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Early History of Europe

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1 Early History of Europe

2 Fill in the blanks on your Vocab Handout Classical Europe:
Word and Definition Word and Definition Consul – individual elected by the people of Rome to be their leaders Polis – Greek term for “city-state” Senate – supreme council of ancient Rome with an assembly of landowners who served for life Democracy – direct rule of the people Classical – relating to the Ancient Greek or Roman world Republic – government in which people choose their leaders Philosophy – Greek term meaning “Love of Wisdom” Emperor – an absolute ruler of Rome

3 Fill in the blanks on your Vocab Handout Medieval Europe:
Word and Definition Word and Definition Apprentice – a young worker who spent years learning a trade Manor – feudal estate and basic economic unit Vassal – noble in medieval society who swore loyalty to a lord in return for land Charter – written agreement guaranteeing privileges and freedoms Guild – worker’s organization during the Middle Ages Pope – the leader of the Catholic Church Convent – a place where nuns live, pray, and study

4 Fill in the blanks on your Vocab Handout Medieval Europe Cont’d:
Word and Definition Word and Definition Missionaries – teacher of Christianity Feudalism – medieval political and social system Serf – a peasant laborer; a person who worked on the manor as ordered by the lords in return for the use of land, supplies, and protection Bishop – an official of the Catholic Church who headed a major Christian community Monasteries – a place where monks live, pray, and study Common Law – unwritten set of laws based on local customs Tenants – farmer or other who pays rent to another for the use of land or property

5 Fill in the blanks on your Vocab Handout Beginning of Modern Times:
Word and Definition Word and Definition Columbian Exchange – process in which people, diseases, ideas, and trade were distributed around the world from the Americas Revolution – great and often violent change Indulgences – pardons for sins, given or sold by the Catholic Church Parliament – supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom and other countries Divine Right of Kings – belief that royalty ruled by the will of God Reform – to improve by changing Constitution – formal agreement that establishes the basis for a country’s laws Protestant – person who “protested” Catholic practices

6 To Help Complete Classical and Medieval Europe Study Guide:
Word and Definition Word and Definition Church and Family – two central elements of Greek culture Cities – about 3/5 of people in Greece live here Moors – a force that did NOT conquer Greece at any time Stately Marble Temples – the ancient Greeks created these Citizenship – represents a legacy of Ancient Rome 3 Branches – represents a legacy of Ancient Greece

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