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Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Administrators
Volume 1 – Computer-Based Testing Script: Welcome to this training module: “Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Administrators, Volume 1 – Computer-Based Testing.” This module will cover administration policies and procedures specific to computer-based testing for Test Administrators during the Spring 2014 PARCC Field Test. If you are administering the Field Test via paper-and-pencil, please refer to the second volume in this series of training modules.

2 Purpose By the end of this training module, you will have a general understanding of your role and responsibilities as a Test Administrator, including: security policies and protocols tasks before, during and after testing general information about accessibility features and accommodations Script: By the end of this training module, you will have a general understanding of your role and responsibilities as a Test Administrator, including: security policies and protocols, tasks before, during and after testing, and general information about accessibility features and accommodations.

3 PARCC Acronyms Acronym Name CBT Computer Based Test CCR
College and Career Ready CCSS Common Core State Standards ELA English Language Arts ELA/L English Language Arts/Literacy EOY End of Year LEA Local Education Agency PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Acronym Name PBA Performance Based Assessment PBT Paper Based Test SDU Student Data Upload TAM Test Administrator Manual TCM Test Coordinator Manual STC School Test Coordinator TA Test Administrator Script: For your reference, this presentation will use “CBT, which refers to Computer-Based Test, “TAM,” which refers to the Test Administrator Manual, and “TA” which refers to the Test Administrator.

4 Agenda Roles and responsibilities
Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing Additional information Script: This training module will cover the following topics: Roles and responsibilities of Test Administrators Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing, and Additional information

5 Agenda Roles and responsibilities
Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing Additional information Script: First, we’ll discuss Roles and Responsibilities of Test Administrators.

6 Roles & Responsibilities
PARCC Goal - Develop and Implement a High Quality Assessment System Measure student performance with precision Report college and career readiness and comparable data Provide actionable information and tools Innovate by using technology and creating efficiencies Priorities Script: PARCC states work towards a common goal, namely to develop and implement a high-quality assessment system. Thus, PARCC’s priorities are to: Measure student performance on the full range of the Common Core Standards, measuring all students with precision, including high- to low-performing students, students with disabilities and English learners; Report whether students are ready or on track for college & careers, including reporting comparable data across schools, districts & states; Provide actionable information & tools to support instruction, as well as reliable data for accountability uses; and Innovate by using technology to engage students while creating efficiencies in all phases of the assessment process.

7 Roles & Responsibilities
Field Test Purpose The field tests are designed to generate data to evaluate the quality of the test questions They will also provide an opportunity for a number of important research studies But are not designed to yield individual student, school, or district results Script: One key milestone in the development of the PARCC assessment system is the administration of field tests. The purpose of the field test is to evaluate the quality of newly developed test items and tasks, and to conduct a number of studies, all in the service of getting the information needed to build high quality tests for operational use beginning in the school year. Thus, the field tests are not designed to yield individual student, school or district results. Please note that throughout the presentation, the bottom, right-hand corner of the screen lists the corresponding page numbers in the Test Administrator Manual for your reference. Refer to p. 1 in the CBT TAM

8 Roles & Responsibilities
School Test Coordinator – individual at the school level responsible for the overall coordination of the test administration Test Administrator – individual at the school ultimately responsible for administering the assessment Proctor – individual who may be called on to help a Test Administrator monitor a testing session Refer to Appendix E in the TAM for your state-specific policy Script: A School Test Coordinator is the one individual at the school level responsible for the overall coordination of the test administration. A Test Administrator is an individual at the school ultimately responsible for administering the assessment, in this case the upcoming Field Tests. States may also have roles such as Test Examiner or Test Proctor, but PARCC uses the term Test Administrator. During each test session, Test Administrators must actively supervise the test administration at all times regardless of the presence of a Proctor. A Proctor is an individual who may be called on to help a Test Administrator monitor a testing session under the supervision of the Test Administrator. States may also have a similar role such as a Test Assistant. Refer to Appendix E in the Test Administrator Manual for more information on State-specific Qualifications to serve as a Test Administrator or Proctor. Refer to pp. 2-3 in the CBT TAM

