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Moving away from the parent plant. Revised

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1 Moving away from the parent plant. Revised 1-11-17
Seed Survival!!! Moving away from the parent plant. Revised

2 NGSS Engineering Design Process Restated in simpler words.
Define What do you want your design to do and what is going to keep you from making the perfect design? NGSS Engineering Design Process Restated in simpler words. Optimize Design, Test, Redesign, Retest, Redesign, Retest, Redesign, Retest (See where this is going?)

3 Pathway to the videos on the network
Page 4 – There are links to text articles and to these videos on our webpage as well. Pathway to the videos on the network Computer Students Folder Abraham Folder Life Science Class Folder Biology (Living Organisms) Folder Seed Survival!!! Folder

4 Wind Dispersed Seeds Page 5 - There are real seeds to observe
in the classroom as well. Wind Dispersed Seeds Douglas Fir Western Red Cedar Big Leaf Maple

5 Wind Dispersed Seeds Page 5 - There are real seeds to observe
in the classroom as well. Wind Dispersed Seeds Cottonwood Dandelion Orange Hawkweed

6 Brainstorm Design and Materials
Page 6 - You may bring in limited materials from home as well. Check with your teacher if you are wanting to bring in materials from home. Brainstorm Design and Materials Possible Materials: Tissue Paper Paper Cotton Balls Styrofoam Feathers Plastic Grocery Bags Mylar (Emergency Blanket Material) Tissues Drinking Straws String Other Ideas Are Welcome Nutrient Packet/Endosperm Each seed carries a tiny packet of nutrients to allow the seed to grow as it develops. In our model your nutrient packet will be a Post-it note. You make the post it note any shape or form you would like. (Sphere, Cube, Tube, etc.) All building and testing will take place in class.

7 Initial Design and Testing
Page 7 - Be thoughtful about your initial design. Using systematic processes means you are deliberate and are not just “playing”. Initial Design and Testing Sketch your design before you test: If you are “designing as you go” or “testing as you go” you are not using the NGSS Engineering Process as it is intended. Measuring Your Distance Once your seed stops, start to count to 5. If the seed hasn’t moved, measure your distance from that spot EVEN IF THE SEED MOVES MORE AFTER THE 5 COUNT. If you get to the back, redesign to carry more weight or move faster. All building and testing will take place in class.

8 Page 8 – Be thoughtful about the change you want to make to your design.
Iterative Testing Engineering does not always work as planned with the first design. This is why we test, redesign, retest, redesign. Please DO NOT erase or ignore your initial design.

9 Balloon vine

10 Tumbleweed

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