters weighing up to 3.5 ounces Currently, the Postal Service charges one price, within each rate category, for First-Class Mail presort letters weighing up to two ounces Extend the single price to include all weight levels for which automation letters qualify up to 3.5 ounces Combine the Automated Area Distribution Center (AADC) and 3-Digit presort categories for First-Class Mail automation letters AADC and 3-Digit presort categories will be combined for First-Class Mail automation letters and cards. New category will be AADC Automation Letters

18 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
Standard Mail USPS Marketing Mail (New name for Standard Mail) Standard Mail is being rebranded as USPS Marketing Mail. Marketing Mail flats price weight break point from 3.3 ounces to 4.0 ounces Piece to pound breakpoint for Marketing Mail Flats (and all other Marketing Mail Flats shaped pieces) has been moved from 3.3 ounces to 4.0 ounces. All pieces up to 4.0 ounces will pay the same price. A pound price will apply to only pieces over 4.0 ounces. Combine the AADC and 3-Digit presort categories for Marketing Mail automation letters AADC and 3-Digit presort categories will be combined for Marketing Mail Automation Letters The new category will be AADC Automation Letters

19 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
Standard Mail FSS Revert to the FSS price structure that was in place prior to January 2014. FSS Scheme and FSS Facility Pallet preparations remain unchanged FSS Scheme bundle preparation remains unchanged Volume that previously claimed FSS prices will now be eligible to claim Carrier Route, 3-Digit or 5-Digit rate categories based on volume density requirements. Destination entry prices: When a FSS pallet, sack or tray is prepared the price is determined by the entry location (DSCF, DADC, DNDC, and Origin) When an FSS Scheme bundle is prepared and placed on a FSS Scheme or Facility pallet and the pallet is entered at an FSS location the DSCF prices will apply Note: The Postal Service has published a FSS crosswalk worksheet to help guide customers through the FSS price cell changes. The crosswalk can be found at our Postal Explorer website located at or by clicking the following link:

20 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
Periodicals FSS Revert to the FSS price structure that was in place prior to January 2014. FSS Scheme and FSS Facility Pallet preparations remain unchanged FSS Scheme bundle preparation remains unchanged Volume that previously claimed FSS prices will now be eligible to claim Carrier Route, 3-Digit or 5-Digit rate categories based on volume density requirements. FSS Pallet Prices: FSS Scheme pallet, the Carrier Route price will apply FSS Facility pallet, the 3-Digit/SCF prices will apply FSS Bundle Prices: FSS Scheme pallet, the bundle level Carrier Route prices will apply FSS Facility pallet, the bundle level 3-Digit/SCF prices will apply FSS Sack and Tray Prices: FSS Scheme or FSS Facility sack or tray, the 3-Digit/SCF prices will apply Destination prices: When a FSS pallet, sack or tray is prepared the price is determined by the entry location (DSCF, DADC, DNDC, and Origin)

21 January 2017 Structure Proposed Considerations
Permits and Fees Eliminate the permit fees for Qualified Business Reply Mail Permit fees for Qualified Business Reply Mail will be eliminated Eliminate fees for permits for outbound and return parcel products Eliminate permit fees for products used for shipping and returns of parcels only. Option to use just one permit for all outbound and domestic returns parcel products. January: Shipping Products Permit for USPS Returns (Scan Based) or Parcel Return Service product. March: Shipping Products Permit for Business Reply Mail for parcels or Merchandise Return Service labels

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