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Kansas City Kansas Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas City Kansas Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas City Kansas Public Schools
Strategic Communications Plan and Facilitators Training David R. Voss

2 Why Are You Here? Facilitator Training You are the chosen ones
Small group discussion is the only way we will create a parade behind Diploma+ It will take a district-wide effort to engage everyone, not just communications So what’s a facilitator?

3 Facilitators Training
What’s Your Role? Set up meetings (ideal 5-7 people) Present information and listen to concerns Answer questions and address concerns Get back to them with unanswered questions Take notes and report back Recruit additional facilitators

4 Format: Three Questions
What is Diploma+? Go through White Paper Learn and deliver key messages Open discussion; answer questions Demonstrate excitement Ask: Do you understand the big picture?

5 Format: Three Questions
Why do you need to know? We all own the graduate (Pre-K - 12) It’s a cultural shift, not just a new program Each student has a different pathway Every employee has a role to play Ask: Why does everyone needs to be involved?

6 Format: Three Questions
What role can you play? Individualized roles: from “talking it up” to counseling…know your role Wear the buttons, put up posters, echo the messages, ask students if they’re on board Know how to answer questions, refer to experts Find stories; tell stories; inspire others Ask: What do you think? What’s your role?

7 Communication Goals Communications Plan
Transform a community’s way of thinking. Elevate expectations among everyone. Instruct, support and reinforce how to get there. Generate sustained, engaging conversations that are strategic and purposeful.

8 Audiences and Timelines
Communications Plan Audiences and Timelines Target Audiences and Timeline Internal first (August through October) Parents and students (Launch in November) Business/Community (Build momentum over time) Sustain campaign for at least two years

9 Strategies - Internal First
Communications Plan Strategies - Internal First It starts with White Paper distribution to staff as foundation Theory and history behind the goals Outcomes we expect, how we’re going to get there Video messages from the Superintendent to staff

10 Strategies - Internal Communications Plan
Series of “School Conversations” on a tiered schedule Create large group of facilitators Provide two hour training on Diploma+ and facilitation Use pyramid approach to get as many as possible by Oct. 30 Enable educators and staff to discuss, ask questions Clearly answer the question: “What does it mean to me?” Each conversation is customized to the participants’ needs/wants/interests

11 Strategies - Stories Collect and tell stories (systematically)
Communications Plan Strategies - Stories Collect and tell stories (systematically) Create and promote a program that enables staff to produce a series of short videos “from the classroom” that shows success tied to Diploma+, whether it’s elementary, middle or high school stories. Post and promote videos through social media

12 Strategies - Materials
Communications Plan Strategies - Materials Create series of consistently branded InfoGraphics Buttons for adults, wrist bands for students Posters, banners in secondary schools Prepare Q and A for principals/staff who must answer tough questions

13 External Strategies - Students
Communications Plan External Strategies - Students Elevate student awareness of the Dashboard… promote within schools Create or use existing videos on future workforce illustrations Distribute InfoGraphics on income differences between HS and certificate/college/technical school graduates Articulate the incentives (like college credits)

14 External Strategies - Parents
Communications Plan External Strategies - Parents Host small group conversations with parents; promote through BrightArrow, support with InfoGraphics Parent sign contracts…commit to support school and child…receive periodic updates Set up external web page with ability to submit questions and get answers: “How to get involved” Make it easier for parent-to-parent communication…use parent-teacher organizations to create two-way forums.

15 External Strategies - Community
Communications Plan External Strategies - Community Set up Diploma+ Ambassadors Key Communicators Group Ambassadors get stickers, mugs, newsletter articles that say “I support Diploma+ students.” Create a digital space for ambassadors to share ideas Invite sponsors to participate

16 Key Messages - All Communications Plan
Diploma+ is the next stage of our transformation. We are already on the right path.  Not only are we transforming our schools.  We are transforming our community.   Diploma+ gives our students what they need to succeed in tomorrow’s world. The + in Diploma+ raises the bar, sets expectations, and requires everyone to contribute.

17 Key Messages - Internal
Communications Plan Key Messages - Internal The keys to achieve Diploma+ are contained in our Model of Instruction and career academies. A high school diploma is not enough for our students to reach their dreams. Learn what it means to you.  The District Leadership Team is prepared to help you figure it out. We all own the graduate…from pre-K to 12.

18 Next Steps Divide groups into small discussions — ideal is 5-7 people
Schedule and conduct facilitated discussions Take notes and report back on Google Doc form

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