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Introduction to Law and the Legal System

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1 Introduction to Law and the Legal System
Chapter 1

2 What is “Law?” Set of rules made and enforced by the government
Why do we need Laws? Regulate the conduct of society! Rule of Law – everyone abides

3 Why Have Laws? Mold Society into Acceptable Behavior Protect Society
Resolve Conflict In order for a law to be effective it must have__________?

4 Why Does Society Punish People for Breaking a Law?
Retribution – “Eye for an Eye” Rehabilitation – Present Ideal of Society and Prisons Deterrence – prevention due to the consequences Incapacitation – so “dangerous” must exclude from rest of society

5 What is “Jurisprudence”
The study of law and how laws are made! The study of our legal system

6 Laws usually reflect the values of a society
3 Broad Areas of “Values” in our Society Moral values Right vs Wrong Economic values Protection of private property Political values Government and the people *Shipwrecked Sailors - page 7

7 What do YOU expect from our
legal system? Protect freedoms Promote fairness Resolve conflicts Help achieve goals Promote order Represent majority Protect minority

8 2 Types of Laws Criminal Laws that are used to protect public safety
Felonies Misdemeanors Civil Also called “lawsuits” Involve disputes between 2 parties over property/money Question: Which type occurs the most often?

9 Can an offense violate criminal and civil law
at the same time? Travis and Joe get into a fight. Travis is the initiator of the fight. Joe has to be taken to the hospital. What potential problems could Travis face???

10 What is the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?
Felony = offense that requires at least 1 year in prison Misdemeanor = offense that requires 1 year or less Question: Parking in a handicapped parking place is a ________?

11 Burden of Proof What is it?
Criminal case – “beyond a reasonable doubt” – all jurors/judge must have NO doubt about guilt Civil case – “preponderance of evidence” – all jurors/judge only must believe that defendant might be in the wrong Problem 1.7 – page 14 with a buddy

12 Federal – State – Local Laws
Federal – made by Congress and approved by the President. Affects ALL of the citizens in the U.S. example? State – made by state legislative body (Illinois – General Assembly). Affects citizens in that particular state. Example? Local – made by city council/mayor. Affects citizens in city limits. Example?

13 Where Do Are Laws Come From?
U.S. Constitution provides the framework of our country 3 Branches in our government Legislative Executive Judicial

14 Division of Powers Powers of the government divided into 3 branches
Checks and Balances Judicial Review by Supreme Court Allows the court to check “Constitutionality” of a law. Marbury v Madison What are Amendments?

15 Different Types of Laws
Federal Laws Congress – Federal Law always supersedes ! State Laws State Legislatures (Illinois General Assembly) Statutes Local Laws City Councils Ordinances

16 Chapter 2 How Are Laws Made?
Federal, State and Local Laws Laws are made by 3 different bodies: Legislative Agencies Courts - Judicial Review

17 Let’s Go Through the Process!

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