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Welcome to Room 23! November 11, 2016 It’s Been a Busy Week!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 23! November 11, 2016 It’s Been a Busy Week!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 23! November 11, 2016 It’s Been a Busy Week!
This week we had TWO assemblies!  Our first assembly was presented by Comedy Sportz. The students learned about improvising and watched a funny comedy show put on by five actors from Comedy Sportz. They will be performing at Valley Forge Middle tonight, at 7pm, if you’re interested in going. Please see the flyer that went home Wednesday for more information. A representative from the Franklin Institute came to Devon just for first grade to show us fun, interactive science lessons on weather. We learned about clouds, precipitation, evaporation, lightning, tornadoes, and much more! Ask your child to share something interesting that he/she learned! Language Arts & Word Study With the marking period coming to an end, we used this week to review what we have learned so far in word study and language arts. We practiced with different comprehension strategies during reading circle, reviewed and practiced the short vowel sounds, /a/, /i/, /o/, and /u/, and practiced the words from our word wall. Some challenging words for most students: were, of Please practice these at home. **Please note, the Holiday Scholastic orders that went home Thursday are different from the November issue. Those orders will not be due until December 16 Important Dates Nov. 14: Book Fair Week Nov. 16: Vivienne’s Birthday  Nov. 17: Tom Turkey HW due Nov : Early Dismissal & Parent-Teacher Conferences Nov : No School & Parent-Teacher Conferences Reminders November Scholastic Book orders due Monday, November 28! Holiday orders due by Friday, December 16. Please make sure your child is reading at least minutes every night, either independently or with an adult! Miss Alaina Seygal Address: 1st Grade Devon Elementary School Phone Number: (610)

2 Reading Circle Tickets Alternates for the week:
Mystery Reader! On Wednesday, we had our third mystery reader! Most of the students were able to guess who was coming in based on her clues! She read Mother Bruce and Secret Pizza Party. The students really enjoyed both books! Your Homework  Please return the “Homework For Parents” sent home earlier by Monday, November 14. These will be used for conferences. Weekly Reports Don’t forget to ask your child about his/her weekly report. Your child should be able to explain why he/she received an N in a specific category because we talk about it often. Please sign and return this to school on Monday!! Reading Circle Tickets In your child’s home/school folder you will notice he/she brought home all of the papers from reading circle this week. Please review them with your child as they may not be able to read some of my notes on different worksheets, but it’s important for them to see so that they are aware of the expectation for next week. Math This week we started Chapter 5: Shapes and Patterns. In this chapter students will learn how to classify and compare plane and solid shapes based on their geometric properties. They will also make composite shapes, models, and patterns with these shapes. In this chapter we will be practicing with triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, rectangular prisms, cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders, and pyramids. Science This week in science we continued learning about weather and focused on temperature and thermometers. We conducted experiments using thermometers and cold/hot water and completed a thermometer scavenger hunt around the room to practice reading temperatures. Lunch Menu Next Week Monday: Pizza Dippers Tuesday: Nacho’s w/ beef Wednesday: Mac & Cheese Thursday: Roasted Turkey w/ gravy (no B choice today) Friday: Mickey’s Pizza (no B choice) Alternates for the week: B) Cheesesteak C) PBJ D) Hummus Bites E) Chicken Salad Platter

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