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TDES Think Tank August 28, 2018 Jill Cabe, Director of Performance Management Sahadeo Ramharrack, Performance Management Partner Megan Scully, TDES.

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Presentation on theme: "TDES Think Tank August 28, 2018 Jill Cabe, Director of Performance Management Sahadeo Ramharrack, Performance Management Partner Megan Scully, TDES."— Presentation transcript:

1 TDES Think Tank August 28, Jill Cabe, Director of Performance Management Sahadeo Ramharrack, Performance Management Partner Megan Scully, TDES Coordinator Time: 1 Minute

2 Growth Plan & Improvement Plan Smart Goals Walkthrough 1 Calibration
Agenda Timeline and pacing Growth Plan & Improvement Plan Smart Goals Walkthrough 1 Calibration 11/7/2018

3 Growth Plan or Improvement Plan
Growth Plan: All other teachers including new teachers and teacher who are archived due to Accomplished. Improvement Plan: Only for teachers who had Ineffective or Developing in TDES (not eTPES overall).

4 Growth Plan or Improvement Plan
Growth Plan: Teacher sets goals and evaluator reviews goals and comments. Both teacher and evaluator sign. Improvement Plan: Evaluator sets goals and meets with teacher to review goals and create a plan. Both teacher and evaluator sign.

5 Growth Plan Identify two priorities for the upcoming year
*select 1 TDES component *select 1 component from the Ohio Standards for Educators Teachers should use these two priority areas for writing the Professional Growth Plan. Refer to TP packet pages 7-9

6 Improvement Plan Select 2 TDES components for which the teacher was rated Ineffective or Developing Select one component from the Ohio Standards for Educators Structure plan around student data Consider school goals Actively provide and document support around plan

7 Improvement Plan If you say you will provide a support please provide it and document when and how it was provided. Supports can include professional development, release time to observe other teachers, internal coaching from CIS Review plan at FAO and UO post-conference.

8 Exercise Write: 2 personal goals 2 professional goals
Take sometime right now to quickly jot down 4 goals. Write several different kinds of goals they can be personal or professional. The Objective is to use these goals as examples to transform into SMART goals. This will support our skill development in created SMART goals from regular goals. The Strategy for doing this is self reflection and brain storming.

9 What is a SMART Goal? SMART is a methodology that is helpful when used as a checking process for writing goals. SMART format helps employees know what is expected of them and how their progress will be measured. What is a SMART goal? SMART is a methodology that is helpful when used as a checking process for writing goals. The SMART format helps employees know what is expected of them and how their progress will be measured. County wide performance management forms will be written for all employees. It will start with an objective for the employee. Followed by a measurement standards that are written using the SMART goal methodology. It is important that employees learn how to set goals using the SMART methodology because they could be asked to create their own goals. We have been in HR asked to do that, and this creates buy in to achieve the department goals and the larger county goals. The SMART method came from Peter Drucker’s Management by objectives concept. Using this methodology for creating goals will help all employee across the organization understand their progress and employment expectations.

10 S – Specific – What will be accomplished? What actions will you take? Is the goal specific to results the employee is expected to accomplish? M – Measurable – What data will measure the goal? (How much? How many? How well?) How will you determine if the goal is being met? A- Achievable – Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources? Is it ambitious, but achievable? R – Relevant – How does this goal align with larger goals and strategies? Why is the result important? How does the goal connect to improving your performance of job responsibilities? T – Time-Based – What is the timeframe for accomplishing the goal? Does the goal have a time limit?

11 S – Specific Should be clear, specific and focused
Answer “w” questions: What do I want to accomplish? Why is the goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? Which resources or limits are involved? S – Specific Should be clear and specific. Should be a focused effort When creating the specific goal you can answer 5 “w” questions: What do I want to accomplish? Why is the goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? Which resources or limits are involved?

12 S – Specific – Action Words
Oversee Update Write Coordinate Upgrade Process Supervise Develop Provide Manage Create Maintain

13 “Increase student test scores.”
Example “Increase student test scores.” I choice a simple goal that was person that I wanted to achieve.

