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Commercial/NFP Survey Results
Commercial Membership Surveyed: 1701 Sample Size: 227 (13%) 11/7/2018
Adjusted Respondent Profile
Respondents are predominantly middle/upper management level with a representative mix of technical and non-technical 11/7/2018 * Respondents could answer more than once. Question No.: C15
Organization’s Primary Role (Business Segment)
Commercial respondents often operate in multiple business segments (227 respondents; 298 responses ) 120 99 100 95 80 Number of Responses 60 60 44 40 20 Data Data Collection Industry Support Processsing Intermediary* Elements Support Primary Role Elements Data 15% Processsing 33% Industry Intermediary* Companies are most involved in Data Collection & Data Processing 20% Data Collection 32% 11/7/2018 * Industry Intermediaries include VARs. Question No.: C01
Geospatial Activities as Primary Business Areas
Image Based GIS*: A system for capturing, storing, checking, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying raster, textual and vector data which are spatially referenced to the Earth. Photogrammetry*: The uses of image data sets to make measurements of the size, height and location of objects or landforms. As such it included the science of mapping the topography of the Earth’s surface and of locating and measuring the dimensions of objects on the surface. Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing is the field of study associated with the extraction of information about an object without coming into physical contact with it. For the purposes of this forecast we are restricting the definition to overhead observation of the Earth with a major emphasis on aerospace based data acquisition. *Remote Sensing the Image Chain Approach, Schott, 1997, Oxford University Press. 11/7/2018
Geospatial Activities as Primary Business*
140 125 120 100 89 Again, companies tend to operate in more than one activity. 80 73 Number of Responses 60 40 20 Image Based GIS Photogrammetry Remote Sensing Geospatial Activities Image Based GIS Remote Sensing 25% Currently, Photogrammetry is the largest geospatial activity in the industry 31% Photogrammetry 44% 11/7/2018 * Respondents may choose more than one. Question No.: C02
Market Segments Served
These data indicate where the commercial sector is currently doing most of its business Summarized across all three geospatial activities, these market segments are currently the most served: Mapping Civil Government National/Global Security Environmental Transportation 11/7/2018 Question No.: C5
Image Based GIS Market Segments Served*
50 45 40 35 30 Number of Responses 25 20 15 10 5 Mapping Utilities Other Forestry Agriculture Insurance Environmental Real Estate Transportation Civil Government Telecommunications Exploration & Mining Entertainment/Media National/Global Security Market Segments Most Served Least Served Average: Std Dev: 11/7/2018 * Pick up to 3 Question No.: Cross Reference between C05_01-14
Photogrammetry Market Segments Served*
120 100 80 Number of Responses 60 40 20 Other Mapping Utilities Forestry Agriculture Insurance Environmental Real Estate Transportation Civil Government Telecommunications Exploration & Mining Entertainment/Media National/Global Security Market Segments Most Served Least Served Average: Std Dev: 11/7/2018 * Pick up to 3 Question No.: Cross Reference between C05_01-14
Remote Sensing Market Segments Served*
45 40 35 30 Number of Responses 25 20 15 10 5 Mapping Other Forestry Utilities Agriculture Insurance Environmental Transportation Real Estate Civil Government Exploration & Mining Telecommunications Entertainment/Media National/Global Security Market Segments Most Served Least Served Average: Std Dev: 11/7/2018 * Pick up to 3 Question No.: Cross Reference between C05_01-14
Market Segment Percent of Sales By Geospatial Activity
Is this due to marketing practices? Demand? Customer Awareness? Is there opportunity in the lowest % of sales market segments? 11/7/2018 Question No.: C06_01-14
Estimated Sales 11/7/2018
Estimated Geospatial Sales 1998 to 2001
2.5 2.0 2 1.8 1.6 1.5 Billions - CY 2000 ($ 2000 Constant) 1.3 1 0.5 1998 1999 2000 2001 Sales Increased by Average Annual Growth Rate of 13.3% . 11/7/2018 Question No.: C07_01
Estimated Geospatial Sales I (1998-2001, 2005, and 2010)
