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CMOS Devices PN junctions and diodes NMOS and PMOS transistors

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Presentation on theme: "CMOS Devices PN junctions and diodes NMOS and PMOS transistors"— Presentation transcript:

1 CMOS Devices PN junctions and diodes NMOS and PMOS transistors
Resistors Capacitors Inductors Bipolar transistors

2 The MOS Transistors

3 The MOS Transistors

4 CMOS Device Model Objective CMOS transistor models
Hand calculations for analog design Non-idealities and their effects Efficient and accurate simulation CMOS transistor models Large signal model Small signal model Simulation model Noise model

5 Good for VDS <VGS-VTH
After that, ID become saturated.


7 Linear in deep triode As vDS  0, ron 
Pro: voltage control of resistivity. Con: nonlinear resistor.

8 MOST Regions of Operation
Cut-off, or non-conducting: vGS <VT iD=0 approximately Conducting, or on: vGS >=VT Saturation: vDS > vGS – VT Triode or linear or ohmic or non-saturation: vDS <= vGS – VT Saturation voltage:

9 With channel length modulation

10 iD vs vDS for several VGS
gds gm*DVGS

11 Influence of Channel Length on l
Lmin = 0.25 Johns and Martin book gives an approximate formula with l  1/L At >=2*Lmin, l is small, Ro is large After 1um, l remains about the same

12 Influence of VBS VBS changes threshold voltage, and hence changes i-v curve.

13 Temperature Dependence of Mobility
Linear Temperature Dependence of threshold voltage Saturation Velocity Junction capacitance Barrier potential Drain resistance

14 This is nonlinear if Vbs is temperature dependent



17 Referenced from Filanovsky’s paper
0.35um process ZTC biasing Referenced from Filanovsky’s paper

18 Reality: no single point crossing
Not just one single crossing ID In AMI0.6 process Test on a single NMOS biased with fixed Vgs and Vds Vgs


20 To refine the value AMI 0.6 Vgs=1.12V Vgs=1.14V Optimum curve
TC = 41 ppm/C Vgs=1.17V

21 Generic 018 Vgs=0.717V Vgs=0.721V TC=27 ppm/C Vgs=0.727V

22 Large signal model for approximate hand caculation

23 Capacitors Of The MOSFET


25 Capacitors in Cutoff

26 Capacitors in Saturation

27 Capacitors in Triode

28 Small signal model

29 Typically: VDB, VSB are in such a way that there is a reversely biased pn junction.
Therefore: gbd ≈ gbs ≈ 0

30 In saturation: But

31 Intrinsic DC voltage gain: gm/gds = gm*rds

32 In non-saturation region

33 Intrinsic gain For large gain, use small ID or small over drive voltage, or in moderate to weak inversion.

34 High Frequency Figure of Merit wT
AC current source input to G AC short S, D, B to gnd (i.e. constant voltages) Measure AC drain current output Calculate current gain Find frequency at which current gain = 1. Ignore rs and rd,  Cbs, Cbd, gds, gbs, gbd all have zero voltage drop and hence zero current Vgs = Iin /jw(Cgs+Cgb+Cgd) ≈ Iin /jw(Cgs+Cgd) Io = − (gm − jwCgd)Vgs ≈ − gm Iin /jw(Cgs+Cgd) |Io/Iin| = |gm − jwCgd|/w(Cgs+Cgd) ≈ gm/w(Cgs+Cgd)

35 amplification |Io/Iin| attenuation wT 0 dB w

36 At wT, current gain =1 wT ≈ gm/(Cgs+Cgd)≈ gm/Cgs or

37 For fastest operation, use Vod near but before fT peak
For power efficiency, use Vod before fT corner

38 High Frequency Figures of Merit wmax
AC current source input to G AC short S, B to gnd Measure AC power into the gate Assume complex conjugate load Compute max power delivered by the transistor Find maximum power gain Find frequency at which power gain = 1.


40 gdo vs gm in short channel

41 gdo vs gm in short channel


43 Insights: gdo increases all the way with current density Iden
gm saturates when Iden larger than 100mA/mm Velocity saturation, mobility degradation ---- short channel effects Low gm/current efficiency High linearity For power efficiency and gm efficiency Use moderate to low current density Use small over drive voltage

44 To Av: (W/L), m, ID, l, set VoQ at mid rail For high speed: Veff, m; L, Cgd, rg For better linearity: Vds, Vdb, set VoQ at mid rail Veff range: <~0.5V; or <~0.3V for efficiency ID/W range: <100mA/mm; or <40mA/mm for efficiency

45 Intrinsic voltage gain of MOSFET
Sweep V1 Measure vgs Intrinsic voltage gain = gm/go = Dvds/Dvgs for constant Id

46 Weak inversion When VGS is reduced to Vth, the drain current does not go to zero It does not follow square law It does not follow exponential law When VGS is markedly below Vth, the drain current becomes an exponential function of VGS. Behaves very much like a diode

47 A model from weak to strong inv

48 In strong inversion In strong inversion, n is about 1

49 In weak inversion

50 In weak inversion If vt = 25mV, n=2, gm/ID = 20 n=1.5, gm/ID = 27

51 ID vs VGS Exponential model Square law model simulation

52 ID/(W/L) vs VG is sensitive to VBS

53 gm/ID vs VG is also sensitive to VBS

54 But gm/ID vs ID/(W/L) has fixed shape

55 Related VDD insensitive circuits
Filanovsky, etc, “Mutual Compensation of Mobility and Threshold Voltage Temperature Effects with Applications in CMOS Circuits”. G. Giustolisi “A Low-Voltage Low-Power Voltage Reference Based on Subthreshold MOSFETs”. Ka Nang Leung “A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for CMOS Low-Dropout Linear Regulators”. Bernhard Boser. “Analog Circuit Design with Submicron Transistors". IEEE SSCS Meeting, Santa Clara Valley, May 2005.




59 TSMC 0.18 um Process

60 TSMC 0.18 um Process

61 TSMC 0.18 um Process

62 TSMC 0.18 um Process

63 TSMC 0.18 um Process

64 TSMC 0.18 um Process

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