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CIRP Your First College Year Survey 2012 First-time, Full-time Freshmen All Baccalaureate Institutions N=13,957 Higher Education Research Institute, University.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRP Your First College Year Survey 2012 First-time, Full-time Freshmen All Baccalaureate Institutions N=13,957 Higher Education Research Institute, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRP Your First College Year Survey 2012 First-time, Full-time Freshmen All Baccalaureate Institutions N=13,957 Higher Education Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles

2 Your First College Year Survey The Your First College Year Survey examines the transition to college by measuring students curricular and co-curricular experiences and outcomes during the first year of college. The YFCY was designed specifically to measure student development in the first year.The Your First College Year Survey examines the transition to college by measuring students curricular and co-curricular experiences and outcomes during the first year of college. The YFCY was designed specifically to measure student development in the first year. This presentation is designed to provide a visual summary of the results.This presentation is designed to provide a visual summary of the results. Higher Education Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles

3 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute3 Presentation Summary Demographics Transition to College Academic Adjustment (construct) Transition to College (theme) Navigational Action (theme) Academic Outcomes Habits of Mind (construct) Academic Self-Concept (construct) Academic Outcomes (theme) Academic Environment Faculty Interaction: Contact and Communication (construct) Interaction with Faculty (theme) Active and Collaborative Learning (theme) Written and Oral Communication (theme) Academic Disengagement (construct) Academic Enhancement Experiences (theme) Satisfaction Overall Satisfaction (construct) Satisfaction with Coursework (construct) Satisfaction with Academic Support and Courses (theme) Satisfaction with Services and Community (theme) Civic Engagement Outcomes Civic Awareness (construct) Social Agency (construct) Leadership (construct) Civic Engagement Experiences and Beliefs Civic Engagement (construct) Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values (theme) Diversity Outcomes Pluralistic Orientation (construct) Diversity Experiences and Beliefs Positive Cross-Racial Interaction (construct) Negative Cross-Racial Interaction (construct) Diversity (theme) Campus Climate Sense of Belonging (construct) Religiosity/Spirituality Religiosity / Spirituality (theme) Health and Wellness Health and Wellness (theme)

4 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute4 Demographics

5 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute5 Demographics Race/Ethnicity (mark all that apply) African American/ Black Mexican American /Chicano Am. Indian/ Alaska Native Hawaiian /Pacific Islander Asian American /Asian Puerto Rican Other Latino White/ Caucasian

6 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute6 Demographics Sex

7 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute7 Demographics Overall GPA

8 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute8 Demographics Did you transfer into this institution from another college/university?

9 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute9 Demographics How would you characterize your political views?

10 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute10 Demographics Since entering college have you joined a social fraternity or sorority?

11 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute11 Demographics Since entering this college have you played intercollegiate athletics (e.g., NCAA or NAIA-sponsored)?

12 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute12 Transition to College

13 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute13 CIRP Construct Academic Adjustment Academic Adjustment measures the ease with which students adjust to the academic demands of college High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

14 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute14 CIRP Construct Survey Items Academic Adjustment Since entering college, how has it been to: very easy somewhat easy Adjust to academic demands of college (3.27) Develop effective study skills (3.06) Manage your time effectively (2.67) Understand what your professors expect of you academically (1.29)

15 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute15 CIRP Theme Transition to College Since entering college, how often have you interacted with the following people (once a week or less): Close friends not at this institution Close friends at this institution Your family

16 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute16 CIRP Theme Transition to College Since entering this college, indicate how often have you felt: frequently occasionally Isolated from campus life Family support to succeedLonely or homesick

17 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute17 CIRP Theme Transition to College Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: frequently occasionally Financial aid advising Academic advisingStudy skills advising Writing Center Disability resource center

18 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute18 CIRP Theme Transition to College Ease – Develop close friendships with other students

19 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute19 CIRP Theme Transition to College Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: strongly agree/frequently agree/occasionally I have been able to find a balance between academics and extracurricular activities (strongly agree/agree) Faculty believe in my potential to succeed academically (frequently/occasionally)

20 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute20 CIRP Theme Transition to College Since entering college have you: yes Participated in an academic support program Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to help students adjust to college-level academics Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to help students adjust to college life

