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Fraunhofer InstitutE fOr Solar EnergY SystemS ISE

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1 Fraunhofer InstitutE fOr Solar EnergY SystemS ISE
Deficits in the Solar Keymark certification scheme for SAHC Solar Keymark Working Group SAHC: Korbinian (Chair), Jaime Fernández, Patrick Ollas, Katharina Meyer 1

2 Deficits in the Solar Keymark certification for SAHC
EN ISO 9806:2013: No efficiency curve for the operation mode „open-to-ambient“, just efficiency points at different mass flow rates/wind speed rates Details for the boundary conditions for testing SAHC are with gaps/unclear Certification Scheme: No default data sheet to present the mass flow dependend three efficiency points Family defintion can be interpreted towards its technical limits (not very well validated)

3 Next steps Short term: 1) Develop a default data sheet which can handle the curve, use existing adoptions from SP/CENER/ISE, working group presents one at next meeting: 2) Standard will be published 2017 in revision with clearification on boundary conditions for testing _____ Mid term: 1) Develop a efficiency curve, which improves the transparency in comparrison to other technologies and within the methodology of Solar Keymark 2) Evaluate this method 3) Apply this method on respective products 4) Use the exisiting data sheet, which then is fitting

4 Thank you for your kind attention.

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