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Membership Fraternal Year

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1 Membership 2018-2019 Fraternal Year
Jesse Kosloski MN State Membership Director

2 About Me Married to Gina since 2013
I am Dad to 10 kiddos! 2 biological, Gina’s 2 boys whom I am proud to have adopted, our 3 new additions whom we pray to adopt within this next year and 3 whom I raised that have now entered adulthood. 3 dogs ( 2 Boxers and 1 Cocker Spaniel, 6 fish tanks…a lot of fish)


4 And NOBODY asked me to be a Knight!!
More About Me I have been a Catholic since Been a Knight just as long. Held offices of Financial Secretary since 2016, Faithful Navigator , District #2 Deputy since 2017 And NOBODY asked me to be a Knight!!

5 How many people in this room has asked a Catholic Gentleman if they would like to become a Knight in the last month?

6 Recruitment

7 Father McGivney’s Vision
Joining a Knights of Columbus council can: Change a man’s life Deepen and enrich his faith Strengthen his family Build better lives for those who so desperately need help Joining a Knights of Columbus council can change a man’s life, deepen and enrich his faith, strengthen his family, and build better lives for those in his community and beyond; who so desperately need help. In 1882, Father Michael McGivney gathered together a small group of his parishioners. His purpose was to establish a group of men to become united in their faith, and to provide for Catholic families in their time of need. He shared in the desperate situations experienced by his flock; and knew that these challenges were not unique to his parish. He, also realized that he alone, could only do so much. With this in mind, he personally recruited Catholic men, from his parish, to share his bold vision. Those that said yes, joined in his mission to help those that were hungry, needed clothing, shelter, and provide financial security for widows and orphans. In turn, members would reach out to recruit others to spread the good works. Today, the Knights of Columbus has grown and grown and we have accomplished so much - but so much more needs to be done. Council growth has always been a fundamental building block; since 1882, for today, and tomorrow. How does a man join today? Generally, he is asked by someone he knows; a relative, friend or colleague. A connection is made, and a personal relationship is established. Why a man decides to join is a far reaching extension of the fundamental vision of Father Michael McGivney; and a real, present and enduring need, for the mission he created. This is why councils continue to spring up around the world. From the Personal Recruitment Skills Training Course on the Fraternal Training Portal

8 Recruit men to our mission.
We need more men in our organization. If we don’t we will not exist. We need more men in our organization, this will increase our good works. Faith in Action gives you the framework and tools to build a better council experience for all.

9 Build a culture of recruitment.
Create a team environment where everyone takes shared responsibility for your growth goals. Use members assets

10 Train councils on best practices for recruiting.
Church Drives Team Recruitment Invitational Drives Online Membership Recruitment Any many more….

11 When should you be recruiting??
ALL THE TIME!! Every event is a GREAT time to recruit new members.

12 Who Should you be Recruiting.
Family members Relatives Friends Neighbors Colleagues at work Service Providers Advisors Fellow Parishioners Members of other parishes

13 Young Adult Young Adult
Make it a priority to recruit young adults. Church Drives, Men’s conferences, Theology on Taps, etc. Form Young Adult recruiting teams in each diocese. Organize quarterly events (one per diocese) for young adults. Fraternal staff is here to assist you.

14 Round Tables Every Parish that does not have a Council should have a Round Table. This is not a “New Council”. The Round Table and Council are still one group. The Round Table job is to help take care of that Parish.

15 New Council Development
As Councils grow and Round Tables Grow, there may be an opportunity to develop a new Council in the Round Table Parish. If a Parish doesn’t have a Council or a Round Table, please consider forming one. If you have ideas talk to the State Officers.

16 Retention

17 Retention Start your retention efforts on Day 1.
Reach out early - communicate consistently. Make retention personal. Key to success: Understand what members want to get out of their membership Give them every opportunity to get what they want Build and work the best practice process regarding ‘unpaid dues” members councils want to write off


19 Recruiter Incentive – Fast Start Supreme Incentives
Any member that recruits 5 members in the 1st quarter (July 1 – Sept. 30) will receive a $50 gift card for KnightsGear, along with free shipping.

20 State Incentives for Council’s
G.T.O.’s READY SET GO INCENTIVE A council that gets their 185, 365, audit and recruit one member by SEPT 1 gets  $50. This will be applied to their state per capita. 

21 State Incentives for Council’s
Councils that achieve STAR status by May 15th: Founders, Fr McGivney and  Columbian award sent in. The state council will pick up one night hotel and $50 towards meals. Double STAR get two nights covered. This will be to the 2019 State Convention.

22 State Incentives for Council’s
Councils that were Membership Inactive that recruit 25% of member goal or 2 members minimum,  get  $100 towards their State Convention Expense by May 1st. Membership Inactive means a Council who didn’t recruit any members in the Fiscal Year.

23 New or Reinstated Council Award
$500 towards a new or reinstated council. This will be divided up between those who made it happen: FA, DD, NCD, anyone who had a hand in getting it going.    NOTE: To count for this incentive, the reactivated council has to have been suspended longer than 1 year

24 State Incentives for the DD’s
DD’s that get all their active councils to achieve their:  ready, set, go incentive gets $25 per council. DD’s that: 1. schedule  first degrees one a month and then 2.  turning their reports (450) in after each degree  August to Nov  $100 (Give out at December meeting)

25 State Incentives for DD’s
DD’s that get STAR District status by May 1st will get a One of a kind Knights of Columbus STAR District Jacket.

26 Supreme Resources Supreme put everything all on one page.

27 THANK YOU My contact info: Jesse Kosloski Ph: Address: 8225 Whitstrom Rd, Lake Shore, MN 56468

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