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Greece Ancient Civilization

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1 Greece Ancient Civilization
Hey Greece of the Europe Continent, where lands were rocky and mountainous. Ancient Greeks had different types of government. Sparta and Athens, the strongest and largest. If you like drama and theatre, you ‘ve got to thank the Greeks for them Oh Yeah Check it out No sweat, listen up to me During Olympics games in Olympia, all men from Greek city-states were invited To compete in horse and chariot race, throwing spears and stones, winning wreaths of olives

2 Words Rapper Use No Sweat! And We’re Out! Yo Swag! Oh Yeah! Yo!
What’s up! Check it out! Oh man! Bam! Awesome! Hey listen up! Stay Cool! Dude!



5 5 Courage Group 1 Yo Ancient Greeks was from 800BC to 146BC
Check it out this lands in Greece were rocky and mountainous Yo look at that , that creepy mask It ain’t gonna scare either me or you G to the R to the EECE The world’s earliest democracy Yo Ancient Greeks used their scientific approach in medicine The strongest city-states were Athens and Sparta. Some city-states such as Sparta had kings The ancient Greeks used writing system based on letters which formed an alphabet The ancient Greeks were excellent sailors and conducted most of their trade by sea

6 5 Courage Group 2 Ancient Greeks began as humble cities but grew to become powerful empires The old old Greeks used a writing system based on letters forming an alphabet So yall! A Greek city was built around a central hill known as Acropolis To the Greeks to the Rome to the ancient pope, all of them had never own an iphone The lands are rocky and mountainous The Greek city-states were united under Alexander in 336BC The ancient Greeks had different types of government The strongest city-states were Athens and Sparta! Check it out! We are done with the rap that all of you heard Hope you enjoyed it God bless you all

7 5 Courage Group 3 Yo…. Check it out this song I’ve got for you
The ancient Greeks communicate in one language They worshipped so many gods I can’t remember all Festivals were held in honour of gods in temples built by Greeks Greeks’ cities were often built around a hill it’s cool Acropolis means high cities in Greeks and this I know Some ancient Greeks were excellent sailors and traders

8 5 Courage Group 4 Hey Greece there were only small area of fertile land where crops could grow The Greek city states were united in 336BC under Alexander the third ruler of the Greek empire Yo The ancient Greeks had different types of government. Check it out! The citizens in Athens had a say in how the city state was run Demo means people and Kratos means power They were excellent sailors and conducted most of their trade by sea Many Greeks spoke the same language and also worshiped the same gods The Olympic games were held in Olympia once in every four years All men from the Greek city-states were invited to compete

9 5 Justice Group 1 Ancient Greece began as humble cities but grew into powerful empires They conquered lands from Asia to Europe including Egypt Check it out, Greece is part of Europe and its lands are rocky and mountainous Arts and crafts came from the Greeks. They are awesome and really cool! The Greeks city-states were united in 336BC under Alexander the the Great, the ruler of the Greek empire Yo The Ancient Greeks developed an idea, the art and architecture Of all the sporting contests, the most important was Olympics games The word democracy comes from the awesome Greek Word Demokratos And democratic government is what we have right now The ancient Greeks had a writing system based on letters that form an alphabet

10 5 Justice Group 2 Yo everybody listen to me
I’m gonna tell you a speech written by Hippocrates Greeks legacies have democracy and the sciences in Greece include zoology You know the Greeks held the Olympics Games? Sorry people I don’t know their names Chariot races took place with hippos When the winners returned, they were treated like heroes I know the Greeks had winners, the winners were invited for fancy dinners Remember the gods, Zeus, Hera, Athena Forget about Hades , that’s death to you Bye everybody it’s the end of our speech Sorry people we’re not here to teach but there’s one thing to remember and I’m telling you now GREECE stands for Greece

11 5 Justice Group 3 Yo let us tell you about the Ancient Greece
Greece began as a humble city Guess what the Greeks did for a living? They fished and traded with other countries Olives and grapes were popular with Greeks, they grow well in dry conditions Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war Check it out Poseidon was the god of the seas Zeus was the king of the Greek gods If you like Olympic Games, you have got to thank the Greeks for them Hey Olympia was where the ancient Olympic games were held Athens and Sparta were the two largest and strongest city-states I hope you had a good time learning about Ancient Greeks in history

12 5 Justice Group 4 Yo Listen up! Uh!
From humble poor cities to powerful empires, Greeks conquered Europe and Asia Now let me tell you about the gods of Greece Zeus, Poseidon and Athena Zeus, the king, the god of the sky Poseidon, the god of sea and rivers Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war Soon the Greeks created the Olympic games They are held once every 4 years Games like chariot and horse races They competed to know who’s the strongest On the very last day, winners wore wreaths and went to a feast That is all for our Greek rap Sorry to say but the rap is over and I hope you’ve enjoyed it Yeah

13 5 Steadfast Group 1 The art and architecture from the Ancient Greeks has influenced the world Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war She carried a spear and a shield In Ancient Greece, athletic event were a way of worshiping the gods The Olympic games were held in the honour of Zeus the King of gods. Check it out! Yo! Zeus was the king of the royal Greece and is seen holding the royal sceptre royal sceptre Here’s some alphabets from Greece Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Deta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Lota, Kappa, Lambda, Ma, Na, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega, Booyah!

14 5 Steadfast Group 2 Poseidon was the god of the sea and rivers
Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war After Alexander conquered Egypt, he set up a new capital city Hey Yo! Check it out! The Olympic games where winners returned home , they were treated like heroes Greeks built structures for entertainment The ancient Greeks were excellent sailors Aristotle, a pioneer, in zoology First scientist to categorise animals The ancient Greeks produced some of the most enduring art and crafts known to the world Ancient Greeks used a writing system based on letters, which formed an alphabet

15 5 Steadfast Group 3 Ancient Greece spread over a hundred of city states They planted grapes and olives Alexander the great conquered the land and united the Greek city states He was brave, courageous, mighty and strong The Ancient Greeks developed the arts that have influenced the world. Check it out! The Olympic games were made for the gods oh yeah man whoo! Zeus the king of gods is the reason why we have sports in the world Ancient Greeks were excellent sailors and did most of their trade by sea Mountain Olympus is the highest land in Greece It was believed that the gods lived there

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