9 Roles & Responsibilities
Test Administrator Primary Responsibilities Complete necessary training Understand all test administration protocols Prepare and distribute testing materials Ensure appropriate implementation and documentation of testing accommodations, when applicable Read scripts as written and keep accurate time Actively supervise students at all times Maintain security and ensure collection of test materials Script: As an overview, the primary responsibilities of Test Administrators include: Completing necessary training to understand PARCC’s test security and administration policies and procedures Understanding all test administration protocols for before, during, and after testing Preparing and distributing testing materials Ensuring appropriate implementation and documentation of testing accommodations Reading scripts as written and keeping accurate time for each test session Actively supervising students at all times during testing, and Maintaining security and ensuring collection of test materials.

10 Agenda Roles and responsibilities
Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing Additional information Script: Next, we will discuss the Field Test schedule and testing times.

11 Field Test Schedule Testing Windows Component Administration Dates
*The prescribed testing dates for your state may slightly differ from these dates. Please contact your School Test Coordinator if you have any questions about your testing dates. Component Administration Dates Performance-Based Assessment March 24 to April 11, 2014 End-of-Year May 5 to June 6, 2014 Script: These are the testing windows for the PARCC Field Test across most states. A few states have slightly different windows because of special circumstances in their states. Districts within these states were notified of any differences to the testing windows in their recruitment letters. Please refer to your School Test Coordinator if you have any questions about your testing dates. Refer to p. ii in the CBT TAM

12 Field Test Schedule Make-Up Testing
For students who are absent, become ill during original test sessions, and are affected by technology failures or interruptions Students are not allowed to return to any session of the test they have already completed Test security and administration protocols apply The School Test Coordinator will establish the make-up testing schedule for your school Script: Students who are not tested on the regular administration date should be tested on a make-up day. This includes students who are absent or become ill during original test sessions as well as students who are affected by technology failures or interruptions. If you are a Test Administrator during a make-up testing session, do not allow students to return to any portion of the test they have already completed. Students must resume testing exactly where they left off. For computer-based testing, tests will automatically resume at the exact point where students exited. Test Administrators must closely monitor make-up testing to ensure students do not return to questions they have already answered. The same test security and administration protocols are in place for make-up test sessions as for the tests administered on the regularly scheduled days. Check with your School Test Coordinator regarding the make-up testing schedule for your school. Refer to p. 4 in the CBT TAM

13 PBA Literary Analysis Session
Field Test Schedule Guidelines for Testing Time Total Field Test Administration Time = Session Time + Additional Time Example: Grade 3 ELA/Literacy PBA Literary Analysis Session Session Time = 60 min Additional Time = 30 min Total Field Test Administration Time = 60 min + 30 min = 90 min Script: The Total Field Test Administration Time includes the following two pieces: Session Time—the typical amount of time it should take a student to complete a session, and Additional Time Allowed—approximately 50 percent of the Session Time. For example in the Literary Analysis session of the Performance Based Assessment in Grade 3 ELA/Literacy, the session time is 60 minutes. After the 60 minutes, an additional time of 30 minutes is permitted for students who are productively engaged in the assessment. Thus, the Total Field Test Administration time is 90 minutes. Schools must provide students with the Total Field Test Administration Time listed for each testing session such that all students have ample time to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Review the Test Administrator Manual for more information about Total Field Test Administration Times. Refer to pp. 4-8 in the CBT TAM

14 Field Test Schedule Guidelines for Testing Time (continued)
If all students have completed testing at the end of the session time, the session may end Once the Total Field Test Administration Time has been reached, the test session must end A student may be allowed extended time accommodations only if listed in his or her IEP or 504 Plan (or EL Plan, if required) Refer to Appendix E in either TAM for your state-specific policy Script: To further elaborate on testing time, if all students have completed testing at the end of the session time, the session may end. If not, all students who are productively engaged with the assessment must be given additional time up to the maximum time, which is the Total Field Test Administration Time. Once the Total Field Test Administration Time has been reached, the test session must end. A new test session may not begin until all students in the test session are finished. Beyond the Total Field Test Administration Time, a student may be allowed extended time accommodations only if listed in his or her IEP or 504 Plan (or EL Plan, if required by the PARCC member state). Refer to Appendix E for information about your state’s policy about what students may do if they complete a session early as well as information on Extended Time Accommodations. Refer to pp. 4-8 in the CBT TAM