14 Example Every student in my 9th grade class will show evidence of one year of growth in mathematics.

15 SMART Goal Creation Process
Chose one of your goals that you want to turn into a SMART goal. Apply the “S” part to your goal and share with your peers for review. Through out this training we are going to use the 4 goals that you have created and we are going to transform them using the SMART goal method. After learning about each letter of the SMART method you will be practicing creating a smart goal applying the guidelines and descriptions of each letter. This section is about the letter S, Specific. Participants will practice implementing the S portion of their goals. Get participants to apply the Specific portion to their goal. Have their peers review their goals, and see if any volunteers will report it out to the class.

16 What data will measure the goal?
How much? How many? How well? How will I know when the goal is accomplished? M - Measurable It is important to have measurable goals so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal. You do not have to answer all of these questions just a few of them, are things to think about.

17 Quality / accuracy rates Automated reports Amounts produced
Revenue generated Costs reduced Turn around times, timeliness Time saved Audits, tests, inspections Survey Observation Feedback logs M – Measurable – Here is a sample of some of the language or words that you can use when creating measurable goals.

18 Example “Every student in my 9th grade class will show evidence of one year of growth in mathematics as measured by a 1.0 year gain in the national grade equivalent growth from the to the ITBS math problem solving sub test.” You might measure your goal of acquiring the skills to become head of your department by determining that you will have completed the necessary training courses and gained the relevant experience within five years.

19 SMART Goal Creation Process
Continue working on your SMART Goal. Apply the “M” part to your goal and share with your peers for review. Through out this training we are going to use the 4 goals that you have created and we are going to transform them using the SMART goal method. After learning about each letter of the SMART method you will be practicing creating a smart goal applying the guidelines and descriptions of each letter. This section is about the letter M, Measurement. Participants will practice implementing the M portion of their goals. Get participants to apply the Measurement portion to their goal. Have their peers review their goals, and see if any volunteers will report it out to the class.

20 Can I accomplish this goal?
A - Achievable Can I accomplish this goal? How realistic is this goal? Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. (What are constraints or factors that will make this unattainable? When you set an achievable goal, you can identify overlooked opportunities or resources or other hurdles. Focus on the factors that you have control over to help you achieve the goal that you desire. You might need to ask yourself: Do you have the time to complete the required training to be head of the department? Are the necessary resources available to you? Can you afford to do it?

21 Example “Every student in my 9th grade class will show evidence of one year of growth in mathematics as measured by a 1.0 year gain in the national grade equivalent growth from the to the ITBS math problem solving sub test.” “85% of all students will improve their math problem-solving skills as measured by a 1.0 year gain in the national grade equivalent growth from the to the ITBS math problem solving sub test.” Jill says ask what about the other 15%? Where is this percentage coming from? Use data that’s currently available to add accurate percentages.

22 SMART Goal Creation Process
Continue working on your SMART Goal. Apply the “A” part to your goal and share with your peers for review. Through out this training we are going to use the 4 goals that you have created and we are going to transform them using the SMART goal method. After learning about each letter of the SMART method you will be practicing creating a smart goal applying the guidelines and descriptions of each letter. This section is about the letter M, Measurement. Participants will practice implementing the M portion of their goals. Get participants to apply the Measurement portion to their goal. Have their peers review their goals, and see if any volunteers will report it out to the class.

23 Does this seem worthwhile?
R - Relevant Does this seem worthwhile? How does the goal align with the bigger picture? Why is the result important? Is this the right time? Does this goal match my efforts/needs? This step is about ensuring that your goal is significant and matters to you, as well as the organization and its needs. It is also related to other goals that you might have. Make sure your work related goals drive everyone forward, but you are still responsible for achieving your own goal.

24 “85% of all students will improve their math problem-solving skills as measured by a 1.0 year gain in the national grade equivalent growth from the to the ITBS math problem solving sub test because it will help us to continue being a high performing school.” Example Is it the right time to undertake this goal? Are there other factors to consider? Why is it important for me to do right now?

