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Curriculum for Excellence Building the Ambition

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum for Excellence Building the Ambition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum for Excellence Building the Ambition
Children’s engagement in learning

2 High quality staff/child interactions
CFE Education Scotland documents, NHS e.g. “Setting the table” BTA Research High quality staff/child interactions Stimulating learning environment Deeply engaged child

3 deeply engaged child “The level of involvement a child shows in their play and learning can be a key sign of the quality and effectiveness of what is being provided and tells us a great deal.” Building the Ambition.

4 Activity 1 Discuss current provision and practice using CfE toolkit sheets Next steps/areas for development Specific tasks for SQIP? Resources list

5 Activity 2 Have a look at the statements from Building the Ambition. Place them with the most relevant E&O from CfE, or put them on the ‘across learning’ sheet’.

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