6 5.7 5 4 Billions - CY 2000 3.4 ($ 2000 Constant) 3 2.0 2 1.8 1.6 1.3 1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002- 2005 2006- 2010 04 09 Estimated Sales I is based on respondent estimates only 11/7/2018
Estimated Geo-Spatial Sales
Based on analysis of responses, average annual growth rates are: 2005: 13.6% : 14.1% 11/7/2018
Estimated Geospatial Sales II 1998 to 2010
Estimated Sales II is based on calculating the average annual growth rate of respondent estimates of growth between 2000 and 2005 and between 2005 and 2010 and then using those growth rates to fill in the interim years 7 6.4 5.7 6 4.9 5 4.3 3.8 Billions - CY 2000 4 ($ 2000 Constant) 3.3 2.9 2.6 3 2.3 2 1.8 1.6 2 1.3 1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average Annual Growth Rate: 13.6% * Growth Rate: 14.1% * 11/7/2018 *Based on information from chart 13
Estimated Geospatial Sales III 1998 to 2010
Forecast Baseline Estimated Sales III is based on calculating the average annual growth rate from (respondent estimates) and applying that rate to the out-years 7 6.0 6 5.3 5 4.7 ($ 2000 Constant) 4.2 4 3.7 3.3 2.9 3 2.6 2.3 2.0 Billions 2 1.8 1.6 1.3 1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11/7/2018 AAGR Question No.: C07_01
Comparison of Sales Forecasts
7 6 Estimated Geospatial Sales I ( , 2005, and 2010) 5 ($ 2000 Constant) Estimated Geospatial Sales 4 II 1998 to 2010 3 Estimated Geospatial Sales III 1998 to 2010 AAGR Billions 2 Estimated Geospatial Sales 1 IV 1999 to 2010 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Years Based on this analysis, Estimate III is selected as the Industry Baseline 11/7/2018 Question No.: N/A
Estimated Organization’s $ Sales by Primary Role
1998 1999 2000 2001 2005 2010 % of Total US Market* Data Collection 500 650 730 950 1550 2680 30 Data Processing 700 850 920 1140 1980 3430 37 Industry 230 320 370 400 580 880 14 Intermedaries Support Elements 410 480 540 610 780 1050 21 Data Collection and Data Processing are about 66% total US market. *Numbers may not add due to rounding 11/7/2018
Current Use of Platforms in the CY 2000
160 149 140 Space 120 34% 100 Number Respondents 78 80 Aerial 60 66% Aerial Platforms are used about twice as much as Space Platforms to collect Remotely Sensed Data 40 Aerial Space 20 HOWEVER, Sales are about evenly split Space 47% Aerial 53% 11/7/2018 Question No.: C03_01
Estimated Baseline Sales Forecast: Aerial vs. Space
7000 6000 Space 47% Aerial 5000 53% 4000 Millions $ CY 2000 Constant 3000 2000 1000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Based on current estimates by respondents market share is about equally divided between Space and Aerial. Assumption: Aerial to Space ratio will remain static throughout forecast period. 11/7/2018
Geospatial Activity in CY 2000
Remote Sensing $560M Photogrammetry $800M Image-based GIS $450M Image Based GIS 25% Photogrammetry 44% Remote Sensing 31% Sales Currently, Photogrammetry is the largest geospatial activity in the industry Remote Sensing 44% Image Based GIS 20% Photogrammetry 36% However, Remote Sensing is receiving more R&D emphasis. Does this portend of future sales trend? R&D 11/7/2018 Question No.: C02
Estimated Employees Involved in Geospatial Activities
Reported RSI Company Size
100 79 80 59 60 46 Number of Responses 40 16 18 20 9 1 to 10 11 to 100 101 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 to Over 5000 5000 Estimated Employees Over 50% of the sample companies are estimated at under 100 employees. Over 80% of the sample companies are estimated at under 500 employees *Based on 227 responses 11/7/2018 Question: C17
Estimate of Employees in Sample Companies
Assumption: “Over 5000 = 5000 Over 50% of the sample companies are under 100 employees. Over 80% of the sample companies are under 500 employees Based on response RSI employs about 167,000 employees. Estimated average size company is about 735 Notes: Column (2) is the mathematical mid-point of (1) Column (3) is the sum of respondents answers Column (4) = columns (2) x (3) = weighted company size. 11/7/2018 *Based on 227 responses Question: C17
Adjusted Estimate of Employees in RSI Companies
Assumption “Over 5000” = 7500 Based on responses the RSI employs about 212,000 Estimated average size company is about 935 Notes: Column (2) is the mathematical mid-point of (1) Column (3) is the sum of respondents answers Column (4) = columns (2) x (3) = weighted company size. *Based on 227 responses 11/7/2018 Question: C17