21 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute21 CIRP Theme Transition to College Since entering this college, indicate how often you: frequently occasionally Went home for the weekend Used the institutions course catalog (paper or online) Had difficulty getting along with your roommate(s)/housemate(s)

22 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute22 Navigational Action

23 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute23 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering college, how often have you interacted with the following people (once a week or less): Faculty during office hours Once a week1 or 2 times per month1 or 2 times per termNever

24 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute24 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: frequently occasionally Financial aid advising Study skills advising

25 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute25 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: very satisfied satisfied Student psychological services Student health services

26 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute26 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: frequently occasionally Academic advising Career services Writing Center Disability resource center

27 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute27 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering this college have you: yes Participated in an academic support program Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to help students adjust to college-level academics

28 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute28 CIRP Theme Navigational Action Since entering this college, indicate how often have you: Accessed your campus library resources electronically FrequentlyOccasionallyNot at all

29 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute29 Academic Outcomes

30 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute30 CIRP Construct Habits of Mind Habits of Mind is a unified measure of the behaviors and traits associated with academic success. These learning behaviors are seen as the foundation for lifelong learning High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

31 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute31 CIRP Construct Survey Items Habits of Mind How often in the past year did you: frequently occasionally Seek solutions to problems and explain them to others (2.20) Seek alternative solutions to a problem (2.28) Support your opinions with a logical argument (1.81) Evaluate the quality or reliability of information you received (1.61) Ask questions in class (1.51) Seek feedback on your academic work (1.48)

32 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute32 CIRP Construct Survey Items Habits of Mind How often in the past year did you: frequently occasionally Explore topics on your own, even though it was not required for a class (1.42) Revise your papers to improve your writing (1.17) Accept mistakes as part of the learning process (1.12) Look up scientific research articles and resources (0.89) Take a risk because you felt you had more to gain (1.43)

33 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute33 CIRP Construct Academic Self-Concept Academic Self-Concept is a unified measure of students beliefs about their abilities and confidence in academic environments. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

34 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute34 CIRP Construct Survey Items Academic Self-Concept Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age: highest 10% above average Academic ability (4.02) Self-confidence - intellectual (1.90) Drive to achieve (1.72) Mathematical ability (2.69)

35 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute35 CIRP Theme Academic Outcomes Compared with when you entered this college, how would you now describe your: much stronger stronger General knowledge Knowledge of a particular field or discipline Ability to conduct research Critical thinking skills Problem-solving skills

36 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute36 CIRP Theme Academic Outcomes Felt: That your courses inspired you to think in new ways (frequently/occasionally) Self-Rating: Writing ability (highest 10%/above average) Act in Past Year: Applied concepts from courses to everyday life (frequently/occasionally) frequently/highest 10% occasionally/above average Act in Past Year: Integrate skills and knowledge from different sources and experience (frequently/occasionally)

37 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute37 Academic Environment

38 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute38 CIRP Construct Faculty Interaction: Contact and Communication Faculty Interaction: Contact and Communication measures the amount and type of interactions students have with faculty that is appropriate for the first year of college, as well as satisfaction with these issues. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

39 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute39 CIRP Construct Survey Items Faculty Interaction: Contact and Communication Communicated regularly with your professors (2.50) (yes) Asked a professor for advice after class (1.64) (frequently/occasionally) Received advice/guidance about your educational program from your professor (1.53) (frequently/occasionally) Faculty during office hours (1.25) (yes) Amount of contact with faculty (1.26) (very satisfied/satisfied) Faculty outside of class or office hours (1.20) ( yes) frequently/very satisfied occasionally/satisfied/yes

40 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute40 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Since entering college, how often have you interacted with the following people (once a week or less): Faculty outside of class or office hoursFaculty during office hours

41 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute41 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty How often have you felt: frequently occasionally That faculty provided me with feedback that helped me assess my progress in class That faculty encouraged me to ask questions and participate in discussions That my contributions were valued in class

42 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute42 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Ease – Understand what your professors expect of you academically

43 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute43 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Frequency - "Been a guest in a professors home"

44 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute44 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Faculty showed concern about my progress Faculty believe in my potential to succeed academically Faculty encouraged me to meet with them outside of class Faculty empower me to learn here At least one faculty member has taken an interest in my development strongly agree agree In class, I have heard faculty express stereotypes based on race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation

45 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute45 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to connect faculty and students in focused academic inquiry

46 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute46 CIRP Theme Interaction with Faculty Frequency - "Worked on a professor's research project"

47 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute47 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning Since entering this college, how often have you: frequently occasionally Tutored another studentPerformed community service as part of class Studied with other students

48 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute48 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning Since entering this college, how often have you: frequently occasionally Ask questions in classIntegrate skills and knowledge from different sources and experiences Seek feedback on your academic work

49 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute49 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning To what extent have you experienced the following with a student from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? very often often Had meaningful and honest discussions about race/ethnic relations outside of class Studied or prepared for class Had intellectual discussions outside of class

50 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute50 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to connect faculty and students in focused academic inquiry

51 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute51 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning Since entering this college, indicate how often you: frequently occasionally Contributed to class discussions Discussed course content with students outside of class Received tutoring Worked with classmates on group projects during class Worked with classmates on group projects outside of class Worked on a professor's research project

52 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute52 CIRP Theme Written and Oral Communication Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: Writing center

53 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute53 CIRP Theme Written and Oral Communication Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age: Public speaking ability Writing ability highest 10% above average

54 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute54 CIRP Theme Active and Collaborative Learning Since entering this college, indicate how often you: frequently occasionally Revised your papers to improve your writing Made a presentation in class

55 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute55 CIRP Construct Academic Disengagement Academic Disengagement measures the extent to which students engage in behaviors that are inconsistent with academic success. Low represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more below the mean (i.e., lower than 45).

56 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute56 CIRP Construct Survey Items Academic Disengagement Since entering this college, how often have you: occasionally not at all Come late to class (1.82) Skipped class (1.60) Turned in course assignment(s) late (1.26) Turned in course assignments that did not reflect your best work (1.11) Fell asleep in class (1.00)

57 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute57 CIRP Theme Academic Enhancement Experiences Self Change – Ability to work as part of a team

58 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute58 CIRP Theme Academic Enhancement Experiences Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: Study skills advisingWriting centerAcademic advising frequently occasionally

59 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute59 CIRP Theme Academic Enhancement Experiences Since entering this college have you: Taken an honors courseTaken a remedial or developmental course Enrolled in a formal program where a group of students take two or more courses together (e.g., FIG, learning community, linked courses) Participated in an academic support program yes

60 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute60 CIRP Theme Academic Enhancement Experiences Since entering this college have you: Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to connect faculty and students in focused academic inquiry Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to help students adjust to college-level academics Taken a course or first-year seminar designed to help students adjust to college life yes

61 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute61 CIRP Theme Academic Enhancement Experiences Since entering this college, indicate how often you: Contributed to class discussions Worked on a professor's research project Worked with classmates on group projects during class Worked with classmates on group projects outside of class Made a presentation in class frequently occasionally Received tutoring

62 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute62 Satisfaction

63 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute63 CIRP Construct Overall Satisfaction Overall Satisfaction is a unified measure of students satisfaction with the college experience. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

64 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute64 CIRP Construct Survey Items Overall Satisfaction very satisfied/definitely yes satisfied/probably yes Satisfaction with overall college experience (3.69) (very satisfied/satisfied) If you could make your college choice over, would you still choose to enroll at your current college? (1.93) (definitely yes/probably yes) Satisfaction with your overall academic experience (1.88) (very satisfied/satisfied) Satisfaction with overall quality of instruction (1.69) (very satisfied/satisfied)

65 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute65 CIRP Construct Satisfaction with Coursework Satisfaction with Coursework measures the extent to which students see their coursework as relevant, useful and applicable to their academic success and future plans. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

66 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute66 CIRP Construct Survey Items Satisfaction with Coursework Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: very satisfied satisfied Relevance of coursework to future career plans (3.52) Relevance of coursework to everyday life (3.13) General education and core curriculum courses (1.31) First-year programs (0.91)

67 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute67 CIRP Theme Satisfaction with Academic Support and Courses Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Your overall academic experience Classroom facilities Computer facilities/labs Library facilities Laboratory facilities and equipment very satisfied satisfied

