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BIOMASS ENERGY presented by Neo-Excretory Genesis

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1 BIOMASS ENERGY presented by Neo-Excretory Genesis
Million Negassi Allen Trac Gordon Lai Clement Law Paul Lin Weiming Li 11/7/2018

2 Topics Methane generation from cows Methane generation from Human
Number of people needed to generate enough power for SLO Number of cows needed for methane generation Biomass related-diseases, odor and pollution Suggestions 11/7/2018

3 Overview of Biomass energy
Biomass products have been used for thousands of years to cook food keep households warm Sources of biomass: Animal waste Life stock-manure (Cows) Human-sludge organic component of municipal industrial wastes Wood and dry crop wastes are classified as biomass derived fuels Firewood is still the most common form of fuel 11/7/2018

4 Overview of Biomass energy
It accounts for 3% of energy production in the U.S. Biomass is still the largest form of energy available in the US It ranks second (to hydropower) in renewable energy 11/7/2018

5 Effects of Biomass energy
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions Generates carbon dioxide as fossil fuels do But CO2 is removed when a tree is grown The net CO2 emission will be zero if plants are grown for the purposes of biomass energy Planting a tree for each tree we cut is required 11/7/2018

6 Biomass Energy Applications
Biofuels Converting biomass into liquid fuels for transportation Biopower Burning biomass directly, or converting it into a gaseous fuel or oil, to generate electricity Bioproducts Converting biomass into chemicals for making products that typically are made from petroleum 11/7/2018

7 Biogas Production Tech

8 Biogas (Digester gas) Mixture of gases

9 Typical Energy Production

10 Anaerobic Digesters Covered Lagoon Digester Complete Mix Digester
Manure storage lagoon with floating cover Liquid manure with < 3% solid Complete Mix Digester Heated tank above or below ground Large manure volume with solid concentration 3% ~ 10% Plug-Flow Digester Digester with mixing pit for water Ruminant animal manure with solid concentration 11% ~ 13 % 11/7/2018

11 Mix Above Ground Digester

12 Mix Above Ground Digester Tank
Retention time of 20 days Size = daily manure production X 20 More efficient than plug-flow system Less effect from change in climate Stable production Less effective than covered lagoon system More expensive $$$$$ 11/7/2018

13 Components 11/7/2018

14 Components 11/7/2018

15 Benefits Generate electricity
Fuel for boiler, space heater, refrigeration equipment Directly combust as a cooking and lighting fuel Most equipment that use natural gas, propane, or butane fuels can be modified to operate on biogas. 11/7/2018

16 Benefits Nearby green house could be heated with biogas
Carbon dioxide from heater exhaust could enhance plant growth Recovered digested solids may be used for animal bedding Anaerobic digestion does not lower the total amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the manure but does increase the amount of ammonia nitrogen The manure effluent will have a higher nutrient availability and plant uptake may be improved with digestion 11/7/2018

17 Benefits After digestion, compounds, which usually produce odors, are greatly reduced Digester systems, properly designed and operated, significantly reduce the odors associated with manure storage and distribution. 11/7/2018

18 Energy Requirements for SLO County
Number of Households = 97,230 Number of People = 237,709 11/7/2018

19 Energy Requirements for SLO County
Number of People per Household 12,133 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year 11/7/2018

20 Methane Production System Considerations
Success Rates Covered Lagoons – 78% Plug Flow – 37% Mix Digesters – 30% Choose to use covered lagoons due to success rates 11/7/2018

21 Covered Lagoon Power Plants
How much energy can be produced from each plant? We’ll choose the one from Cal Poly It produces 170,000 kWh / Plant*year 11/7/2018

22 How many power plants do we need to power the county?

23 Is such a system feasible?
How many cows are required? 11/7/2018

24 Is such a system feasible?
We need 3,993,400 cow’s manure to supply enough methane to power the county. Does SLO county have that many cows? Number of Cows in California = 1.3 Million Not even California has enough cows to supply enough manure for SLO county energy production through methane. I Guess not! 11/7/2018

25 Human Excretory System Consideration

26 How much sludge does a cow produce?
1000 lb cow produces 80 lbs of sludge/day 11/7/2018

27 How much sludge do we produce?

28 Ratio of Cow Sludge to Human Sludge

29 How much sludge do we need to produce?

30 Is this Human System Feasible?
The Human population in California is: 33,871,648 We need 54,294,400 humans to supply enough methane to SLO county 11/7/2018

31 Current developing system
In Corby, UK, Engineers have started to develop the first human sludge power generating system. It is based on a sewage works in Northamptonshire. Every flush will count in the scheme to provide 5,000 local homes and businesses Ideal for small communities 11/7/2018

32 Current developing system
Each unit has to be no bigger than two Dutch barns. Expected cost is about ₤10 Million, or $18 Million It will be paid off within 10 years. 11/7/2018