Employees in the Core Companies of the RSI
Based on ASPRS Data, there are 220 “Core Companies” in the RSI Based on the previous estimates, there are between 735 and 935 employees in the average RSI company Therefore, there are about 162K to 205K employees in the “Core Companies” of the U.S. RSI and the average company size is about 840 11/7/2018
Employees in RSI by Geo-Spatial Activity
About 85% of the companies have an average of 23 employees involved in Geo-Spatial Activities About 15% of the companies have an average of 345 employees 11/7/2018 Question No.: C16a,b,c,
Employees in the Core Companies of the RSI
Based on ASPRS data, there are about 220 “Core Companies” in the RSI Based on data analysis, employees engaged in Geo-Spatial Activities in the average RSI company are bi-modally distributed. About 85% are in companies of about 23 employees; and 15% are in companies of about 345 employees. 85% X 220 = 187 Companies with 23 employees 4,301 Employees 15% X 220 = 33 Companies with 345 employees 11,385 Employees Therefore, there are about 16,000 employees in the “Core Companies” of the U.S. RSI 11/7/2018
% of Estimate of Employees in RSI Companies Directly Involved in Geo-Spatial Activities
Estimated Employees: 16,000/167,000 = 9.6% Adjusted Estimated Employees: 16,000/212,000 = 7.5% Core 735 Ave: 16,000/162,000 = 9.9% Core Companies @ 935 Ave: 16,000/205,000 = 7.8% About 8% - 10% of employees in Average RSI companies are directly involved in Geo-Spatial Activities % of employees involved in Geo-Spatial Activities is probably higher in smaller companies; lower in larger 11/7/2018
Most Difficult Job Skills to Hire
2500 Physics 2000 Computer Science Geology Disconnect? Disciplinary Degrees Granted 1500 Forestry Photogrammetry 1000 0ther Environmetal Sci. 500 Civil Engineering Geography 1995 2000 2005 2010 Years 11/7/2018 Question No.: C013
Most Used Image Media CY 2000
100 90 80 “Film Color IR” is not an available technology for space platforms 70 60 Number of Responses 50 40 30 20 10 Digital Digital Digital Film Film Film LIDAR SAR Color IR Pan Color Color Pan IR Image Media Aerial Platforms Space Platforms Digital and SAR are the preferred Space Platform media Film is the preferred Aerial Platform medium 11/7/2018 Combo charts 42 &43
CY 2000 Research and Development
Almost 60% of commercial remote sensing companies do not budget for R&D Is R& D hidden in project costs? 140 131 120 96 100 Number Respondents 80 Do 60 Do Not 40 Do 42% 20 Do Not 58% Do Do Not R & D Budget Strategy 11/7/2018 Question No.: C011
CY 2000 Allocation of R&D by Geospatial Activities
Image Based GIS 20% Remote Sensing 44% Photogrammetry 36% 11/7/2018 Question No.: C012
Conclusions The Remote Sensing Industry will Grow at About 13% Per Year and Reach About $6B in Sales by Sales are about evenly split between Aerial and Space platform collected data Companies tend to operate in more than one Market Segment; more than one Business Segment; and more than one Geo-Spatial Activity While Photogrammetry is currently the largest geo-spatial activity, there are indications a shift to Remote Sensing may be in process There are about 200K employees in the “Core Companies” Commercial Sector of the RSI About 8%-10% (16K) of the Employees in the RSI are Directly Involved in Geo-Spatial Activities. The ratio is probably higher in smaller companies than in larger ones Most Companies have < 100 employees and employ RS/GIS “professionals” 11/7/2018
Conclusions Academia may not be meeting industry needs for new hires
At 1% of the student population resources become an issue Government and/or private sector support are probably needed Currently, the largest/most served market Segments are: Mapping Civil Government Environmental National/Global Security Transportation Most Served Market Segments and those with highest % of sales are about the same as those Mission Areas deemed most important on the Government side Less attended Market Segments may be an opportunity area 11/7/2018
Conclusions Most RSI Companies are small and do not invest in R&D
Commercial Survey and Interview Results are mutually reinforcing 11/7/2018
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