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Curriculum Information Evening: Thursday 25th January 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Information Evening: Thursday 25th January 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Information Evening: Thursday 25th January 2018.
Personalisation and Choice within the Broad General Education, from S2 into S3.

2 Introductions Mr George Cooper, Head Teacher Mrs Alison Boyles,
Depute Head Teacher (Curriculum) Mrs Annette MacKay, Depute Head Teacher (Year Head)

3 Building the Curriculum
Broad General Education: S1 – S3 8 Curriculum Areas Senior Phase: S4 – S6 S4: 7 subjects (National 4/5) (Pupils should choose 7 from their 9 S3 subjects). S5: 5 subjects (National 5/H) S6: 4 subjects (National 5/H/AH)

4 S3 – 9 courses covering all 8 curricular areas & PE, PSE, RE
(National 5 / Higher / Adv Higher) S5 - 5 subjects (National 5 /Higher) S subjects & PE, PSE, RE (National 4/5) S3 – 9 courses covering all 8 curricular areas & PE, PSE, RE S courses S courses Senior Phase Choice point Choice point Choice point Choice point BGE

5 Broad General Education, S1 – S3
Curriculum is organised into 8 Curriculum Areas: Mathematics Languages (English & French) RME Health & Wellbeing (PE & PSE) Science Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies

6 Curriculum in S1 & S2 Pupils have experienced a curriculum covering all 8 Curriculum Areas Curriculum has been designed around level 3 Experiences and Outcomes There has been no choice in the courses they have followed.

7 Personalising the S3 Curriculum
Curriculum must cover all 8 Curriculum Areas Some choice of courses within some of the Curriculum Areas Some courses remain compulsory 9 courses and PE, PSE, RE.

8 Broad General Education
Curriculum is organised into 8 Curriculum Areas: Mathematics Languages (English & French) RME Health & Wellbeing (PE & PSE) Science Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies

9 Broad General Education in S3
Mathematics Languages (English & French) RME Health & Wellbeing (PE & PSE) Science Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies 2 Electives (choice from courses across all Curriculum Areas)




13 Which subjects should my son/ daughter choose?
Best subjects? Subjects needed for future career aspirations? Subjects they like? Skills / opportunities they enjoy? Good combinations? Think ahead to S4 (and beyond?); Sample S4 options form will be provided to support this.

14 They should find out information...
Course choice booklet Subject teachers Guidance Teacher Parents (Siblings?) University websites (UCAS course search) College websites Internet.

15 They should take advice...
Guidance Teacher Subject teachers Careers Adviser Parents (Siblings?) Others?

16 Personalising the Curriculum – the Process
Wednesday 24th January: Pupils’ Assembly Presentation Thursday 25th January: Curriculum Information Evening December / January: Input via PSE / Support from Guidance Teacher Booklet with Course information & supporting paperwork Specific PSE lessons to encourage pupils to think about course choices Individual interview. By Friday 2nd February: Return of Personalisation & Choice Planner form February / March: Re-coursing (if required) – pupils interviewed by Mrs Boyles / Mrs MacKay / PT Guidance May / June: New timetable




20 Personalising the Curriculum – the Process
Thursday 25th January: Curriculum Information Evening January: Input via PSE / Support from Guidance Teacher By Friday 2nd February: Return of Personalisation & Choice Planner form February / March: Re-coursing (if required) May / June: New timetable To re-cap Tonight – parents info evening Over the next weeks / months…… Hope that the opportunity to see around depts was useful, hope you have a clearer idea of the choices pupils will have and the process we will go through.

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