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Ancient Greece Social 9.

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1 Ancient Greece Social 9


3 Background Earliest Greek civilizations nearly 4,000 years ago
Usually, the term “Ancient Greece” refers to the civilization that flourished around the Aegean Sea from about 1100 BCE to 146 BCE when Greece was conquered by Rome

4 Background It is also considered the start of Western Civilization and Greek culture had a huge influence on the Romans. The eras most familiar are the Classical Greece (490 BCE to 323 BCE) and Hellenistic period (323 BCE to 146 BCE)

5 Background During the Classic period, Greece’s main rival was Persia and several wars were fought. Alexander the Great’s conquest also took place during this period.

6 Background The Hellenistic Period begins with Alexander’s defeat.
Under Roman rule, most of Greece became provinces within the Roman republic/empire.

7 Some key things Ancient Greece gave us:
The Greeks developed new ideas for government, science, philosophy, religion, and art. Some key things Ancient Greece gave us: Trial by Jury Greek Myths Democracy Theatre Tragedy Comedy The Olympics


9 More Background… Always short of farmland
Power rested with a small class of landowners Often fought wars over land.


11 City States Greece was made up of city-states that dominated regions.
The most famous are Athens and Sparta. The geography of Greece contributed to this regionalization (lots of mountainous terrain and islands/peninsulas created natural divisions)

12 City States Greeks referred to themselves as citizens of their individual city-states. Each city-state (polis) had its own government, personality, goals, laws and customs.

13 City States The city-states, when not fighting outside enemies, often fought each other. Alliances were formed and were called “leagues.” For example, the Delian League.

14 City States Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their city-state (more-so than Greece as a whole).

15 Worldview How do you think the Greek worldview is affected by the differing city states?

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