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Responsible Professor: Supervisor: Prof. Martin Haardt Jianhui Li

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1 Linear Beamforming for Multiple Operator MIMO One-Way Relaying with Limited Feedback
Responsible Professor: Supervisor: Prof. Martin Haardt Jianhui Li Description: A multiple operator MIMO one-way relaying scheme is studied, where multiple transceiver pairs communicate with the assistance of an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. Tasks Literature study on robust linear beamforming against channel quantization errors with limited feedback Extension of current algorithm and compare to the conventional scheme Novel robust beamforming design (optional) References [1] B. Zhang, Z. He, K. Niu, and L. Zhang, “Robust Linear Beamforming for MIMO Relay Broadcast Channel With Limited Feedback”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 17, No. 2, Feb. 2010 [2] W. Xu and X. Dong, “MMSE Relaying Design for Multi-Antenna Two-Hop Downlinks with Finite-Rate Feedback”, IEEE Globecom, 2010. [3] N. Jindal, “MIMO broadcast channels with finite-rate feedback”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol.52, no.11, pp 5045- 5059, Nov Focus 1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements BS1 UT1 R BSK UTK feedback

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