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Core Technologies of the next generation wireless systems for the high rate mobile data access services Workshop on the Communication Core Technology Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Core Technologies of the next generation wireless systems for the high rate mobile data access services Workshop on the Communication Core Technology Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Technologies of the next generation wireless systems for the high rate mobile data access services Workshop on the Communication Core Technology Educational Culture Center in Seoul Feb. 14, 2006 By - Bekay (Byung Keun) Lim, Ph.D. ArrayComm LLC

2 Agenda 1. Telecommunication Services Status and Trend
2. Mobile Wireless Technology Evolution 3. Experience of the high rate AMC based technologies 4. The constraints of public mobile wireless technology evolution 5. AAS and SDMA for the high rate mobile access 6. Experience of the AAS/SDMA technologies 7. Conclusion

3 1. Telecommunication Services Status and Trend
Voice to Data & Multimedia Wireline to Wireless Higher Data Speed Voice Centric network to Data Centric network NGN, IPv6, Ubiquitous, 3.5G, 4G, Core Service to Additional Supplementary Services, Converged services Converged market - Public Operator driven Market , Enterprise, and SOHO Market. Saturated and slow growth. New Revenue Source are required for fast growth Shared equipment to Personalized

4 Broadband Multimedia Services
Voice to Data & Multimedia, Wireline to Wireless, Higher Speed Information Rate LAN/ WLAN xDSL, Cable modem Data Broadband Multimedia Services 2Mbps Mobile Wireless Broadband Multimedia Services 1Mbps Multimedia Services 144Kbps 64Kbps Dial up data Voice Services Mobile Wireless Voice PSTN Voice Mobility Fixed Fixed Wireless pedestrian Vehicular

5 Legacy Separate Network Next Generation Network
Voice Centric network to Data Centric network, NGN, IPv6, Ubiquitous, 3.5G, 4G, Wireless 패킷망 PSTN Access Transport DATA Switching Networks Legacy Separate Network QoS Packet Network Mobile Access Enterprise Home Softswitch Next Generation Network Services services Network

6 Core Service to Additional Supplementary Services,
PSTN – IN services, 080, Ring Sound, CID, etc. PCS, Cellular – SMS, Multimedia, Data Converged services, Converged market - Public Operator driven Market , Enterprise, and SOHO Market. DMB over the Handset Home Network Saturated and slow growth. New Revenue Source are required for further growth. Subscribers as of Dec.30, 2005 PSTN – No growth, (decrease) 22.92Mil PCS, Cellular – 38.34Milion High Speed Internet – 12.14Mil

7 Shared telecommunication equipment to Personalized
PSTN provides a telecommunication services to every home and Office (PSTN Phone)  PCS, Cellular provide a personal services (Handset) Broadband Internet Access Services, xDSL, Cable, Metro Ethernet provide a High Speed Internet Access services to Home and Office (Desk Top PC)  Wireless Broadband Access provides a personal services ( mobile PC)

8 2. Mobile Wireless Technology Evolution
Voice Centric Network technology 3GPP2, IS-95A/B, cdma2000 1x/Ev-Do, 1xEV-Do rev A , 3GPP, WCDMA, CDMA/HSDPA, HSUPA, LTE, TD-SCDMA, TD-CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, Data Centric network technology IEEE802.x, Hiperxxx WiFi, WiMAX, WiBro, Mobile WiMAX HC-SDMA,

9 From Voice Centric technology to Data Centric technology
Circuit switch Cellular/PCS to All IP Network Narrow Channel Bandwidth to Broad Channel Bandwidth 1.25Mhz -> 5Mhz –> 10Mhz -> 20Mhz To have a broadband access channel widen the channel bandwidth Uniform Rate service coverage to variable rate service coverage by AMC Symbol modulation for basic voice channel covers full service areas Higher order modulation 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM provides a portion of coverage areas depend on the SNR To achieve the high peak data rate as far as possible

10 3. Experience of the high rate AMC based technologies
3. Experience of the high rate AMC technologies Easy approach to get a higher peak data rate Non-uniform service coverage N SNR Distance 25 20 15 10 5 -5 W dB E S

11 Lower Cell Edge data rate deteriorate the service quality
Peak Data rate mislead the understanding for the End user even Operators Cause a complain by the poor service quality < CDMA x, WCDMA, GSM > < 1xEV-DO, EV-DV, HSDPA, WiBro>

12 4. The constraints of public mobile wireless technology evolution
Public wireless service system criterion Guarantee the quality of Services Public Wireless Services system is different from private wireless system ISM band WIFI vs. Licensed Spectrum Radio System Cell Planning and Quality HSDPA, Mobile WiMAX, WiBro, LTE, 3.5G, 4G, approach is to get a broadband channel bandwidth, higher rate AMC technique Peak rate driven, OFDMA, MIMO, Higher Radio Frequency Band 2.5GHz, 5GHz, etc. High RF band is required for Broadband Channel BW Propagation loss, uniform service quality, Backhaul Cost limit the massive deployment

13 Lesson of Commercial experience of the MBWA system, Cellular, Netspot,
Expensive, Poor quality (non-uniform), Small coverage Non-popular services Low cost , uniform service quality, higher data rate, higher network capacity are required. For the popular services Voice Centric Approach could not break the paradigm of cost, quality constraint User expect similar amount of payment for the data access Data services requires several tenth times data capacity compare to Voice services capacity Data centric application network Can ensure the Capex and Opex for the MBWA services

