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Scott Salter L.A. DeBerry Dana Bond Rebecca Hood

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Salter L.A. DeBerry Dana Bond Rebecca Hood"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Salter L.A. DeBerry Dana Bond Rebecca Hood
DO DO’s Donuts Scott Salter L.A. DeBerry Dana Bond Rebecca Hood

2 Table of Contents Contact Info Our Mission Business Needs Value Added Entities Attributes and Entities Logical Layout Physical Layout Tables

3 Contact info DO DO Donuts DODO 123 North Fake Streets Fakeville, FK

4 OUR MISSION To create the most delicious donuts in the whole wide world

5 Business Needs Database to keep spreadsheets and documents instead of filing cabinets Monitor top selling products Tracking of sales and receipts Report Managing employee hours Payroll Report Reporting unhappy customers

6 Value Added More organization of important documents
Easier access to important documents and it makes it more secure. Less chance of over spending, and elimination of inventory waste.

7 Entities Customer Orders Products Inventory Employees Invoices
Customer Payment Vendor Vendor Payment

8 Attributes & Entities Customers Product ID Inventory Employees
Invoices Customer Payments Vendor Vendor Payments Order-Details Customer ID Item ID Employee ID Invoice ID Payment ID Vendor ID Vendor Payment ID Order ID Last Name Name Item Date Billed Amount Paid Vendor Invoice number Quantity Ordered First Name Description Quantity Address Amount Due Date Paid Price City Balance Order Date Date of Order Telephone Pay rate Zip code

9 Logical Layout Invoices Customer Payments Customer Products Inventory
Made of requires Made of Order Details Inventory supplied by Vendor Payment Vendors Makes

10 Physical Layout Customer (Customer ID, Last Name, First Name, Phone Number, Favorite Item) Orders (Order ID, Date of order, Customer ID,) Products (Product ID, Item ID, Name, Description, Price) Inventory (Item ID, Item, , Quantity, Price, Vendor ID) Invoices (Invoice ID, Order ID, Amount Billed, Date Billed) Customer Payments (Payment ID, Invoice ID, Date Paid, Balance) Vendors (Vendor ID, Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Telephone) Order-Details (Order ID, Product ID, Quantity Ordered, Price, Date of Order)

11 Entity Relationship Design

12 Inventory table Item ID Item Quantity Price Vendor 11111 Sugar 8
$23.99 Sam's 11112 Yeast 12 $22.95 11113 Napkins 50 $12.00 11114 Milk 3 $33.00 11115 Flour 7 $19.00 11116 Coffee 14 $29.00 11117 Boxes $16.50 11118 Cups $13.99 Sysco 11119 Straws 100 $25.00

13 Employee table Employee ID Position Name Address Phone Pay Rate 1234
CEO/Owner Rebecca Hood 123 Gangster St. $50,000 1235 Manager Scott Salter ABC Mr. Cool Drive $14.50 per hr 1236 Cook L.A. Deberry GTL Hater Boulevard $0.75 per hr 1237 Casher Dana Bond 321 Blond Road $10.00 per hr

14 Vendor Table Vendor Table Vendor ID Name Phone Address City State Zip
1111 Sysco 123 Abc Rd Alvin TX 77511 1112 Wal-Mart 1 East Street Friendswood 77586 1113 Sam's Club Alpha Road Sugarland 77854 1114 Bravo Lane Houston 77423

15 Vendor Payment Table Vendor Payment Table Vendor Payment ID
Vendor Invoice Number Amount Paid Date Paid 123 1 $44.99 4/23/2012 124 2 $123.87 125 3 $12,333.87 126 4 $321 127 5 543.99

16 Order Table Orders Table Product ID Name Order Detail Quantity Price
Date Ordered 3 Stawberry DO DO 1999 4 $0.99 4/20/2012 2 Chocolate DO DO 1992 $0.50 1 Classic DO DO 1993 5 Colonic DO DO 1994 $1.99 10 Gaint DO DO $40.00

17 Product table WARNING!!! Product Table
Product ID DO DO Donuts Price Description 1 Classic DO DO $0.50 100% Delicious handmade secret Gazed DO DO Blend 2 Chocolate DO DO 100% Delicious handmade secret Gazed DO DO Blend w/ Chocolate 3 Strawberry DO DO $0.60 100% Delicious handmade secret Gazed DO DO Blend w/ Strawberry 4 Fat Free DO DO $0.99 Basic DO DO w/ not Fat Added 5 Colonic DO DO $1.99 100% daily version of fiber in DO DO Donut 6 Chicken DO DO $2.99 1 Fried Chicken Leg on top of your DO DO Donut 7 Double Fried DO DO $1.50 100% Delicious handmade secret Gazed DO DO Blend Fried Twice 8 Multi Vitamin DO DO $3.00 100% Daily amount vitamin A,B,C,D,E,K with Calcium, Iron and Zinc 9 Protein DO DO $2.50 25Grams of pure way protein in your DO DO Donut 10 Giant DO DO $4.00 12 DO DO Donuts made into one Giant master piece you know you will regret WARNING!!! Not responsible for death during or after the eating of DO DO DOnuts

18 Customer Table Customer Table Customer ID Last Name First Name
Phone Number Favorite Item 10001 Presley Elvis Giant DO DO 10002 Jordan Michael Protein DO DO 10003 Rob Mohammad Colonic DO DO 10004 Woods Tiger Double Fried DO DO 10005 Armstrong Lance Multi Vitamin DO DO 10006 Simons Gene Classic DO DO 10007 Tyson Mike Chicken DO DO

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