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Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities for 2010

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1 Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities for 2010
Barry L. Shoop 2010 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center One Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 23 January 2010 Thanks for having me

2 Outline IEEE Membership 2010 MGA Context 2010 MGA Priorities
How You Can Help Concluding Thoughts 7-Nov-18

3 2009 IEEE Membership 7-Nov-18

4 2010 MGA Context Strengths Weaknesses Challenges Opportunities
IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence Focus on 15 high-priority projects including the top 10 recommendations from Sections Congress 2008 Adoption of business practices and project management techniques Growth and development of critical competencies of the MGA staff Weaknesses Delivery of tangible member products, services and value. Cross-OU relationships Current MGA organizational alignment Challenges Current financial environment IEEE and society membership and student retention Opportunities Regional geographic strategic initiatives Alternative membership models The relentless quest for operational efficiency 7-Nov-18

5 2009 MGA High Priority Projects
11/7/2018 2009 MGA High Priority Projects Implementation of Sections Congress Recommendations (SC08- #6) Member Benefits Across Regions (SC08-#7) Member Downloads & Tiered Packages (SC08- #1,5) BMS Re-architecture Strategic Communications Communications Plan with Geo Units Data Acquisition/Storage – 360 degree view of the member Leadership Training for Volunteers (SC08-# 3) Virtual Meetings (SC08- #4) Payment Flexibility (SC08- #2) vTools (SC08- #8,9) Volunteer Position Descriptions Project Management Sustained Membership (SC08- #10) MGA Transformation Based upon Sections Congress recommendations and those that directly support Implementing the MGA Vision. 7-Nov-18

6 Deliver Tangible Products, Services & Value
In 2010 we need to deliver tangible and measurable products, services and value to our members. Original purpose of the MGA transformation: Create an organization that could effectively focus on the member Development of an effective and efficient organizational structure to manage the membership business Development of a data-driven approach based on a 360°view of the member We have instituted an approach where member input from surveys, through the efforts of our geographic units, and from those attending IEEE conferences is used to provide products, services and value that we know members want. Over the past 2 years, much has been accomplished to refine the organizational structure and develop processes and procedures and integrate business practices. It is now time to focus on delivering value to our members and our profession. 7-Nov-18

7 2010 MGA Challenge The 2010 MGA Challenge solicits proposals for projects that will deliver tangible member products, services, and increase the value of IEEE membership in Proposals are solicited from committees, Regions, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches and individuals. The proposal should: describe the overall project concept clearly identify the value to the member and how the project deliverable will increase the value of IEEE membership outline an implementation plan include a detailed budget Proposal evaluation criteria: Ability to increase the value of IEEE membership Pilot project can be implemented in 2010 Breadth of member impact Budget ≤ $25k Proposals are due by Friday, 2 April 2010 7-Nov-18

8 IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence
In 2010 we need to expand content and the influence of the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence. Directly supports Section Congress 2008 Recommendation #3. As of October 2009 has launched online modules for Section Chair, Section Vice-Chair, Section Treasurer, Section Secretary and Chapter Chair. In 2010 continue to expand to other volunteer positions as well as include other professional skills. Consider alternative delivery mechanisms – on-line video presentations, e-Books like “A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership,” and even relevant modules from external groups. Professional development of our IEEE volunteers will directly improve the quality of IEEE leadership but will also provide a valuable member benefit that can be applied in our member’s professional career. Recognized as an IEEE-wide resource. 7-Nov-18

9 The IEEE Member Message
In 2010 we will engage in a strategic communication campaign to export the member message to our geographic units and other IEEE OUs. The IEEE Board approved the new MGA mission, vision and organizational structure in November 2007 Central to this is the concept of serving the member throughout their lifecycle There needs to be a strategic communication campaign to export the member message to our geographic units as well as across the Institute We must partner with other IEEE OUs because engaging the member requires an IEEE team effort 7-Nov-18

10 Regional Geographic Strategies and Globalization
In 2010 we will be a valued partner in the development of regional geographic strategies and focus on being a model global organization. There continues to be interest in developing regional geographic strategies to provide IEEE products and services to professionals in geographic areas with previously limited IEEE access. Through our global network of regions, sections, chapters, student chapters and affinity groups we have access to resources that are necessary to make informed decisions and therefore we need to be proactive in providing assistance in the overall process. To be a model global member organization we must be responsive to the needs of members outside of the U.S. Improved payment flexibility (#2 recommendations from the 2008 Section Congress) and alternative member models are examples of initiatives that recognize the diversity of our members and are responsive to their needs. 7-Nov-18

11 Conferences, Conference Proceedings, and Publications
In 2010 we will develop a proactive and comprehensive approach to conferences, conference proceedings and publications. There are many successful conferences sponsored and run by our geographic units. As a result, conferences have been identified as an area that we should be more proactive - conferences, conference proceedings, and publications represent ~$2M line of revenue for MGA. Tiger Team on Conferences Howard Michel – Chair and MGA Liaison to TAB and PSPB/TAB Products and Services Committee. Ed Perkins – IEEE Conferences Committee Okyay Kaynak – IEEE Conferences Committee Om Malik – TAB Conference Publication Committee Rob Anderson – 2010 MGA Treasurer Celia Desmond – MGA representative to PSPB. 7-Nov-18

12 Operational Alignment & Efficiency
In 2010 we will improve the operational alignment and efficiency of the MGA. There are several inter-related components associated with operational efficiency. Financial stewardship and citizenship Business decision making and project management Organizational structure are all components that contribute to operational efficiency. To be good stewards of IEEE resources we must continually assess the operations of the membership business. IEEE citizenship requires that we develop financial models consistent with other IEEE practices. Business decision making and project management are simply good business practices that help the business unit operate efficiently and effectively. An effective organizational structure supports the business practices of the organization. 7-Nov-18

13 Other Initiatives MGA Industry Relations Coordinator
Since transformation, lack of focus at the MGA-level Corporate Activities – Pete Sobel – has been working IEEE-level messaging consistency and activities Ashutosh Dutta appointed as 2010 MGA Industry Relations Coordinator Assist with the development of an industry relations Kit Catalog existing industry relations and practices Export Region 1 Industry Day success to other Regions Membership Recruitment and Recovery Ad Hoc Committee Tom Habetler, Chair – Past Division II Director Collaboration other OUs on Center for Leadership Excellence content and professional activities Global Professional Activities Ad Hoc Career Services Committee – PSPB – IEEE-USA – MGA Pre-University Committee – EAB – IEEE-USA – MGA 7-Nov-18

14 How You Can Help Focus on the Member, the Result will be Membership Growth 7-Nov-18

15 Concluding Thoughts You are critical to delivering value to our members at the local level Think about how we can better serve our member Submit your ideas for the 2010 MGA Challenge Thank you for your service to the IEEE and our profession 7-Nov-18

16 MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Mission: Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE For the purpose of… - Fulfilling the mission of IEEE - Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle - Providing a professional home Principles The member is IEEE and IEEE is the member. Members shape IEEE's future. Members collaborate to create IEEE's future. IEEE enhances members' future. Goals Increase member engagement. Improve relationships with and between members. Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Enhance collaboration with other business units. Increase membership. 7-Nov-18 16 16

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