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What’s New in ProgressBook v16.3.0

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1 What’s New in ProgressBook v16.3.0
ProgressBook Suite Webinar StudentInformation January 2017 Devin Launder Janet Hayes

2 StudentInformation

3 StudentInformation #7293 – Student omitted from R112 if no phone number on profile #11415 – Student name disappeared from context area when student had a long name Live integration between saved changes on StudentInformation Course Section Assignments page and GradeBook Classes dashboard -#7293 – Phone number isn’t a required field & this shouldn’t eliminate a student from appearing on the output -#11415 – Student’s with long names nothing was appearing in context area – now all info remains (student number, grade level, status code), users may see student name with … at the end -Live integration – currently schedule changes appear in GB after the nightly integration is run. Students assigned to a course on the current date will show enrolled. Course sections added with a future start date will show ‘Future Enrolled’ on Class Dashboard in GB. Changing assignment start/stop dates in SI will appear instantly in GB. **If a new course section is added in SI & a student is assigned to this course section, this schedule change will NOT appear in GB until after the nightly integration is run to bring the newly added course section over.

4 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Printing State Assessment Pathway screen prints all information Exemptions on Graduation Points summary are grayed out – dependent on FN-Graduate tab of profile -Printing state assessment pathway was cutting off each subject area mid block so for example, with Algebra, you would only see Alg1 and nothing else unless you selected Shrink to Fit in print preview. Now it prints as it’s displayed on the screen, there may be times when text wrapping does occur. -When Graduation Points module was initially released there was no relationship between the exemptions screen & the FN-Graduate tab. Back in there was a script run to copy all exemptions marked on the FN-Graduate tab to the Grad Points student exemptions/requirements screen. With 16.3, Economics & Financial Literacy, Fine Arts & Physical Education exemptions on Grad Points student exemptions/requirements screen are grayed out. They are display only on this screen based on what is entered on the FN-Graduate tab.

5 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Graduation Points Summary Physical Education shows ‘Not Started’ Fine Arts Credit details, Phys Ed, Advanced Math, Advanced Science no longer show ‘Required Credits’ if exemptions entered Career Technical Pathway checked – Fine Arts & Advanced Math show Exempt -Physical Education previously showed Incomplete if a student hadn’t yet started it, now it shows ‘Not Started’ -Fine Arts, Phys Ed, Advanced Math, & Advanced Science Credit details areas used to show ‘Required Credits’ when exemptions were entered but now when viewing the details, if an exemption is entered for any of these areas users will not see the ‘Required credits’ label -Fine Arts Credit details & Algebra II (Advanced Math) will also show Exempt if Career Technical Pathway is checked on student exemptions/requirements page.

6 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Manual course history for course taken prior to EOC being available now included on Graduation Points Summary Nightly job now available to recalculate the student data and load it to new cache tables. -Manual course history that is entered for courses taken prior to the End of Course being available was not being included in the Graduation Points Summary in the initial release of Graduation Points module. In 16.3, these courses will be included in the summary as long as the EOC Assessment Area is populated on the manual course history record & a date completed is entered on the record that is a date prior to when the tests became available. Dates of EOC test availability is in the Graduation Points Procedural Checklist. -When Graduation Points was initially released, the job was run automatically but it recalculated for all students which could cause system slow downs. Now there is a job that needs to be setup to run nightly to recalculate the student data & load it into new cache tables. Once the job runs the Graduation Points summary page shows last updated with the date, time & DASLDBA as user. If users make updates on a student, they will be required to click the new ‘Check for Updated Information’ button to recalculate the data & it will only update for the student in context. After this is complete it will show date, time & specific user.

7 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Course Code has been added to Course display -The course code & section number has been added to the details portion of the Graduation Points credit summary. Adding the course code & section number is especially useful for schools that have semester classes with the same course name.

8 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
New tab for 2017 Graduation Requirements For students graduating in 2017 Takes OGT assessment results into consideration Substitutes EOC results for failed OGT test results The Graduation Requirements Checks have now been incorporated for the class of 2017 so if you’re viewing a 12th grader, you’ll see both the 2017 & Requirements tab for these students.. You can look at ODE’s Graduation Requirements webpage to see all details of those requirements. A new rule was recently passed to provide a student who is to graduate under the OGT requirements to substitute other tests the student has passed in place of the failed OGT assessment parts. Click on the 2017 Requirements tab to see the status of the student in meeting those requirements.

9 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Students graduating in 2017 who have yet to pass at least one part of the OGT have the option of substituting EOC, ACT or SAT scores to meet graduation requirements Students who are in the graduating in the class of 2017 who have yet to pass any part of the OGT can use an End of Course assessment, ACT or SAT assessment record in place of the OGT test part to satisfy the graduation requirement. Students in this class still have requirements to take some of the End of course assessments.