14 Data centric telecommunication MBWA network for what?
Providing services by a cheap cost Providing guaranteed service quality Providing uniform service quality Providing commercial new subscriber (Mobile PC?) Can not build a MBWA network by a legacy cellular concept New Paradigm is required for MBWA network Limit some service features (mobility) Smaller cell (Pico Cell for high capacity/m²) Zone based service coverage ( reduce the Capex and Opex) Higher Capacity / footprint ( MBWA requirement) AAS for the Cell Edge Data Speed and Quality (Uniformity )

15 5. AAS and SDMA for the high rate mobile access
Array Antenna based Adaptive Antenna solution provides wider coverage and higher capacity Technical Interpretation Gain vs. noise, fading, ... expands envelope to right Interference mitigation (+ gain) expands it upwards Economic Interpretation Coverage improvements reduce CapEx, OpEx (esp. backhaul, sites) Capacity improvements reduce delivery cost, spectrum requirements range (km) Throughput/cell (Mbps) 2/2.5G (10 MHz) 802.11b (83 MHz) Noise Limited Interference Smart Antenna Benefit

16 -1 +1 Exploiting Channel State Information User 1, s1(t)ejt 2bs2(t)
as1(t)+bs2(t) as1(t)-bs2(t) User 2, s2(t)ejt Users’ signals arrive at array with different space-time channels Processing provides gain and interference mitigation 2as1(t) as1(t)

17 Gain, Active & Passive Mitigation
co-channel user passive mitigation active mitigation user coherent gain omni/sector reference

18 … Protocol Independence Applicable to any access & modulation methods
Processing in parallel on each channel resource Transceiver Channelizer (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, OFDMA) Spatial and Temporal Processing baseband signals/user data antenna

Single Input, Single Output MISO Multiple Input, Single Output SIMO Single Input, Multiple Output MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output SDMA

20 Antenna Arrays Wide variety of geometries and element types Array size
arrangements of off-the-shelf single elements custom arrays Array size vertical extent determined by element gain/pattern as usual horizontal extent, as small as 3-5 lambda regular structures with 0.5 lambda subarrays desirable for FDD 2 GHz: array of eight 10 dBi elements is 0.5 x 0.75 m small! conformal arrays for aesthetics

21 Antenna Co-Processing
Common Radio System Logical Layouts for Advanced Antenna Processing Base Station Calibration Module Resource scheduling and calibration control Antenna Co-Processing ... RF ... PHY MAC Client Device Frame and Control RF Antenna Processing PHY MAC Antenna processing software modules from ArrayComm Calibration subsystem

22 PHS HC-SDMA GSM HC-SDMA system performance
6.7x capacity improvement through 3 software releases in microcellular application, with over 275,000 installations in service in Japan and China Industry’s most sophisticated spatial processing at work in multiple large-scale deployments of true mobile broadband standard GSM 12–30 dB link budget and 2–6x capacity improvement in challenging urban FDD application, large US operator trial ongoing

23 WiBro/Mobile WiMAX performance -Downlink SINR distribution, reuse 3
Out of Service ~10dB ~30%

24 WiBro/Mobile WiMAX performance - Downlink SINR distribution, reuse 1

25 Average Data Rate [kbps]
HC-SDMA , Base Case: 8 Terminals, 8 Carriers Downlink Uplink 2,629 7,966  Total 328 1,025 UT#6 1,027 UT#8 982 UT#7 332 1,026 UT#5 331 892 UT#4 325 UT#3 329 964 UT#2 1,023 UT#1 Average Data Rate [kbps]

26 Antenna Configurations — Stub & Patch
Pair 1: co-pol closely spaced Pair 2: x-pol Pair 3: co-pol distant

27 Wavelength at 2GHz is about 15 cm
Typical handset dimension is 10 cm x 5 cm A 2-antenna solution with 0.3 – 0.5λ antenna separation can be easily accommodated Due to the large angle spread of the received signals, a 0.3 – 0.5λ antenna separation will yield good performances ArrayComm has studied handset antenna configurations in detail

28 Measurement Results – Patch Antennas

29 Measurement Results – Stub Antennas

30 Network Simulation – Ec/Ei in the WCDMA Handset
3GPP TR 3 sectors/site Max BS power: 20 Watts Pilot TX power: 1 Watts Cell radius: 1500 m Uncorrelated Shadowing sigma=8 dB

31 Ec/Ei After Cancelling Most Dominant Interferer
3GPP TR 3 sectors/site Max BS power: 20 Watts Pilot TX power: 1 Watts Cell radius: 1500 m Uncorrelated Shadowing sigma=8 dB

32 Ec/Ei After Cancelling Two Dominant Interferers
3GPP TR 3 sectors/site Max BS power: 20 Watts Pilot TX power: 1 Watts Cell radius: 1500 m Uncorrelated Shadowing sigma=8 dB

33 6. Experience of the AAS/SDMA technologies
Mitigate the cell edge interference and provide uniform QoS Increase the network average throughput Increase the network total capacity by SDMA Easy to implement on top of existing technologies Optimum solution for data centric application system MIMO Now BS AAS (Multiple RX/TX) Handset AAS ( 2 Rx)

34 7. Conclusion 7. Conclusion Next generation licensed MBWA market
The last domain of telecommunication services New ocean of Telecommunication services market When the subscriber come with a new client devices New Device will consumes a lot of data traffic compare to Cellular packet usage on the handset Popularity will be assured by low cost and uniform quality Core technologies for the new public licensed MBWA market AAS uniquely assures the uniform services quality SDMA is the last technique to improve the capacity in any technologies even on top of MIMO

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