15 Performance Based Assessment
Field Test Schedule Breaks Between test sessions, scheduled breaks should occur During a test session, short breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator Example: Grade 3 ELA/Literacy Performance Based Assessment 8:00am – 10:00am Literary Analysis Session 10:00am – 10:15am Scheduled Break 10:15am – 12:15pm Research Simulation Session Script: Between test sessions, scheduled breaks should occur. During scheduled breaks, students are permitted to go to the restroom, get up to stretch, and get a drink. Your School Test Coordinator will establish the testing schedule, including scheduled breaks between sessions. In Grade 3 ELA/Literacy, the Performance Based Assessment is administered in three parts, namely the Literary Analysis session, Research Simulation session and Narrative Writing session. If, for example, your school has scheduled more than one test session in a single school day, such as the Literary Analysis and Research Simulation sessions, then the School Test Coordinator should have also scheduled breaks between these test sessions. During a test session, short breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator. More information about short breaks during testing will be discussed later in this training module. Refer to pp. 5-6, 24 in the CBT TAM

16 Agenda Roles and responsibilities
Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing Additional information Script: Next, we will discuss tasks for Test Administrators to complete before, during and after testing.

17 Before Testing Script: This section describes activities the Test Administrator must complete before testing.

Prepare for Test Administrator Responsibilities Prepare students Prepare the testing environment Obtain test materials Script: For a successful Field Test Administration, Test Administrators must consider preparing themselves, their students and the testing environment. Tasks to complete before testing include: Preparing for your role and responsibilities as a Test Administrator, including reviewing PARCC Field Test Manuals, completing training, and signing the Security Agreement. Preparing students for what to expect, including administering the computer-based test Sample Items and Tutorial. Preparing the testing environment, and Obtaining test materials, including preparing to administer applicable testing accommodations.

19 Before Testing 1) Prepare for Test Administrator Responsibilities
Review the CBT Test Administrator Manual: Complete training with your School Test Coordinator Review additional training modules including Computer-Based Testing Test Administration Sign the Security Agreement Script: Individuals involved in the administration of the PARCC Field Test must be familiar with their roles and responsibilities, including compliance with the PARCC Test Security Protocols. Test Administrators and Proctors should read and be familiar with the content and instructions contained in the Test Administrator Manual for Computer-Based Testing. Test Administration Manuals will be shipped along with other materials the week of March 17, 2014 for Performance-Based Assessments and the week of April 21, 2014 for the End Of Year assessments. Test Administrators should receive training from the School Test Coordinator to learn about the testing schedule, security plan, and the plan to administer accommodations at their school. Test Administrators must also review online training modules including Computer-Based Testing Test Administration, which include information on logging in, logging out, monitoring students during testing, resuming test sessions, and submitting tests. More information about these training modules can be found towards the end of the presentation. Any individual involved in the administration of the PARCC Field Test must sign the Security Agreement. Refer to p. 19 in the CBT TAM

20 Before Testing 2) Prepare Students
Administer Sample Items and Tutorial Inform students about prohibited materials Encourage students to do their best Script: Students may not be familiar with computer-based testing or the tools and item types used in the computer-based Field Test. Therefore, students who will participate in the PARCC Field Test using computer-based testing must first take the Sample Items and Tutorial. Check with your School Test Coordinator about the schedule and instructions for administering the Sample Items and Tutorial. Remember to inform students that on each test administration day, they should place prohibited materials, including cell phones, non-test-related personal electronic equipment, instructional aids and reference books, in their lockers or book bags prior to entering the testing environment. Review the Test Administrator Manual for guidance on encouraging students, including: Try to answer every question, and Read each question carefully and think about the answer before responding. Refer to pp , 32 in the CBT TAM

