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Westport Middle School Advisory Lesson

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1 Westport Middle School Advisory Lesson
Self-Awareness Westport Middle School Advisory Lesson

2 Icebreaker: Rip Up Your Stress
On a half-piece of paper, write down everything that is bothering you right now. Examples: Things that are making you angry Things that are making you insecure Things that are giving you anxiety Afterwards, rip the paper up, crumple all the pieces into a ball, and throw it into the wastebasket.

3 Learning Target and Agenda
LT: I can reflect on my self-awareness. Agenda: Review emotional intelligence. Define “self-awareness” and discuss why it is important to your emotional intelligence. Short Video (link in PowerPoint) Activity Exit Slip

4 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions.

5 Emotional Intelligence
Most people feel many different emotions throughout the day. Some feelings (like surprise) last just a few seconds. Others may stay longer, creating a mood like happiness or sadness. Being able to notice and accurately label these everyday feelings is the most basic of all the EQ skills.

6 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence consists of four basic capabilities. These are: Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Social Awareness Relationship Management

7 Self-Awareness Self-awareness – the ability to recognize
your emotions and know your strengths and limits

8 Turn and Talk Look at the illustration to the right.
Turn and talk to an elbow partner about why lacking (not having) self-awareness could be a bad thing for the cat AND for people in general.

9 How well do you know yourself?
Video: Discuss: Were you surprised that all the results were the same? Why do you think all the results seemed personal to each person?

10 Activity: I am… (and Am I Assertive?)
Complete the worksheets independently. Choose one to three things you would like to share with the group.

11 Exit Ticket Do you think you are self-aware? Why or why not?

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