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Drug Choices What drug kills more in the U.S. yearly?

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2 Drug Choices

3 What drug kills more in the U.S. yearly?

4 NICOTINE 430,000 die (3 million world wide) 10 million have diseases $100 billion in health care cost 3,000 youth begin each year 88% start before age 18 #s ^ in 1990s (dwn amg college fresh. 1999) 2/3 have tried to stop

5 What is the drug of choice for college students?

6 ALCOHOL 76-90% drink occasionally; 60% consume 2+ per week 10-20% are heavy drinkers (14+ per week) 50 deaths each year at college parties BAC of.4 to.5 = likely death

7 What group uses more drugs daily?

8 ELDERLY 2/3 of 65 & older take one drug per day 1/4 take 3+ a day (some take 10+) 2 bil. prescriptions in U.S yearly ($100 b.) Also use of herbs and vitamins is high 4 out of 5 times we self medicate Adv. up- $345mil. (95);$1bil.+ (97)

9 What do these drugs have in common? In some way, they are all legal and they can all have significant health consequences.

10 What drugs am I willing to put in my body?

11 Prescribed Medications? OTC Treatments? Legal recreational substances? Illegal drugs?

12 Which ones do I believe are safest?

13 Cocaine? Marijuana? Alcohol? Tylenol? Tobacco? Natural Herbs?

14 Make Safer Choices

15 The University of Houston Wellness Center Choose learning… Choose leading… Choose health… Rm. 35, University Center 713/743-5455 For questions or comments, click below:

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