21 Before Testing 3) Prepare the Testing Environment
Arrange students’ seating configuration: Seat students in every other seat Arrange monitors back-to-back Seat students back-to-back Seat students in a semicircle Seat students in widely spaced rows or in every other row Cardboard, plastic, and other types of partitions may be used to prevent students from viewing other monitors Script: The testing environment refers to all aspects of the testing surroundings while students are testing and includes what a student can see, hear, or access. To maintain security in a computer-based testing environment, PARCC suggests the following configurations for seating students. If an appropriate seating configuration is not possible, cardboard, plastic, and other types of partitions may be used as visual barriers between computers to prevent students from viewing other monitors. Refer to p. 13, 20, 22 in the CBT TAM

22 Before Testing 3) Prepare the Testing Environment (continued)
Cover or remove prohibited materials from the testing room Posters, maps, charts, displays and graphic organizers Mathematical formulas and theorems Number lines, multiplication tables and 100s charts Word lists, definitions and writing formulas Any manipulative not approved for use prior to testing It is not necessary to cover calendars, posters displaying the alphabet or consonant blends, or posters displaying the Pledge of Allegiance Script: In addition to seating configurations, Test Administrators must make every effort to cover or remove prohibited materials from the testing room. Prohibited materials can compromise test security, violate the construct being measured by the assessment, and thereby invalidate test results. Examples of prohibited materials are included here. However, it is not necessary to cover or remove calendars, posters displaying the alphabet or consonant blends or posters displaying the Pledge of Allegiance. Refer to pp in the CBT TAM

23 Before Testing 4) Obtain Test Materials Student Authorization Tickets
Seal Codes (written on the board) Scratch paper Headphones (ELA/Literacy or students who need them for accessibility or accommodations purposes) Calculators (optional for mathematics sessions) Testing – Do Not Disturb sign Additional materials required by students’ IEPs and/or Plans (or EL Plans, if required) Script: The administration of the PARCC Field Test is a secure testing event. Maintaining the security of test materials before, during, and after test administration is crucial to obtaining valid and reliable results. Obtain test materials from your School Test Coordinator on the day of testing about 15 minutes prior to the start of the testing session. Test materials must not be stored in classrooms the day prior to or following administration. Materials include: Student Authorization Tickets, which contain the unique Test Codes for each student in order to access the test, Seal Codes, which are written on the board by the Test Administrator and prevent students from going ahead to a session not being administered or going back to a session that has already been completed, Scratch Paper, or two pages of blank, lined or graph paper per student, per session, Headphones, which are only required for ELA/Literacy test sessions, or for students who receive the text-to-speech accommodation for the ELA/Literacy assessments or the accessibility features for the Mathematics assessments. Hand-held, grade-appropriate calculators, which may be provided to students for mathematics sessions, and A “Testing—Do Not Disturb” sign to post on the testing room door, and Any additional materials required by students’ IEPs and/or 504 Plans, or EL Plans if required by the PARCC state. Review the Test Administrator Manual for more information, including information on materials accommodations and calculator versus non-calculator sessions. Refer to pp. 9-10, 14-15, 22, 28 in the CBT TAM

24 Before Testing 4) Obtain Test Materials (continued)
Plan to administer applicable testing accommodations Check that all necessary materials and equipment are available and in good and working condition Script: Before testing, receive a list of all students requiring accommodations, and plan accordingly for space, procedures and materials. Test Administrators must provide applicable accommodations such as reading the test aloud or scribing responses to ensure the validity in students’ scores. Test Administrators should anticipate whether students will be allowed extended time accommodations after the Total Field Test Administration Time has passed. They must also be aware of where students with extended time accommodations will continue to work after other students have completed the test, or if those students will test in in a separate setting during the entire test session. Again, beyond the Total Field Test Administration Time, a student may be allowed extended time accommodations only if listed in his or her IEP or 504 Plan (or EL Plan, if required by the PARCC member state). Finally, check that all necessary materials and equipment are available and in good and working condition prior to testing. Remember that all test materials are secure and may not be released, copied or duplicated in any way. Refer to pp in the CBT TAM

25 During Testing Script: This section describes activities the Test Administrator must complete during testing.

Prepare students and the testing room Read the appropriate script Distribute materials Keep time Supervise test administration Maintain test security (Optional) provide breaks Script: Tasks to complete during testing include: Preparing students and the testing room Reading the appropriate script Distributing materials Keeping time Supervising test administration Maintaining test security, and Providing breaks.

