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1 D&AD

2 About the D&AD… Since 1962 the D&AD has been a company that prides itself in acknowledging the best creative minds and designers However the D&AD is not just a awards giving organization, it also has members, so creatives alongside clients are inspired by a world-class training program. The D&AD is a non-profit advertising and design association, which means that all its profits go into new programs like “New Blood” which stimulates the next generation talent The company has a board of elected Trusties, who lead the conversation each year. Also there is a president of the company, who has the job of motivating and bringing together the creative communities and celebrate the greatest in design and advertising Since it is a member run association the specific elected board are responsible for the programs and where the money is allocated.

3 The original background of the D&AD is that in 1962 a group of designers and art directors came together to raise the standards within the creative industry and recognize the creative minds; celebrate the advances made in the industry. D&AD is a non-profit organization that takes pride in giving back to the creative field, especially when it comes to developing and enriching the next generation through certain schemes. Additionally the D&AD like to campaign for the most talented next generation of designers and the creative industries to become involved in solving some of the world’s toughest and most social challenging issues.

4 The Next Photographer’s Award…
The Next Photographer’s Award is an award allocated by the D&AD, which is in partnership with the company GettyImages, a private company specializing in publishing, media, advertising and graphic design, marketing and communication departments The award is one that the public can apply for paying a fee of £25 per entry, however it is only for those whom have had 50% or less of their income in the last three years come from their own photography. There is a limit of submitting up to five images per person, but there isn’t a specific age limit and you can enter any photography including: fashion, portrait, editorial, art or advertising.

5 What do You Win? As well as the honor of winning the award the winner will also receive a number of prizes such as: Free travel from anywhere in the world to attend the D&AD Next Awards Showcase at the D&AD Festival in London Their work will be exhibited at the D&AD Next Awards Showcase £5,000 photography grant from GettyImages Their work published in Le Book 2017 D&AD Next Awards Pencil One-on-one portfolio meetings with up to five mentors and judges Work showcased in the D&AD Annual 2017 A full pass to attend D&AD Festival and D&AD Ceremony A year-long The Photographers’ Gallery Contemporaries Membership worth over £500 Worldwide publicity from D&AD and GettyImages

6 What the Audience Wants:
In my opinion and with the research I have done, I have discovered that the audience are looking for many different things when finding the photographer deserving of this award, for example: New innovative design concepts and ideas Unique use of angles and perspectives Some originality and passion shown through images Signs of future creative trends Pieces that understand issues affecting the creative world, alongside other issues, such as environmental World-changing work I would like to focus my target audience for anyone that is interested in photography whether old or young, however I feel that above 16 is a better age, considering the person will be more mature with the genres of photography and when using the equipment

7 The Photographer’s Gallery
Visual Literacy Workshop Here I have found that this course is quite expensive, as it is only running for one day It is a group workshop, so some people make not feel like they're receiving enough attention, as well as others might fall behind; working at different paces Additionally the audience is quite young, which is a good factor as the younger generation can take part

8 Photoion Photography School
Street Photography Workshop This workshop is also quite expensive, as it is £149 for one day, however unlike The Photographer’s Gallery, the amount of attendees is smaller A good and bad factor is the age section, since this workshop is open to multiple ages, however I feel some aspects of photography and using particular equipment, needs a certain amount of maturity I feel like the timings are not very flexible for people with busy lifestyles

9 London School of Photography
Wedding Photography Workshop I find that this course is very expensive compared to the last two, even if it is for a full weekend I do feel like the timings are better in comparison to the last two workshops, more convenient, and more versatile for people with busy lives On the other hand, when looking at the objective, I do feel like as a consumer you are getting your moneys worth

10 Nigel Wilson Photography
Camera Basics Workshop The fact that the amount of attendees is not specified shows that the group could either be too big or one-on-one The timings for this workshop is better as at it is on the weekend all day, which is more convenient for people who work Monday-Friday The fact that it’s portraying “intermediate level” shows that it is a more professional course

11 London Photo Tours Night Photography Workshop
This workshop is a much cheaper and more ideal price, compared to its competitors The timings would be ideal for people who are busy during the day, something that the other workshops did not offer A two hour course doesn’t seem long enough to produce great images and to learn about night photography

12 My Workshop I chose to have my audience as 16+, as I noticed that a lot of the other workshops didn’t cater to a younger audience, additionally I feel that all ages should be able to improve their skills I chose to have the overall cost at £30, as I think this is more of a fairer and accessible price, compared to many of the other workshops that seemed quite overpriced I chose to have two timings (one during the morning and one in the evening) to be appealing to all people and lifestyles The duration of 5 days, I feel is better than most of the other workshops I researched, for example “London Photo Tours” and “Photoion Photography School” only had their workshops running for one day Additionally I feel like with the research I did there weren’t many photography workshops offering “Food Photography”, which I believe would really help upcoming chefs and restaurant owners with social media outlets like Instagram and also for developing their menus Additionally I think that, because I have chosen a “one-on-one” scheme, which is only available on the market for a higher price, this will make my workshop more worthwhile and eye-catching to consumers

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