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THE Brain STEM Quiz Runshaw College Simon Ambury.

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Presentation on theme: "THE Brain STEM Quiz Runshaw College Simon Ambury."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE Brain STEM Quiz Runshaw College Simon Ambury

2 Topic Aims Level Method Equipment Duration Approx 1 Hour Technology
The purpose of the resource is to get the students involved in working together in teams to solve as many problems as possible in a limited amount of time. Level GCSE – A Level Method This can be done in a small group or as a large group activity. If a question has been answered correctly, a part of the picture will be revealed, the picture is a “say what you see question”. At the end of the presentation there is a quick fire quiz. Click on the box and the question will reveal itself again a “say what you see question”. Equipment PC/Laptop Duration Approx 1 Hour

3 Say what you see Technology
In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for? Is the wave length of infrared light too long or short to be seen by humans? TRUE or FALSE Gold is not a good conductor of electricity? Pick a question, answer it correctly and your box will reveal a piece of the puzzle In terms of computing what does ROM stand for? .’MOV’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? .’TXT’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? ANSWERS: SURF THE WEB In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit Is the wave length of infrared light too long or short to be seen by humans? Long TRUE OR FALSE Gold is not a good conductor of electricity? FALSE In terms of computing what does ROM stand for? Read only memory .’MOV’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Animation/Movie file .’TXT’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Text File What frequency range is the high frequency band? to 30 MHz What new technology was introduced at Wembley Tennis Championship in 1986? Yellow Balls (made it more visible for TV) The desktop of a computer refers to? The visible screen What frequency range is the high frequency band? What new technology was introduced at Wembley Tennis Championship in 1986? The desktop of a computer refers to?

4 Say what you see Quick Fire Round
1,000mm Maid ICE3 POD POD ANSWERS: Metre Maid Right Angle Ice Cube 2 in One Water Hose Tripod O2NE H2OSE POD

5 For further information please contact The STEM Alliance or visit

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