10 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
College Credit Plus courses may also be used meet the requirement for Science, American History or American Government College Credit Plus courses in specific areas may also be used to satisfy the requirement for Science, American History or American Government. The information displayed for CCP comes from the course section assignment records and the final mark the student earned in the class to determine the points earned for the course.

11 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
For 2017 graduates who haven’t passed all parts of OGT, International Baccalaureate results may be used to meet the requirement The Class of 2017 who haven’t passed all parts of the OGT can use International Baccalaureate results to substitute for a failed OGT test part. The class of 2018 and beyond already has the ability to substitute a test result on the IB assessment for an End of Course Assessment in certain test parts.

12 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
For 2017 graduates who haven’t passed OGT Writing can substitute EOC if they have a minimum PL of 3 in either English Language Arts 1 or 2 OR a minimum score of 18 on the ACT English or minimum score of 430 on SAT Writing may be substituted For 2017 graduates who haven’t passed OGT writing, if they’ve taken the End of Course exam for English Language Arts 1 or 2 and received a minimum performance level of 3, the EOC can be substituted for the OGT Writing graduation requirement. They can also use the ACT English or SAT Writing attempt with a passing score as a substitute for OGT writing.

13 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
For ACT, Grad Points will now use the highest score in each subject multiple test attempts to meet the College Admission requirements. Score must meet or exceed the remediation-free score minimum to satisfy the requirement For the ACT assessment, Grad Points will now use the highest score in multiple attempts of a subject to meet the College admission requirements on the grad points page for ACT. A score must meet or exceed the remediation-free score minimum to meet the requirement. The assessment with the high assessment score will be displayed on the grad points page.

14 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
2018+ Requirements Tab – Graduation Pathways, Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness section enabled -On the Requirements tab, under Graduation Pathways the Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness portion has been enabled. This will indicate if the student met the industry credentials. Students need 12 points in one area to complete the industry credential area, a student can not combine points from other areas to reach 12.

15 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
WorkKeys Assessments now display on Grad Points Student must earn a cumulative score of at least 13 on all three parts to meet the requirement If any part has a score less than 3 regardless of whether or not the totals on the remaining 2 areas exceeds 13, the requirement will not be met The Workkey assessments now display on Grad Points under the Industry Credentials and Workforce Development assessments. Workkeys consists of three areas, Reading, Applied Math and Locating Information. Each area of WorkKeys must have a minimum score of 3 in each area and the total score across all three areas must be at least 13 points to have a status of Complete. If a student has a score of *** in any area, regardless of the total points value across all three areas, the student will not meet the requirement.

16 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Users will now see the status of any Industry Credential Assessment a student has taken on the Grad Points Summary page. Note: A student needs 12 points in one area to complete the Industry Credential Area requirement. Students cannot combine points from other areas With the addition of industry credentials displaying on the page, you can view the student’s progress in completing any area for earning a credential. A single credential is made up of multiple Industry Credential Assessments, however, there is a lot of crossover on the assessments from one Credential Area to another. A student may take one assessment but that assessment counts towards multiple credentials. The next slide shows an example of that. A student took two assessments which happen to count towards many areas.

17 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
This is an example where a student took two credential assessments but those two count in Engineering, Health and several other credentials.

18 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
2018+ Requirements Tab – Graduation Pathways, College Admission section now includes the Pre-2016 SAT Reasoning scores -This was not available in the initial release of Graduation Points & has been enabled in This is looking at the scores entered in the top section of this screen in SI under Pre-2016 SAT Reasoning Scores.

19 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
State Assessment Pathway – When EOC exams are not yet available and the final mark is used to determine the points, custom marks are identifiable by the description. -If a custom mark cannot be converted to Graduation Points an informational message will be displayed on the State Assessment Pathway detail screen to indicate that the mark could not be converted to Graduation Points. The detail screen will display ‘Final Mark not transferable’ and no points will be awarded. An example of this would be a school having a custom mark of CR for Credit, no points can be awarded based on this value.

20 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
End of Course Requirements Updated If student met EOC requirement by having a prorated EOC course record, then takes the assessment, assessment attempt takes precedence over grade in the course This is a change in the order of validation of the end of course assessment data. If a student shows that they met the requirement by taking the course prior to when the assessment was available but then took the assessment once it became available, the assessment result takes precedence over the Course grade in determining if the requirement is met.