25 SMART Goal Creation Process
Continue working on your SMART Goal. Apply the “R” part to your goal and share with your peers for review. Through out this training we are going to use the 4 goals that you have created and we are going to transform them using the SMART goal method. After learning about each letter of the SMART method you will be practicing creating a smart goal applying the guidelines and descriptions of each letter. This section is about the letter R, Relevant. Participants will practice implementing the R portion of their goals. Get participants to apply the Measurement portion to their goal. Have their peers review their goals, and see if any volunteers will report it out to the class.

26 T – Timebound Target date for your project What is your deadline?
Will you establish smaller goals to assist you with the larger goal? Establishing a deadline allows you to focus on a time frame for your goal, and allows you to make your goals a priority over everyday tasks, or longer term goals.

27 During the to 2019 school year, “85% of all students will improve their math problem-solving skills as measured by a 1.0 year gain in the national grade equivalent growth from the to the ITBS math problem solving sub test because it will help us to continue being a high performing school.” Example It is important to be realistic about the time frame for accomplishing the smaller goals that are necessary for the larger objective. How long will it take you to accomplish what you need? What do you need? Lets put a time frame on your goal. What did you all come up with?

28 SMART Goal Creation Process
Continue working on your SMART Goal. Apply the “T” part to your goal and share with your peers for review. Through out this training we are going to use the 4 goals that you have created and we are going to transform them using the SMART goal method. After learning about each letter of the SMART method you will be practicing creating a smart goal applying the guidelines and descriptions of each letter. This section is about the letter T, Timebound. Participants will practice implementing the T portion of their goals. Get participants to apply the Time portion to their goal. Have their peers review their goals, and see if any volunteers will report it out to the class.

29 What is your SMART goal? Congratulate everyone for rewriting their goal the SMART way. Did your goal transform? What is your goal now versus before? What did you learn? Are there any differences?

30 Review This Goal I will increase parent and community understanding of student growth by leading three information sessions by the end of the 2019 school year. What is missing? The measurement component. Is this goal relevant? Achievable?

31 SMART GOAL I will increase parent and community understanding of student growth by leading three information sessions in August Participants will be asked to complete exit surveys to assess their understanding. Needed a method for determining success

32 Writing Goal Statements the SMART Way
Do __(Specific action taken)__ in order to __(to accomplish Measurable, Relevant result) __ by __ (within certain a Time frame)__. (and make sure it is Achievable) Writing Goal Statements the SMART Way Over all this format can be useful for us to remember all of the different parts of the SMART methodology. Use these statement “Do __(Specific action taken)__ in order to __(to accomplish Measurable, Relevant result) __ by __ (within certain a Time frame)__. (and make sure it is Achievable)”.

33 Walk-throughs Informal 15 minute observation of practice Evaluator records evidence of the teacher’s practice including teacher’s lesson plan Evaluator submits evidence within 24 hours Teacher receives notice that evidence is submitted in the portal Teacher has the option to add evidence to the portal Post-conference is optional Sign-off and lock 48 hours after the evaluator evidence was added

34 To be done during the 100 minutes Lesson plan included
Calibration Exercise To be done during the 100 minutes Lesson plan included Share ideas with elbow partner Video activity Share out conversation

35 Power Components TDES Teacher Rubric Domain 1: Planning & Preparation
1a: Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 1b: Demonstrating knowledge of students 1c: Setting instructional outcomes* 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources 1e: Designing coherent instruction* 1f: Designing student assessment Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 2b: Establishing a culture for learning that is challenging and rigorous* 2c: Managing classroom procedures* 2d: Managing student behavior* 2e: Organizing physical space Domain 3: Instruction 3a: Communicating with students 3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3c: Engaging students in learning* 3d: Using assessment in instruction* 3e: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4a: Reflecting on teaching 4b: Maintaining accurate records* 4c: Communicating with families 4d: Participating in a professional community 4e: Growing and developing professionally 4f: Showing professionalism* Time: 1 minute

36 Exit Ticket Exit ticket can be found on the TDES Website Next Think Tank will be September 11 from 3:30-5:30 at East Professional Center Focus will be evaluating the MD/AUT classroom and media specialists

37 Questions Time: 5 minutes

38 Time: <1 minute Materials: We also wanted to take a moment to say thank you. You do incredible work on behalf of all of our students and we appreciate that effort and impact, and want to extend a big thank you for your engagement today.

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