27 During Testing Prepare Students and the Testing Room
Verify that all software applications are closed Ensure headphones are plugged into the testing device and the sound is audible (if applicable) Ensure students are not in possession of prohibited materials Seat students and ensure testing areas are cleared Make note of absent students Post a “Testing—Do Not Disturb” sign Script: At the start of each testing session, Verify that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student devices During ELA/Literacy sessions or when students require headphones for accessibility or accommodations purposes, ensure that the headphones are plugged into the testing device and check that the sound is enabled and adjusted to an appropriate volume level Ensure students are not in possession of prohibited materials, including cell phones, non-test-related personal electronic equipment, instructional aids and reference books. If a student is found to have any prohibited materials in his or her possession upon arrival for testing, the student should be instructed to surrender materials to the Test Administrator, first switching off any electronic devices. Seat students and ensure that students’ testing areas are cleared of all other materials. Make note of absent students for make-up testing. Then, post a “Testing—Do Not Disturb” sign on the outside of the door of the testing room. Refer to pp , 22, in the CBT TAM

28 During Testing 2) Read the Appropriate Script
Read word-for-word all text that is boxed and printed in bold type and preceded by the word “Say” Use professional judgment Assist students with log-in errors Script: Once students are seated and the room is prepared, Test Administrators are required to adhere to the scripts provided in the Test Administrator Manual. Read word-for-word all text that is boxed and printed in bold type and preceded by the word Say. Text that appears outside the boxes in regular type or italics should not be read aloud to students. You may repeat any part of these directions as many times as needed while you are delivering the script. Directions may be provided in student’s native language. Use your professional judgment in responding to student questions that arise during the testing session. If situations arise during testing that are not scripted, keep in mind the following goals when making decisions: First, protect the security of the PARCC Field Test Second, minimize distractions for students, and Third, adhere to the testing times. Lastly when reading scripts to students, Test Administrators may assist students with errors when logging in but should not try to resolve issues during testing. Refer to pp. 22, in the CBT TAM

29 During Testing 3) Distribute Materials
Distribute test materials when instructed to do so Instruct students to print their names on each sheet of scratch paper Script: Distribute Student Authorization Tickets, test materials, and scratch paper when instructed to do so, and ensure that each student has a calculator and headphones, when applicable. A screenshot of a Student Authorization Ticket is provided. For all test sessions, instruct students to print their names in the upper right-hand corner of each sheet of scratch paper they receive in order to help you account for all testing materials. Refer to p. 23 in the CBT TAM

30 During Testing 4) Keep Time Keep accurate time
TestNav will not “lock” a student out when time is complete Refer to Appendix E in the TAM for your state-specific policy Script: Keep accurate time for each test session. While PARCC is collecting timing data during the Field Tests, remember that failure to provide the correct amount of time may result in test invalidation. Additionally, TestNav, the delivery platform, will not “lock” a student out when time is complete. Follow your state policy (in Appendix E) for more information on how to instruct students after the session time has been completed, including materials permitted after testing such as recreational books. Refer to p. 23 in the CBT TAM