21 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Icon added to the Electives Tab to indicate the student may have completed courses in other subject areas and the Elective option is checked on Student Exemptions/Requirements Icon is only displayed if status is Complete and credits earned are less than credits required under the credit summary On the Electives Tab under the Credit summary, if the student has the Electives Option checked on the Student Exemptions/Requirements page, this additional icon will display with the hover text of “Elective requirements are complete due to student receiving Elective credits in other subject areas”. Because Grad Points doesn’t use the Credit overflow parameters in Graduation Verification, we currently aren’t funneling any additional credits earned in other subjects to the Electives area. This icon just clarifies how the student met the requirement for the total elective credits. If the option is not checked, the Icon will not be displayed.

22 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Corrected an issue on Grad Points where a course was not displaying as In Progress when the term is complete and the earned credit mark has not been entered yet. Ex: 1st Semester Only Course, last day of 1st semester has passed but grades haven’t been entered yet Second Semester courses will display as In Progress as soon as the first day of the course term arrives Once a Final mark has been applied to the first semester course, the course will display as Complete For schools with all year courses where the student earns half the credit in first semester and the other half at the end of the second semester (a final mark at the end of each semester), previously these courses were not displaying correctly on the Grad Points Credit summary. Now, both parts will appear on the InProgress section until credit has been earned in either half of the course. When the first half is complete, half the credit will be displayed as “Completed” and the other half ‘InProgress’.

23 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
District Trust type of Grad Points added Before a district or JVS can view the information for the shared student in the other entity, a district trust must be set up. You may already have a trust record set up for a district or JVSD. Edit the existing record and check the Grad Points Checkbox. Once saved, this opens the channels to see the other entity’s information only for students they share. A JVS may not view information on any student in the other district that isn’t enrolled in the JVS.

24 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
New tab on Grad Points Summary to show Grad Points for JVS students so JVS can see JVS and Home School Graduation Progress Works when the following conditions are met: In the home school, student must have Sent to Reason of ‘JV’ and Sent to IRN of the JVS In the JVS, student must have Home school IRN in the Home School field on the General Tab Matching SSID between home school and JVS JVS School must be a JVS District trusts must be set up in both JVS and Home School Grad Points summary now has the ability to view JVS courses a student is taking at the home school and likewise, the JVS can view the information at the Home school. The Student must have a matching SSID in both entities, in the JVS, the student’s home school High school must point to their high school in their district of residence. In the home school, the FS record must be coded to point to a JVS in the Sent to 1 or 2 fields (must contain JV). When this match occurs, an additional tab will be displayed on the page called JVS indicating.

25 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
JVS Tab shows the status of Credits and assessments at the JVS only If there is no match between the JVS and home school for a student, the JVS tab doesn’t display. When you click on the JVS tab, all the information on that tab comes from the JVS courses and assessment records.

26 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Industry Credential Assessments at the JVS are now viewable on Grad Points at the home school With the District Trust enabled, a student’s home district may now view the Industry Credential Assessments being reported by the JVS. They won’t factor into the home school’s graduation requirements on the Home school tab, they will only be viewable on the JVS tab.

27 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
New Page StudentInformation > SIS > Student > Graduation Points > Grad Points Search Security access to Graduation Points enables Search page -A new screen has been added, Graduation Points search. This will allows users to view a select subset of students in a list & provide the ability to view details on each student then return to the search page. If a user has access to Graduation Points in their role setup, the Graduation Points search screen will be available to that user.

28 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
Filter by grade level, counselor, Ad-Hoc group or Membership Users can select multiple criteria Option to show incomplete only -There are 4 filter options, Grade levels, Counselor, Ad-Hoc groups & Membership groups. Ad-Hoc dropdown will include the same ad-hocs a user sees when going to ad-hoc memberships under My Account & checking the Private & Public box. Users can select multiple grade levels in conjunction with each other, ex. Grades 11 & 12 that have a specific counselor. Or select all grade 12 students within a particular membership group. Users can select multiple memberships to return at one time by checking the boxes next to the memberships in the dropdown. There is also an option to show incomplete only, by checking this box, any student who has met the graduation requirements will not be included in the list returned.

29 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
-This is a screenshot of the records returned on the Graduation Points search page. In this example I’ve chosen grade 12 students who have Baldwin assigned as their counselor. ‘Show incomplete only’ was not checked so the returned students will include those that have completed the graduation requirements. -To remove a specific filter, users click Clear next to the applicable filter.

30 16.3.0 StudentInformation – Graduation Points
-By clicking on the student name which is a blue link users are taken to Graduation Points summary for that student. To return to the search results the user can click ‘Return to search’ option at the top of the page. Same with clicking blue View link for exemptions, this will take users to the Student Exemptions/Requirements page. If user makes an updates on student exemptions or ‘Checks for updated information’ on the summary page the search results will be lost & users will have to re-enter the search criteria. -At the bottom of the search results screen users can select home many records per page they would like to view. This setting will be retained when clicking Return to search from summary or exemptions page.

31 Thank you Thank You!!

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