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Protestant Reformation

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1 Protestant Reformation
1500 – 1600 C.E.

2 “Ego sum Papa” = “I am Pope”

3 Timeline


5 Culture

6 Protestant Reformation
Reformation – movement to reform the Catholic Church Causes Renaissance values (humanism, secularism) Church wealth & taxes Monarchs challenging Church’s power Corrupt church leaders & practices Criticisms helped spread by printing press

7 Indulgences Church sold indulgences – pardons from sin
Raise money for the Church Heavily criticized

8 Martin Luther Called for reforms of Catholic Church
Excommunicated by the Church Created a separate religion (Lutherans) Other Protestant religions began Non-Catholic Christians

9 Document Analysis – Martin Luther
Read the document, work together to answer the 3 questions 7 minutes Document B



12 Document Analysis – Martin Luther
Why did Martin Luther’s account change between 1517 and 1535? Is one account more reliable than the other?

13 Important People King Henry VIII (England) Queen Elizabeth I (England)
Wanted to annul his marriage Broke away from the pope Queen Elizabeth I (England) Created the Anglican Church John Calvin Preached about predestination – only selected people will be saved

14 Effects of the Reformation
Battles fought over religion in Europe Church lost power New Christian churches created Church made limited reforms

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