68 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute68 CIRP Theme Satisfaction with Academic Support and Courses Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Computer assistance Academic advising Class sizeRelevance of coursework to everyday life very satisfied satisfied Racial/ethnic diversity of faculty

69 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute69 CIRP Theme Satisfaction with Services and Community Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Academic advisingStudent housing (e.g., res. halls) Financial aid officeFinancial aid package Student health services very satisfied satisfied

70 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute70 CIRP Theme Satisfaction with Services and Community Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Student psychological services Orientation for new students Opportunities for community service Racial/ethnic diversity of student body very satisfied satisfied

71 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute71 CIRP Theme Satisfaction with Services and Community Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Interaction with other students Respect for the expression of diverse beliefs Availability of campus social activities Overall sense of community among students very satisfied satisfied

72 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute72 Civic Engagement Outcomes

73 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute73 CIRP Construct Civic Awareness Civic Awareness measures changes in students understanding of the issues facing their community, nation, and the world. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

74 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute74 CIRP Construct Survey Items Civic Awareness Compared with when you first entered this college, how would you now describe your: much stronger stronger Understanding of national issues (8.18) Understanding of global issues (3.32) Understanding of problems facing your community (2.09)

75 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute75 CIRP Construct Social Agency Social Agency measures the extent to which students value political and social involvement as a personal goal. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

76 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute76 CIRP Construct Survey Items Social Agency Indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following: essential very important Participating in a community action program (2.86) Helping to promote racial understanding (2.77) Becoming a community leader (2.65) Influencing social values (1.78) Keeping up to date with political affairs (2.15) Helping others who are in difficulty (1.71)

77 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute77 CIRP Construct Leadership Leadership is a unified measure of students' beliefs about their leadership development and capability and their experiences as a leader. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

78 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute78 CIRP Construct Survey Items Leadership Been a leader in an organization (2.30) (yes) I have effectively led a group to a common purpose (1.79) (strongly agree/agree) Participated in leadership training (1.62) (yes) Self-rating in leadership ability (1.33) (highest 10%/above average) Self-change in leadership ability (1.31) (much stronger/stronger) yes/strongly agree/highest 10%/much stronger agree/above average/stronger

79 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute79 Civic Engagement Experiences and Beliefs

80 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute80 CIRP Construct Civic Engagement Civic Engagement measures the extent to which students are motivated and involved in civic, electoral, and political activities. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

81 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute81 CIRP Construct Survey Items Civic Engagement Demonstrated for a cause (e.g., boycott, rally, protest) (1.53) (frequently/occasionally) I am interested in seeking information about current social and political issues (1.56) (strongly agree/agree) Worked on a local, state, or national political campaign (1.54) (frequently/occasionally) Publicly communicated your opinion about a cause (e.g., blog, email, petition) (1.56) (frequently/occasionally) frequently/strongly agree occasionally/agree

82 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute82 CIRP Construct Survey Items Civic Engagement Helped raise money for a cause or campaign (1.09) (frequently/occasionally) Performed volunteer work (0.79) (frequently/occasionally) Keeping up to date with political affairs (1.45) (essential/very important) Influencing social values (1.10) ( essential/very important) essential/frequently very important/occasionally

83 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute83 CIRP Theme Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values much stronger stronger Understanding of national issuesUnderstanding of global issuesUnderstanding of problems facing your community

84 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute84 CIRP Theme Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed: Opportunities for community service

85 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute85 CIRP Theme Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age: Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people Tolerance of others with different beliefs Openness to having my views challenged Ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues Ability to see the world from someone else's perspective highest 10% above average

86 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute86 CIRP Theme Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values Since entering this college, how often have you: Voted in a student electionDiscussed politics frequently occasionally

87 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute87 Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values Are you currently registered to vote?

