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Energy Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Resources

2 Renewable Can be reused Grown

3 Non Renewable Cannot be reused Fossil Fuels

4 Sub Headings For Renewable
Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, Biomass, Geothermal, Biofuel For Nonrenewable Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas) and Nuclear

5 Solar From the sun Uses Photovoltaic Cells to gather energy
Expensive to start Works everywhere

6 Hydroelectric Uses Dams Generators turn
Cheap, but damages habitats by flooding

7 Wind Power Uses windmills to turn turbines Generators
Cheap, but cant be used everywhere due to lack of wind in hilly regions and cities.

8 Geothermal From volcanic activity Heat turns steam into energy Cheap
Does not pollute

9 Bio Mass From Burning organic material- like wood and garbage
Can pollute due to burning

10 Bio Fuel Made from corn and sugarcane Ethanol

11 Non Renewables Will Run out
Fossil Fuels- made from decayed organic material (dead animals and plants) Coal, Oil, Natural Gas Clean- Nuclear

12 Nuclear Nonrenewable Clean Emits Steam Creates toxic waste

13 Coal Comes from inside the earth Made of peat
Causes pollution due to burning

14 Oil Liquid version of Coal Nonrenewable Causes pollution Cheap

15 Natural Gas Found usually underwater Can be explosive
Not clean burning

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