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The series of alternating current

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1 The series of alternating current

2 1.10 Purely Series Barriers 10/02 Series Inductive Obstacles An inductor coil has a self inductance L coupled alternating voltage V, then the resulting emf induction coil ujung2 Barriers have inductive XL price: XL = inductive resistance (Ohm)

3 3.10 Barriers Series Capacitance A capacitor with capacity C connected alternating voltage V, then the capacitor becomes charged, so that at plat2nya have a potential difference of Large capacitive barrier XC:

4 10.4 The series R-L Series Barriers to R and XL series connected dg TEG. alternating V. Ohm's Law I: VR = potential difference between ujung2 R VL = the potential difference between ujung2 XL Large total voltage V is written in a vector: Resistance R and XL also summed in the vector: Z = Impedance (Ohm) Strong currents which flow in this circuit are:

5 5.10 The series of R-C Series Barriers to R and XC series connected dg TEG. alternating V. Ohm's Law I: VR = potential difference between ujung2 R VC = potential difference between ujung2 XC Large total voltage V is written in a vector: Resistance R and XC are also summed in the vector: Z = Impedance (Ohm) Strong currents which flow in this circuit are:

6 6.10 The series of R-L-C Series Barriers series R, XL and XC are connected dg TEG. alternating V. Ohm's Law I: VR = potential difference between ujung2 R VC = potential difference between ujung2 XC VL = the potential difference between ujung2 XL Large total voltage V is written in a vector: esistance R, XL and XC are also summed in the vector: Z = Impedance (Ohm) Strong currents which flow in this circuit are:

7 10.7 Series Resonance If the RLC series circuit then XL = XC Effective flow in the circuit will achieve the greatest price that is at It said circuit in a state of resonance. In this case applies So the resonant frequency is

8 The relationship between the maximum and effective price Vef = effective voltage (V) Vm = maximum voltage (V) ief = effective current (A) im = maximum current (A) The relationship between price and average maximum Vr = average voltage (V) Vm = maximum voltage (V) ir = average current (A) im = maximum current (A)

9 10.8 Power Flow Back and forth Formulated in direct current power P = VI, with V and i the price is always fixed. But for alternating current electric power is expressed as: multiplication of voltages, currents and power factor. By: P = electrical power back and forth (Watt) V = effective voltage (V) i = effective strong currents (A) Z = impedance circuit (Ohm) Cos θ = power factor =

10 Example: Jala2 have a different mains voltage 220 V, what is the maximum voltage value? In a series RLC circuit with R = 80 Ohm, XL = 100 Ohm, and XC = 40 Ohm, connected by alternating voltage source having a maximum voltage of 120 V. Determine the maximum current in the circuit. At frequency of 100 Hz, the reactance of a capacitor is 4000 ohms and reactance of an inductor is 1000 Ohm. If the capacitors and inductors were mounted on a circuit, the resonance occurs at what frequency? In a series RLC circuit with R = 40 Ohm, XL = 50 Ohm, and XC = 20 Ohm, connected by alternating voltage source having an effective voltage of 110 V. Determine the power used by the entire circuit.

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