88 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute88 Diversity Outcomes

89 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute89 CIRP Construct Pluralistic Orientation Pluralistic Orientation measures skills and dispositions appropriate for living and working in a diverse society. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

90 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute90 CIRP Theme Pluralistic Orientation Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age: Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people Tolerance of others with different beliefs Openness to having my views challenged Ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues Ability to see the world from someone else's perspective highest 10% above average

91 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute91 Diversity Experiences and Beliefs

92 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute92 CIRP Construct Positive Cross-Racial Interaction Positive Cross-Racial Interaction is a unified measure of students level of positive interaction with diverse peers. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

93 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute93 CIRP Construct Survey Items Positive Cross-Racial Interaction To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own: very often often Had intellectual discussions outside of class (3.57) Shared personal feelings and problems (3.52) Dined or shared a meal (2.72) Had meaningful and honest discussions about race/ethnic relations outside of class (2.46) Studied or prepared for class (2.22) Socialized or partied (2.12)

94 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute94 CIRP Construct Negative Cross-Racial Interaction Negative Cross-Racial Interaction is a unified measure of students level of negative interaction with diverse peers. Low represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more below the mean (i.e., lower than 45).

95 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute95 CIRP Construct Survey Items Negative Cross-Racial Interaction To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own: Had tense, somewhat hostile interactions (3.81) Felt insulted or threatened because of your race/ethnicity (2.63) Had guarded interactions (2.10) seldom never

96 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute96 CIRP Theme Diversity Self-Change: Knowledge of people from different races/cultures (much stronger/stronger) Frequency: Socialized with someone of another racial/ethnic group (frequently/occasionally) much stronger/frequently stronger/occasionally

97 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute97 CIRP Theme Diversity Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: In class, I have heard faculty express stereotypes based on race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation There is a lot of racial tension on this campus My college experiences have exposed me to diverse opinions, cultures, and values strongly agree agree I have felt discriminated against based on my race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation

98 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute98 CIRP Theme Diversity Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below. Racial/ethnic diversity of faculty Racial/ethnic diversity of student body Respect for the expression of diverse beliefs very satisfied satisfied

99 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute99 CIRP Theme Diversity Helping to promote racial understanding Improving my understanding of other countries and cultures essential very important

100 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute100 Diversity Had a roommate of a different race/ethnicity

101 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute101 Campus Climate

102 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute102 CIRP Construct Sense of Belonging Sense of Belonging measures the extent to which students feel a sense of academic and social integration on campus. High represents students who scored one-half standard deviation or more above the mean (i.e., higher than 55).

103 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute103 CIRP Construct Survey Items Sense of Belonging Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: strongly agree agree I feel I am a member of this college (5.10) I see myself as part of the campus community (2.95) If asked, I would recommend this college to others (2.50) I feel a sense of belonging to this campus (4.62)

104 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute104 Campus Climate If you could make your college choice over, would you still choose to enroll at your current (or most recent) college?

105 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute105 Religiosity / Spirituality

106 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute106 CIRP Theme Religiosity / Spirituality Self-Rating: Spirituality (highest 10% / above average) Agreement: I have felt discriminated against based on my race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation (strongly agree / agree) Goal: Developing a meaningful philosophy of life (essential / very important) highest 10%/frequently/strongly agree/essential above average/occasionally/agree/very important Frequency: Discussed religion (frequently / occasionally)

107 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute107 Religiosity / Spirituality Strengthened your religious beliefs/convictions

108 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute108 Health and Wellness

109 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute109 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Since entering this college, how often have you: Felt overwhelmed by all you had to doUnsafe on this campus frequently occasionally

110 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute110 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Please rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of college life listed below: Student health servicesStudent psychological services very satisfied satisfied

111 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute111 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Since entering this college, how often have you utilized the following services: Student health servicesStudent psychological services frequently occasionally

112 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute112 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age: Emotional healthPhysical health highest 10% above average

113 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute113 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Since entering this college, how often have you: Smoked cigarettes Drank wine or liquor Maintained a healthy diet Drank beer Had adequate sleep frequently occasionally Felt depressed

114 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute114 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness How many times in the past two weeks, if any, have you had five or more alcoholic drinks in a row? None1 or more times

115 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute115 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Since entering this college, how much time did you spend during the typical week doing the following activities: None< 1 hr1-2 hrs3-5 hrs6+ hrs Exercising/sports 6.1%10.4%19.0%26.8%37.7% Partying 29.2%10.8%15.4%22.9%21.6%

116 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute116 CIRP Theme Health and Wellness Since entering this college have you: Sought personal counseling yesno

117 Return to contents 2012 Your First College Year Survey Higher Education Research Institute117 For more information about HERI/CIRP Surveys (310) 825-1925

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