33 What can we do with the Sludge?
PROS CONS Put it in landfill Cheap Not sustainable. We will run out of space. People don’t like it. They are worried that things will get into the water supply. Burning and using the energy produced. This may be able to power the sewage works and will become cheaper as technology develops. Expensive at the moment. People worry about gases realized. Putting on the land for agriculture. Long term benefits to soil structure. Special rules govern which crops can be treated and how long to harvesting. The public approve if it has been well treated. Not the cheapest option Dumping at sea Banned 11/7/2018

34 Our Choice Use Sludge to Produce Energy
Sustainable Energy makes sense for our future It will become cheaper as technology develops Conventional sources of energy will become more and more expensive $millions = efforts to save the earth 11/7/2018

35 How long will it take to pay off?
Original Definitions P: monthly payment A: loan principal R: APR (annual percentage rate) / 12 Redefinitions P: $$ saved in energy per month A: cost to set up and build the system R: current prime rate / 12 11/7/2018

36 Actual Numbers (estimated)
Fibropower Limited’s project “Eye” Project costs: ₤ 22 million System power capacity: 12.7 Mega-watts R = current prime rate / 12 = 6.0% / 12 = 0.005 A = cost of system = ₤ 22 million = $ 40.4 million 11/7/2018

37 Continued… P = $$ saved by the system per month
= (energy generated per month) x (conventional energy price) – (operating costs + maintenance costs) = (9.278 M-kwh) x ($0.12/kwh) – ($9.278 M-kwh) x ($0.0675/kwh) = $ 487,095 / month 11/7/2018

38 The Results!! = 995.63 months = 83 yrs
A and R are directly proportional to # of months to pay off; P is inversely proportional to # of months to pay off. Facts: It is expensive at the moment; A is large We use prime rate to estimate; R will vary Conventional energy will approach shortage; Technology will make the system more economically viable.  P will Increase 11/7/2018

39 cost environmental impact odor and disease
Disadvantages cost environmental impact odor and disease 11/7/2018

40 Cost On average, more expensive than conventional source of energy

41 Environmental Impacts
NOT emissions-free. They are known to emit nitrogen and sulfur oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and ammonia only marginally effective at reducing problems with odors, pathogens and greenhouse gas emissions pose dangers to surrounding residents--leaking, emitting dangerous gases, and threatening to overflow. 11/7/2018

42 Continued DOES NOT reduce quantity of manure
Heavy metal and toxic materials could not degrade by digester Manure used as fertilizer would bring these danger materials to consumers Land use 11/7/2018

43 Risk Control promoting proper pollutant source control and disposal of household and business hazardous wastes assessing treated sewage sludge quality, assuring appropriate land types and use for application while verifying compatibility with surrounding areas determining appropriate soil, landscape, and crop or vegetative conditions for biosolids use or restriction 11/7/2018

44 continued monitoring and overseeing transport, storage, application and land use during and after application. limiting harvest or grazing until appropriate time periods have elapsed. 11/7/2018

45 Odor Control Siting—1 mile minimum & downwind from neighbors, land base adequate for manure disposal, good soil drainage, and visibility. Frequent flushing or scraping. Solid separation; keep solid stockpiles dry and preferably covered or compost them. 11/7/2018

46 continued Lagoon type—aerobic lagoons produce less odor than anaerobic lagoons. Lagoon covers. Windbreaks to reduce airflow across lagoons. Proper maintenance of the facility inside and out. Applying manure when the wind is calm and incorporating the manure as soon as possible. 11/7/2018

47 Conclusion 11/7/2018

48 Possible solutions (Nuclear Energy)
Uranium: Uranium can be extracted from seawater or earth’s crust It can be extracted from seawater at less than $1000 per pound Considers $ per pound the best estimate. In terms of fuel cost per million BTU, he gives (uranium at $400 per pound 1.1 cents , coal $1.25, OPEC oil $5.70, natural gas $3-4.) 11/7/2018

49 Nuclear Energy Deposition and energy yield:
Rivers bring more uranium that is 3.2x10^4 tons/yr we can extract 16,000 tons/yr of uranium from seawater It would supply 25 times the world's present electricity usage 11/7/2018

50 Nuclear Energy Availability
Seawater contains 3.3x10^(-9) (3.3 parts per billion) of uranium So the 1.4x10^18 tons of seawater contains 4.6x10^9 tons of uranium All the world's electricity usage, 650GWe could therefore be supplied by the uranium in seawater for 7 million years 11/7/2018

51 Nuclear Energy It can yield twice the world's present total energy
The supply would last for 5 billion years with a withdrawal rate of 6,500 tons/yr The crust contains 6.5x10^13 tons of uranium. 11/7/2018

52 Solar Power Powering with solar energy tower 11/7/2018

53 End 11/7/2018

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