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Hidden Histories of Latin America

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1 Hidden Histories of Latin America
Menino 23 and Brazil Dr. Nicolette Kostiw

2 Brazil Largest country in Latin America Brazilian Portuguese
Highly diverse culture Tradition of decentralized system Powerful landed elites Afro-Brazilian culture More than any other country in Latin America Slavery abolished in 1888 Post-emancipation era Race relations

3 Slavery in Brazil Approx. 12 million slaves taken from Africa
Approx. 10 million survived trip to New World 90% of all slaves ended up in Latin America Approx. 40% of that total went to Brazil

4 Brazilian Regionalism
26 states Highly diverse geography Largest population density in Southeast Concentration of wealth in Southeast Inverse of U.S. Regional stigmas and stereotypes Race Poverty Culture/Education

5 Scientific Racism and Eugenics
Positive Negative “whitening” policies Education Sanitation Health Nutrition

6 WWII and Fascism Rise in Europe
Getúlio Vargas and the Estado Novo ( ) Brazilian Integralism Outbreak of WWII Brazil alliance with Axis Powers or Allied Powers?

7 Significance of Menino 23
Reflection of the post-abolition period abuses of people of color in Brazil Shows how appearance of modern nation but still grappling with colonial issues Demonstrates how firmly scientific racism, eugenics, and fascism took root in Brazil Shows the firm grip of landed elite in rural areas—absolute power Shows special vulnerability of children of color in Brazil

8 For the classroom Discussions of the legacy of slavery in Latin America Discussions of race and racism in Latin America Discussions of WWII and Fascism Discussions of children as historical actors Discussions of authoritarian regimes and political violence in Latin America Suggestions?

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