31 During Testing 5) Supervise Test Administration Be an active proctor
Redirect a student’s attention to the test without coaching or assisting the student in any way Clarify general directions, but do not clarify vocabulary words, phrases, and terminology used in test items Dismiss students for misconduct Script: During testing, be an active proctor by circulating around the room and checking to see that students are recording their answers in the correct session of the computer-based test. Test Administrators may redirect a student’s attention to the test without coaching or assisting the student in any way. Examples include: providing a redirection as part of a classroom management plan and providing a visual cue to the student to remain on task. The Test Administrator may only clarify general administration directions, or instructions provided through the scripts. General administration directions may be repeated as necessary for any student. However, no part of any test item may be clarified, including vocabulary words, phrases and terminology, nor may any assistance be provided to students during test sessions on the test items themselves. Coaching students during testing, including giving students verbal or nonverbal cues, hints and suggestions, is not permitted. Additionally, the Test Administrator has the authority to dismiss any student for misconduct. If student misconduct rises to the level of dismissal, collect the student’s test materials and close the student’s test session. The student will then be dismissed from the exam room. Refer to pp. 17, 20, 23 in the CBT TAM

32 During Testing 6) Maintain Test Security
Adhere to your school’s Test Security Protocols Chain-of-custody documentation plan Breaches of test security Testing irregularities Report breaches of test security and testing irregularities immediately Refer to Section 2.13 in the TAM for your state-specific policy Script: The administration of the PARCC Field Test is a secure testing event. Failure to follow proper security requirements may result in test invalidations. Therefore, adhere to your school’s Test Security Protocols at all times, including following your school’s chain-of-custody documentation plan. The chain-of-custody of test materials must be documented before, during, and after test administration, in order to maintain their security. Breaches of test security include, but are not limited to, using a cell phone, checking and reading a recreational book while secure test materials are distributed or while students are still testing. A building evacuation, lock-down, fire emergency or loss of internet connectivity constitute testing irregularities. If testing is interrupted at any time during the test session, ensure the safety of students as your first priority. Test Administrators must report all instances of security breaches and testing irregularities to the School Test Coordinator and/or Principal immediately. Refer to Section 2.13 in the Test Administrator Manual for your state’s policy and immediately follow your state’s protocol for reporting breaches of test security and testing irregularities. Refer to pp. 9-13, 23 in the CBT TAM

33 During Testing 7) Provide Breaks (Optional)
Monitor students during breaks Individual restroom breaks Classroom break of up to three minutes Ensure that students do not communicate, do not access cell phones or the internet, and are not able to see content on other students’ test materials Script: Lastly during testing, short breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator. First, individual restroom breaks may be provided as needed, during which Test Administrators do not need to adjust the testing time. Second, a classroom may take one break of up to three minutes during a test session. For classroom breaks, Test Administrators should readjust the testing time. In either case, ensure that students do not communicate, do not access cell phones and other prohibited electronic devices and are not able to see content on other students’ test materials. This includes both computers and scratch paper. It is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’ computer screens, such as folders taped to screens, instead of having students use computer functions to exit and resume their test sessions. Refer to pp. 5-6, 24 in the CBT TAM

34 After Testing Script: This section describes activities the Test Administrator must complete after testing.

35 After Testing ADMINISTER THE PARCC FIELD TEST Return materials
Complete Test Administrator Survey Script: Tasks to complete after testing include: returning materials to the School Test Coordinator, and completing the Test Administrator Survey.

36 After Testing 1) Return Materials to the School Test Coordinator
Collect and return the following materials Test Administrator Manual Student Authorization Tickets Printed seal codes Used and unused scratch paper Headphones (if applicable) Calculators (if applicable) Notify the School Test Coordinator immediately about any missing test materials Script: The following materials must be returned to the School Test Coordinator: the Test Administrator Manual, all Student Authorization Tickets, printed seal codes, used and unused scratch paper, as well as headphones and calculators if applicable. Notify the School Test Coordinator immediately about any missing Student Authorization Tickets, printed seal codes, or scratch paper. Refer to p. 120 in the CBT TAM

37 After Testing 2) Complete Test Administrator Survey
Access the survey at: Information from the survey will be used to inform future PARCC testing practices Script: After all Field Testing is complete, go to the link provided and complete the PARCC Test Administrator survey about your experience administering PARCC assessments. Information from this survey will be used to inform future PARCC testing practices. Refer to p. 120 in the CBT TAM

38 Agenda Roles and responsibilities
Field Test schedule and testing times Tasks to complete before, during, and after testing Additional information Script: Additional information.

