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Neighbourhood Planning Review: Hidden Valley Area

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Presentation on theme: "Neighbourhood Planning Review: Hidden Valley Area"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neighbourhood Planning Review: Hidden Valley Area
Community Information Session June 19th, 2018

2 Welcome and Introduction

3 Outline Primary Meeting Purpose: Information Sharing Early Stage
City provide info on neighbourhood planning review process Community provide info about the area and input to the neighbourhood planning review Early Stage Where? Why? What? Who? How? When?

4 Where is this review happening?

5 Why is this review happening?
Context Old plans and old decisions Changing policies, standards and approaches Region – South Kitchener Transportation Corridor Study and River Road Environmental Assessment Road alignment changed/decided, old land use Some subdivisions/development over time Range of stakeholders Significant natural heritage features – the “Jewel”

6 Why? New Provincial, Regional and Local policies, plans and directions
‘Overhauling’ the local level planning framework (new OP, new zoning, new design guidelines, new approaches) Reviewing many neighbourhood areas that have old plans Hidden Valley Industrial Community Plan = 1981 Hidden Valley Residential Community Plan = 1990 Refers to land uses and policies from 1-2 previous Official Plans that no longer exist (Estate & Limited Service Res.) Zoning By-law = 1994, 1985 and earlier Decision, location and design of River Rd extension Blocks of land for future development Create a proactive plan vs reacting to development proposals Special area needs more special policies beyond base OP

7 What is the Purpose / End Result?
Review and replace the existing planning and land use framework Official Plan policies, Community Plan policies, Zoning, Purpose / Final Deliverable Land Use Plan Secondary Plan policies, mapping, updated Zoning, updated Urban Design Guidelines, implement heritage Supporting technical information Updated zoning Sanitary Servicing EA Scope River Road / LRT = Region Land Use = City -example

8 Sample Secondary Plan – Land Use
{Add image of a sample land use master plan} -talk about what typically goes into a secondary plan in terms of categories and policies, more specific direction for devt to follow the technical work

9 Who’s on the City Project Team?
Planning Policy, Development Review, Natural Environment, Cultural Heritage Engineering Development, Stormwater Utility Transportation Operations Design & Development (Parks/Trails) Mapping/Geographic Information Systems Communications Region Planning, Natural Environment linked to River Rd/transportation staff, water resources, etc Grand River Conservation Authority Consulting with Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, School Boards, Utilities, other departments and agencies

10 How? When? Task Projected Timeline Public Meeting #1 June 2018
Draft Conceptual Land Use Plan Summer 2018 Preliminary Assessments Fall-Winter 2018 Public Meeting #2 November 2018 Master Land Use (and other) Plan(s) Winter 2018/19 Council Direction Spring 2019 Sanitary Environmental Assessment Summer Secondary Plan OPA & Zoning

11 Context










21 Previous Region Technical Study
Environmental Assessment Stormwater management and drainage Existing Conditions Traffic and Transit Hydraulic assessment/creek crossing Active Transportation Groundwater Policy review Air quality Natural Heritage (ESPA, systems, wetlands, creeks, woodlands, wildlife, aquatic, etc) Species at Risk Lighting Geotechnical (soil, wells, hydrogeology) Noise Economic analysis Fluvial geomorphology Intersection control Built and cultural heritage Functional Design of Road Archaeology Consultation/engagement

22 Key Aspects of City Land Use Review
Creek monitoring and flow modelling Parks and Open Space Trails Stormwater Management Community infrastructure (social, cultural, institutional) Groundwater considerations Natural Heritage (Environmental) Detailed land use and zoning considerations Sanitary Servicing Urban Design Water and Utilities Height and density review Transportation Sustainability (energy, water, waste, air, transportation demand management…) Cultural Heritage Preliminary Noise

23 Flow Monitoring/Simulation Modeling -picks up on previous 2014 City hydrologic and hydraulic study -started Spring 2017 -looking to use some of Region data to assist +meteorological data -build a model that is more specific to this particular part of the watershed/catchment area -although it is an extra step it is an important one as it leads to greater understanding of this part of the subwatershed and provides more specific criteria that any new development would adhere to which helps with achieve water balance objectives, how storm water will be managed and to ensure no negative effect on significant environmental features -currently starting the modeling work -will run simulations of existing conditions and any conceptual land use plan prepared in this process (hydrology = study of movement, distn and quality of water) (hydraulic = study of flow of water)

24 Existing Land Use Business Park, Low Rise Residential, Natural Heritage Conservation, Open Space

25 Existing Land Use Put these three on boards (need description of land use or zone if possible)

26 Existing Land Use

27 Existing Land Use


29 Considerations and Early Directions

30 Considerations Significant natural environmental features
Wildlife habitat, including Species at Risk Creeks/River and surface water protection zones New arterial road, near Hwy 8 interchange(s), near Fairway Rd and near LRT station/line Split area (partly ‘built-up’ and partly ‘greenfield’) = split Provincial Growth Plan direction Complete communities, connectivity, services

31 Considerations Provincial Growth Plan and other Legislation
Region Official Plan City Official Plan Region and City Transportation Master Plans Parks Strategic Plan Multi-use Pathways & Trails Master Plan Integrated Stormwater Management Master Plan Cultural Heritage Landscape Study & Heritage Register Kitchener Growth Management Program Hidden Valley Cr Watershed: Hydrology & Hydraulics Study GRCA Policies, MNRF regulations, other agency requirements

32 Conserve the significant natural environment Conserve the significant natural environmental (features and function) areas of future development should have a neutral or preferably a positive effect on the environment

33 Sustainable or “net zero” development
Bullitt Center (Seattle) Sustainable or “net zero” development Conserve the significant natural environmental (features and function)

34 Mix of uses along River Road extension Mix of uses along River Road extension -Different housing types, shops, institutional, offices/places of employment -complete communities -incl community based uses

35 Provide transportation choice -whatever can be done given situation re: near highway, regional road, hidden, etc -help improve access to services and community-based

36 Respect existing areas and heritage landscape
Conserve As is compatible

37 Next Steps and Input

38 Next Steps This is the first Community Information Session
Will post info online & receive input from this session Prepare a draft Land Use Plan and draft zoning Preliminary technical review Further/formal consultation – Fall 2018 (Nov.+) Next session will have images/description of land uses Receive input, further assess and refine Prepare Plan(s) and report for Council direction in Spring (nothing to Council in 2018)

39 How Can You Provide Input?
1 Sign-In = Contact List 2 Provide Input at Tables 3 Online (webpage, survey) 4 , in writing or in person

40 Today’s Input Questions
What do you like about your area? What’s missing from your area? What’s important to consider for any future uses or development in the area? What other key aspects about this process should be considered?

41 Thank You! FOR ONGOING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on this project or to provide written comments at any time, please view and subscribe to the City’s website at comments to or contact the Project Manager: Brandon Sloan, BES, CIP, RPP Manager, Long Range & Policy Planning x7648 (TTY: )

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