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ITRS AMC Roadmap Project Plan : AMC Integrated Concept

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Presentation on theme: "ITRS AMC Roadmap Project Plan : AMC Integrated Concept"— Presentation transcript:

1 ITRS AMC Roadmap Project Plan : AMC Integrated Concept
ITRS / WECC /TWG AMC/crosscut issue FI First proposal : Spring meeting April-2010 Follow up with FI May

2 Outline Problem statement
Changes/additions in Red Bold Problem statement Current Situation....problems, examples of AMC issues exeprienced by waferfab First assumptions from ITRS AMC Project coordination with FI Next steps Others: waste reduction matrix

3 AMC Integrated Concept

4 Problem statement Foup could act as contamination reservoir and distributor for contamination ; Foup = Fab interface for: - AMHS Tools; loadports Minienvironment Wafer surfaces with different outgassing potential and interactions to other surfaces - Foup characterization and monitoring becomes more important New approach: Introduction of new foup materials (FM4911) Lack of standards/methods for defining Foup – and Foup cross contamination (SEMI) - High costs for non standardized tests @ IDMs

5 Status and proposal for next steps
Description of different interactions /interfaces between Foup and environment Defining of reliable monitoring methods for chemical compounds in regards to YE7 table -Literature research; collecting most detrimental effects and compounds -Implementation of particle cleanliness requested ? Methods to be tested / proofed (eg . ISMI project ?) Project coordination with FI;contribution of FI -First meeting held March -Input received from FI- refer to meeting minutes from Patrick -Team formation i

6 Goal Definition of interfaces and monitoring strategy in regards to Foup: Introduction of acceptance criteria in ITRS table ( YE; YE7) Introduction of extra line for „Foup environment“ in ITRS table YE7 Definition of Potential solutions and countermeasures-eg.: ( needs to be discussed with FI ) -Cleaning methods -Purging options -Degas chambers -Addressing development of improved Foup materials ( non-absorbing) Development first draft for method description; time line in dependency of discussion /outcome with FI i

7 Define working group /Team Member
WECC / AMC: Christoph Hocke- INFINEON Arnaud Favre – ADIXEN Andreas Neuber – AMAT Michael Otto - FHG Astrid Gettel - Globalfoundries FI: Will follow soon i

8 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Foup < - > wafer

9 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Foup < - > wafer

10 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Cleanroom air -> Foup
Proposal TWG AMC: Chr.Hocke/INF

11 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Cleanroom air -> Foup
Proposal TWG AMC: Chr.Hocke/INF

12 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Cleanroom air <-> wafer inside Foup
Proposal TWG AMC: Chr.Hocke/INF

13 First proposal: Description of Interactions: Memory effects (based on Foup material)
Proposal TWG AMC: Chr.Hocke/INF

14 Collection of measuring methods = f {compounds, wafer/or foup based etc….}
Proposal TWG AMC: M.Otto/FHG

15 Input FI from first meeting 03/09/10

16 Input FI from first meeting 03/09/10

17 Input FI from first meeting 03/09/10
Get packet packet together to send to the wafer fabs…. Get a list of waferfab….to poll Get participation Get data Bottleneck….get some university…neutral participation….. ….get more inform from the ye group…. Next Steps: Arnaud, Christopoh, and Patrick…make an input to the pack… Next meeting 2-3 weeks….

18 Backup

19 Project plan: AMC (Integrated) Concept
Proposal TWG AMC: Interactions Contermeasures Fresh processed wafer <-> FOUP - outgassing fresh processed wafers -> degas chamber; tool supplier tool supplier ; FI - Loadlock? Purge FI b) FOUP <-> wafer - fresh FOUP - as-used-FOUP - cleaned FOUP Carrier supplier : Deployment of nonabsorbing materials –no interactions wafer –carrier material c) FOUP <-> ambient Cleanroom d) ? ambient cleanroom MENV/Filter FOUP Tool environment for processing wafer LP FOUP

20 AMC Integrated Concept : Different interactions / interfaces

21 Project plan:AMC(Integrated) Concept
v. good Focus area

22 Next steps 2. Collection of different measuring methods = f
- Chemical species in acc. to YE9 table - Online /offline method - Detection limit - Referring to Literature ……?! Next steps: - Justification/Evaluation of methods - Concentration only on already known detrimental chemical compounds ( too much datas); needs to be defined

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