39 Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions If all students have completed testing at the end of initial Session Time, can the test session end? Yes What if all students complete testing before the end of initial Session Time – can the test session end then? No What if all students complete testing in the middle of Additional Time Allowed – can the test session end then? Maybe (refer to Appendix E in the TAM) Script: This section highlights some frequently asked questions about administering the PARCC Field Test. If all students have completed testing at the end of initial Session Time, can the test session end? Yes. According to Test Administrator discretion, if ALL students have completed testing at the end of initial Session Time, the Test Administrator may end the test session. What if all students complete testing before the end of initial Session Time – can the test session end then? No. If students finish early, they must sit quietly until the end of initial Session Time. What if all students complete testing in the middle of Additional Time Allowed – can the test session end then? Maybe. If all students have completed testing after initial Session Time, Test Administrators should follow their state or local policy located in Appendix E, but may use their discretion on whether to end the test session. However, Test Administrators must offer Additional Time Allowed to all students and must not encourage students to finish early.

40 Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions What are the procedures for severe weather or safety threats? Refer to Section 2.13 in the Test Administrator Manual What happens if the power or Internet go out during the test? Refer to Section 2.13 in the Test Administrator Manual; prior to testing, consult the TestNav 8 User Guide Script: 4. What are the procedures for severe weather or safety threats? Information about the protocol for handling severe weather or safety threats can be found in Section 2.13 in the Test Administrator Manual. 5. What happens if the power or Internet go out during the test? The same protocol for test interruptions in Section 2.13 in the Test Administrator Manual can be used in the event of a power outage or Internet loss. Prior to testing, review the TestNav 8 User Guide, which includes a list of screens and error codes so that Test Administrators can learn how to solve problems and reduce the reliance on IT staff.

41 Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions Script: These and other Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed at the link provided.

42 Additional Information
Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual Script: Detailed information about PARCC’s accessibility features and accommodations policies, including implementation guidance, can be found at PARCC’s Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual, located at the link provided.

43 Additional Information
Test Administrator Manual For Computer-Based Testing (Under “Manuals and Documents”) Script: All information discussed in this training module, including a checklist for Test Administrators, can be found in the PARCC Test Administrator Manuals. Please note that there are two Test Administrator Manuals: one for computer-based testing and one for paper-based testing. Both manuals can be found at the link provided.

44 Additional Information
Additional Training Computer-Based Testing Test Administration Script: Additional information on test administration for computer-based testing can be accessed on-demand at the link provided. The PARCC Pearson training module covers the more technical aspects of test administration, including logging students in and out of a test session, and resuming a test session in TestNav. Below is a screenshot of the TestNav log in screen.

45 Additional Information
Additional Training Emerging Technologies (iPads and Chromebooks) Accessibility Features and Accommodations with CBT Script: You can access additional training modules on emerging technologies and accessibility features and accommodations at the same PARCC Pearson website.

46 Additional Information
Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free: (7:00 am – 9:00 pm EST, Mon. –Fri.) Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: navigating PearsonAccess navigating the Training Center managing student data setting up test sessions managing user IDs and passwords accessing resources setting up proctor caching submitting additional orders shipment inquiries TestNav Script: A number of resources are available online at the PARCC Pearson support website. You may also contact PARCC Support toll free, Monday through Friday from 7:00am through 9:00pm, Eastern Time, or via .

47 Additional Information
Remember the Following Goals Protect the security of the PARCC Field Test Minimize distractions for students Adhere to the testing times Script: Finally, the administration of the PARCC Field Test is complex due to the varying research activities being conducted. Therefore, you may be faced with a decision which require you to exercise your best judgment. Again, in these situations, remember the following goals: • Protect the security of the PARCC Field Test, • Minimize distractions for students, and • Adhere to the testing time.

48 Thank you for your help in administering the PARCC Field Test!
Script: We have discussed Test Administrator roles and responsibilities, the Field Test schedule and testing times, tasks to complete before, during, and after testing, and how to find additional information specific to computer-based field testing. This concludes today’s training module. Thank for your for your help in administering the PARCC Field Test!

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