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The Proton Beam for the neutron Time Of Flight facility

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1 The Proton Beam for the neutron Time Of Flight facility
Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP

2 Geometry and optics of the transfer line
Beam size on target (at 1 ) h = 12 mm v = 6 mm Beam at PS extraction (at 1 ) h = 1.9 m v = 1.3 m p/p= 1.5e-3 Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP Courtesy of M Giovannozzi

3 Two operation modes Dedicated (TOF 1.2s) Parasitic (EASTC 2.4s)
Ejection for nTOF 20 Gev/c (C690) Dedicated (TOF 1.2s) 7e12 ppp fast extracted on TOF target Parasitic (EASTC 2.4s) 4e12 ppp fast extracted on TOF target 1e11 p+ slow extracted on EAST area Ejection for East Hall 24 Gev/c (from C1000) Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP

4 Difficulties Qh at low energy (6.1) Bunch compression
200 ns Qh at low energy (6.1) emittance blow-up Bunch compression rotation counter-rotation Beam Break-Up at transition 46 ns 4 ms 23 ns I peak ~ 70 A Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP

5 Beam Break-Up or TMC For nTOF: (as observed) Two stabilising methods
The rise time of the TMC instability is given by Paper to be published on BBU & TMC unification For nTOF: WB PU in S98 , H, V (as observed) Two stabilising methods Synchrotron oscillation Strong Landau damping by momentum spread fast change large 10 ns/div ~ 700 MHz Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP

6 Conclusions The dedicated and parasitic beams were successfully set-up by the end of 2000 nTOF operation starts this year Acknowledgments Colleagues of the OP, AE, BD & RF groups for their help and particularly to Elias, Massimo and Roberto. Evian - PS Days January 2001 Gabriel Métral PS/OP

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