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Revolution, Rebuilding, & New Challenges

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1 Revolution, Rebuilding, & New Challenges
Europe, 1985-Present Revolution, Rebuilding, & New Challenges

2 I. Collapse of Communism in E. Europe
A. Solidarity movement in Poland B. 1985: Mikail Gorbachev 1. Glasnost 2. Perestroika C. Boris Yeltsin D. Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

3 1. The “Velvet Revolution”
2. Reunification of Germany

4 E. The coup attempt & end of the USSR

5 Yeltsin campaigns for president

6 F. Post-Cold War Russia 1. Vladimir Putin 2. Russia’s economy
3. Relations with the West

7 II. After the Cold War: National & Ethnic conflicts, Terrorism, and the Global Community

8 A. War in the Balkans 1. Yugoslavia split (1991-5): Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, & Bosnia-Herezegovina a. war in Croatia, Bosnia (déjà vu!) b. Peace made in Croatia (92), and Bosnia (95) – The Dayton Accords

9 B. Kosovo 2. Slobodan Milosevic & ethnic cleansing: Bosnia, Kosovo (1999); 3. NATO & UN peacekeepers in the Balkans today.

10 B. Europe, East & West 1. Azerbaijan-Armenian ethnic conflict early 1990s 2. Chechnya 3. Maastricht Treaty (1992) 4. NATO expansion

11 C. Terrorism 1. Definition and 9/11/2001. 2. WMD threat

12 D. Globalization 1. the “Global Village.” & Concerns over traditional local values vs. Americanized Western culture. 2. Environment concerns, technology, population growth, and immigration issues 3. Brexit

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