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Designing a Rotating Vessel For Production of 3-D Cardiac Tissue

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1 Designing a Rotating Vessel For Production of 3-D Cardiac Tissue
[Roli Kumar] [Advisors: Dr. Joey Barnett] 11/7/2018

2 Overview Importance of designing and building a rotating vessel
objectives Protocol for Cell Dissociation Design (Building + Testing) Results 11/7/2018

3 Background: Importance of 3-D Tissue
Replacement of damaged heart tissue caused by disease myocardial infarction (heart attack) surgical procedures radiational procedures Research a new route to drug delivery 11/7/2018

4 Myocardial Infarction
Single leading cause of death Reduced blood supply to the area irreversible damage limited regenerating potential 11/7/2018

5 Objectives Place cardiomyocytes in a rotating vessel and the cells should adhere to the walls. The cells should divide and become confluent. With continuous rotation the cells should adhere one on top of another Therefore formation of 3-D tissue and they will connect and beat. 11/7/2018

6 Tasks 1. Develop a protocol for dissociation of cardiomyocytes (CMC)
2. Design and test the rotating vessel 3. Display results with photographs 11/7/2018

7 Protocol for Dissociation of Cardiomyocytes
10 day old chick embryos are used Dissect ventricular portion Add trypsin Isolate myocytes from the red blood cells Add myocytes to fetal calf serum spin it down get pour off fetal calf serum suspend myocytes in growth medium dilute according to the no. of cells necessary 11/7/2018

8 How many cells are needed?
1.6X 10^5 cells/cm^2 surface area= SA of cylinder+SA half circle SA=2(pi)rh +.5(4(pi)r^2) No. of cells= SA sphere X (cell/cm^2) No. of cells= 3,455,200 cardiac cells 11/7/2018

9 Apparatus Set-Up Plastic Vessel Stainless Steel Holder Plastic Rod
* 07/16/96 Apparatus Set-Up Plastic Vessel Stainless Steel Holder Plastic Rod Rotating Platform Magnetic Stirrer 11/7/2018 *

10 Design Specifications (Needs)
End-over end mixing measurements at various speeds problem: too fast, too slow Solid body rotation suspending cells in a liquid medium proper cell to growth medium ratio Aeration medium usually contain bicarbonate Problem: CO2 is produced in a closed container 11/7/2018

11 Design Specifications (Actual)
End over end mixing Rotational speeds 100 rotations per minute Solid Body Rotation A ratio of 3 X 10^5 cell/ml Container holds 10 ml Aeration A Hepes buffer was used 11/7/2018

12 Results Visually see the difference between the monolayer growth in a plate and 3-D growth in a rotating vessel Pictures were taken of the monolayer growth after day 1 and day 5 Pictures have been taken after day 1 to show that the myocytes adhered to the wall. 11/7/2018

13 Current & Future Work Finding how long cells grow in Hepes buffer?
Continuously rotate until multiple layers adhere to the wall and one and another Take Pictures of 3-D tissue 11/7/2018

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